camp Fun little "surprise" || o. Prompt Lights

Someone has said they've seen flickering lights in the marsh at night. Legends say to follow these lights will lead you to your death.

You've wasted your life, but thanks for applying

Snowkit had been pushed out of the nursery, forced into having to be dealt with the camp of Shadowxlan while it was in the light of its silence. Some out on patrols while others where busy grooming each others furs. Of course, at first the young kit figure she could easily just sneak up on some of them, maybe if she recognized someone do a little scare...? Right? So she found herself crawling awkwardly on the ground while hugging close to the walls of camp, her mismatced ears perked as she attempted to hide in the shadows.

Closer and closer she got until she heard their conversation about something... flickering lights? At night? And if you follow them, you could...die? Having an ounce of courage the girl spoke up "H-have you seen them?" her yellow eyes went wide, wondering if they had just spotted the little kit and made the story up in an attempt to scare her or... if it was true. Was it really that dangerous beyond the safety and comfort of the camp? Or were these just tales told to anyone in attempts to scare them of their wits?

Feel free to have your character be the one telling the story/legend! ))

Unlike her peers, Halfkit is not guillable. Not anymore. She takes the words of adults at face value and, until they can prove that they are trustworthy she won't believe a word from their mouths. Currently, the only adults she trusts are Starlingheart and Frostbite. Smogmaw was well on his way to joining their ranks, but for the time he was still a stranger to her. Still, that doesn't stop her from enjoying the story that was being spun for her and Snowkit, who, like her, had been driven from the nursery in the name of cleaning.

A cross expression graces her features as the other kit says something to her "Do I look like I've seen them? Now shhh I'm trying to listen!" she whispers loudly before turning eyes round with wonder back to whoever it was that was speaking. "How do lights kill anyone?" she asks, her voice incredulous. Regardless, she would never have to worry about falling prey to them. She would never follow anyone but herself into the unknown again.

// set after her return!


swallowkit 01 moons polygender any pronouns shadowclan kit

" Maybe they have a really scary friend who eats cats, " Swallowkit pipes up eagerly - flopping over onto her back beside snowkit with a groan and a stretch. " But it's probably just more lies the grownups are telling us to like, make us behave or something. They do that a lot you know, try to scare you. So that you'll be a braver warrior or whatever- " she drawls, mismatched blue eyes staring mournfully at the two she-cat with utter seriousness. It's strange, having halfkit back - but honestly, swallowkit can be fussed to care too much just yet. Maybe she'll change her mind if the other girl goes back to being loud.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'



This was a ridiculous story one he did not believe in one slightest bit. Lividkit knew better then to believe everything the adults said in this clan. Even the apprentices could be untrustworthy at times. So he fully agreed with Swallowkit that this story carried more lies than truth in it. Despite that he did not share his thoughts with the other kits. Lividkit was not an outspoken kit the complete opposite to what his name claimed him to be.

" What're you guys talking about! that sounds like some fun apprentice adventure to look forward to in the future!. I really wanna become a light hunter now!, the greatest of them all!" Basilkit suddenly spoke out aloud from his spot beside his brother to engage in the conversation. The two were the complete opposite of one another. Whilst Lividkit would pick silence anytime of the day Basilkit loved to be in the center of attention. Basilkit grinned widely, his eyes shining oh so brightly. Life in camp was so boring. He couldn't wait to become an apprentice to go out there to explore and be a part of adventures and danger!. Basilkit was tired of being a kit already and wished for some freedom at final last which would be given to him once becoming an apprentice which would be soon. Very soon.

" Psst, maybe...maybe we could sneak out and find out if this light monsters really exists like tonight?." he would suggest with a low voice, attempting to caught the attention of the other kits and get them to accompany him in some illegal adventures. Why wait for?. However, his mischief did not got overlooked by Lividkit who was highly unimpressed with this idea and showed his brother side gentle with his elbrow. " You will do no such thing." he would hiss at them. Lividkit was not going to let his brother get in any trouble. Not as long he had something to say about it.