camp funny valentine l rta


good fences, good neighbors
Sep 10, 2022

Sticking out like a sore thumb doesn't even begin to describe how Wolverinefang shuffling around Riverclan's camp, not just culturally but physically himself. Even as the time in the unclaimed lands ate away at his body mass and the ensuing winter, he's built big genetically. Unusually large for Shadowclan, he feels even more like a monster stomping his way around Riverclan and looking down at his new clanmates with an attempt at neutrality. It's hard enough playing nice with cats who used to be the butt of jokes in his old home. They probably wouldn't appreciate his sense of humor either way, not right out the gate, but it's his nature to be snarky and he often finds himself pulling his dark lips into a fine line until they feel numb. Or maybe that's this damnable cold (probably that). He should be grateful but it's hard when he never wanted to be here to begin with.

The tom flops down onto the cold ground with an exaggerated sigh. There's more pressing problems here. Some Riverclan kit welp could whoop him at fishing so far and the frigid, ice slush river inching closer freaks him out more than he'd like to admit. He used to slurp grubs out of the squishy ground back in Shadowclan to keep his bulk up but he can't even manage that now. Here even dirt feels like stone because of the frost and the proximity to the water. He's just lucky his old home was already a cold damp wasteland or else he might have already caught his death by now. It makes him worry about his kits and Bone, feeling obliged to make sure they're all taken care of like an half decent father should but how can he help or impart any knowledge onto them when he's a fish out of water himself? He snorts to himself, unapologetic of his pun. "I'm stumped," he admits to no one in particular and sneezes a snowflake away with a chest seizing aggression.

Wolverine just need to reset his perspective, that's all. He doesn't have the luxury of being a selfish bum anymore and his family is all of the motivation he needs but there's this urge to put a name on it. Oh, a name! That's it. Bone changed hers, he should change his to suit this new life. It makes sense but he can't help the sour taste it puts in the back of his mouth. He misses Shadowclan in a way and it's the last bit he has left of it. He rubs his paw against his head and sighs. Plus, his history with coming up with names isn't exactly the brightest at best, creatively bankrupt at worst. He remembers discussing baby names and asking, "What about Shadowtraitor?" Bone didn't really appreciate that joke.

"Wolverine... Er..." Wolve scrubs his pawpad into his bangs, mildly disturbed by how dumb he feels sometimes. He's too literal for this and he has a hard enough time remembering his mate's name change but he'll try at least. "Wolverinestick. Wolverinewater. Wolverinefish." Now that one, it has a ring to it for him (for some starclan-forsaken reason). Straight to the point! It's a testament to how little he really understands about Riverclan and he's self aware enough to understand the issue in that but would he admit it? Fat chance. "Wolverinefish. Yeah, yeah." He nods very assuredly to himself.
In every situation you give me peace
She sat idle by the mouth of the nursery for some time now, silently watching her father murmur softly to himself, occasionally lifting a paw to scrub the top of his head. Bright periwinkle eyes blink in a slow manner as she eventually stands to her paws, casting a glance over her shoulder before walking towards him. Wandering this far shouldn't be an issue if she were with her parent, right. Her paws create minimal noise as she encroaches, ears angled forward to catch the multitude of name changes the tom gave himself. "Wolverinestream, Wolverinesplash, Wolverine...umm?" She chimes in, eventually giving pause once she ran out of ideas. By now she's wearing a smile, sitting herself down as her tail comes to wrap around her paws. "What about...Wolverinestar? Has a nice ring to it if you ask me." She chuckles softly, glancing up at the tom.
Don't gotta be afraid because you're in the lead
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Clay isn’t sure of the context, but Wolverinefang is listing off names, all starting with Wolverine and ending with whatever second part the tom comes up with. Even his kit is pitching in, spouting off ideas for her father. Boneripple changed her name upon joining the clan, but Clay truthfully didn’t expect for her mate to also seek out a name change for himself.

"Wolverinepelt would fit you," he chimes in, a chirp of a laugh following the words. Clayfur, Mudpelt, Chamomilefur, and Wolverinepelt. That would be an interesting group, he thinks. Maybe they could convince Cicadastar to give some of the apprentices the same second part of their names. Darkpelt. Iciclefur. Spiritfur. Tempestpelt. Yeah, it works on every name!

He offers the kit a grin—Wolverinestar indeed would be cool. He can see the tom as leader; he’s well-suited for it, with his intimidating appearance. Clayfur tips his head to the side, curious. "Honestly, though, Wolverinefang sounds just fine. Why do you wanna change it?" Shouldn’t he, like, be clinging to the last thread that’s tying him to ShadowClan? His name is the only thing he’s carried over with him that is not totally RiverClan’s now—even the man’s kits are riverborn, with the exception of Fogpaw who is now a RiverClanner all the same.

Clay doesn’t think he’d ever be kicked out of RiverClan, nor would he leave of his own volition now that he’s made his nest here, but in the case of it happening he thinks he’d hold tightly onto the name the clan has given to him. Perhaps Wolverine sees it differently, though; the circumstances under which he left ShadowClan are still a bit unclear. Had he done it for himself, or simply followed along behind his mate? Maybe he wants to rid himself of Briarstar and Pitchstar’s grip, shed the marks that the clan has left on him.
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[] Whtie paws were tucked under a black chest and these glowing orange eyes watched the group of cats as they talked. Their father was debating on a name for himself as their mother had changed her name when she came to the clan. Though did he need too? What was the purpose? What was so wrong about their names now? Silentkit didn't understand their parents history or what was so bad about where they came from. They never talked about it, and Silentkit wanted to know why.

The young kitten shifted in their spot beside their father, they seemed rather attached at the hip to their dad, and they spoke very softly, "Why're you gonna change your name for? I like it the way it is," Would Wolverinefang still be their father with a different name? They weren't sure but they didn't like the sound of it at all.


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Gaining the company of his little girl makes the father cat's demeanor brighten and his long bushy tail sets to swishing up dusts of snow. "Look at you! You're way better at this than me," he rumbles with humor, somewhat good-naturedly embarrassed to be upstaged by his young kit. Kids do tend to be more creative than adults or at least less likely to fear coming off as silly. He reaches a paw out, aiming to gently scoot Sablekit against the fluff of his chest to defend her from the cold while his tail arches to make sure that Silentkit is still comfortable at his side. "Wolverinestar! Now that'd be some crazy shi-- stuff. In, In a good way," he laughs nervously at his own near screw ups, half expecting Bone to suddenly appear behind him for his near slip up. For someone born and raised snarky in an environment prone to careless words (combined with his limited experience with children before this), he has to be very mindful of what he says and how it might come off. In reality, there was a time in his life that he wasn't even sure he'd make it to a warrior, much less anything higher than that and that was in his homeland. Right now, he's only focused on trying to be a decent dad. But... "It does have a ring to it," he purrs with a lopsided grin.

Wolverine's lemon eyes shift up to Clayfur then, examining the scruffy furred tom with a near wariness. He's expecting him to say that's ridiculous, stupid, an insult to Riverclan or the like, before Wolve suddenly chortles in disbelief at his innocuous words. Phew.

Crap, now he needs to cover those words up, "Hah! Believe it or not, that was almost my name! At least all of the elders used to say things like that." He's not really lying though that included his name almost being "the greedy little monster" and "rat teeth" so who knows how truthful that was. Still, it made sense for his color frazzled pelt at the time. "But then I grew these." He bares his teeth with a playful growl under his breath, like a giant off-white wall of canyon stones but his daggered fangs stretch far, even past his lips when they're closed. He licks the freezing air away from his gums then pauses at Clay's next words and blinks. "Oh. Well... That's a good question actually," he admits, flexing his jaws on a humming frown. A pledge to be of a turned leaf? A sacrifice for devotion? His name was given to him by Shadowclanners and it's certainly of that flavor but he's never associated it with anything but himself who happened to be a Shadowclanner. He's always been an individualist, even as a clan cat, but that's become muddled with all of these jarring changes to his life. Ultimately, all for a good purpose as he looks down at his children. Blinking on the realization that comes sailing in like a rock to his skull, he says softer than his usual gruff tone, "I guess I thought it'd be easier for them."

The large tom's attention shifts to Silentkit then and he smiles at their softspoken nature and leans down to gently press his nose to their tiny head. Back when he was a bachelor, kits being clingy was his nightmare but now that he's a father, it's a relief to have a child more inclined to stick close to his pops. Especially with Skunkkit always seeming to perform his disappearing acts so easily; though his father is catching on. "Your dad's just being silly. I won't change it, okay? Just for you," he promises before adding the caveat with a glance to Clayfur and Sablekit. "Unless, I get to be Wolverinestar. Because, I mean, come on." Fat chance, but he can let his kids dream about being clan bigwigs if they want. They'll have to face their parent's past one day but that doesn't need to be today.