₊· ͟͟͞͞➳˚ Everyone out of Riverclan is a stranger.

The thought itself makes her insides churn with unease though she supposed that she can trust them or at least, the other clans, she's unsure of Windclan given their reputation and the stories of a few specific Windclan cats she heard about when she had been younger and nestled near the belly of Smokethroat. Sablepaw, Ratpaw, and her own littermates weren't always by her side even if she wished that they could stay so she simply let's her mismatched gaze search around the crowd noticing that there was a few Shadowclanners possibly making sure that they were all settling in well or as best as they could. She wonders if she hadn't been injured during the last rogue skirmish she'd be one of the few to make the walk to the Carrionplace and have to hunt a rat, her snout creases with disgust at the thought of trash eating rats but Chilledstar had been generous enough to even give them anything.

Her eyes settle onto a smaller figure amongst the Shadowclanners and her large ears perk forward, Beepaw decides that she might as well try and socialize with others especially when she didn't know how long they'd stay here before possibly getting chased out again. She hopes for a different outcome and rises carefully to her legs making sure not to strain her injury too much even if she winces at the pain, Beepaw keeps her leg lifted a little so she wouldn't put too much weight onto it and approaches the other molly after ducking away from a few Shadowclan warriors. "Uhm hi... I'm Beepaw," She starts to say with her tail flicking behind her and continues with a slow nod "What's your name?" The kingsblood is tired but she'd make the effort of making a friend or two, who knows, maybe they'd run into one another at the next gathering.

"What do you guys usually eat around here?" She asks with genuine curiosity in her voice and the smoke molly sits down carefully, she makes sure that her leg is in a comfortable position before focusing her attention to Caterpillarpaw once more, and offers a smile albeit a little bit of an awkward one. She wonders if Riverclan is truly the only clan that eats fish but maybe Shadowclan is different.

/ please wait for @CATERPILLARPAW. to reply

  • beekit_chibi.png
    ❥ 4 moons old
    ❥ riverclan apprentice
    ❥ sexuality unknown; single
    ❥ daughter of cicadastar and smokethroat
    ❥ sister of cicadapaw & starlightpaw
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ❥ easy; still learning how to fight
    ❥ peaceful powerplay allowed