camp FUTURE IDEALS // prompt, chatting

//Prompt: Does Shiningsun ever aspire to climb the ranks in the clan or is he content with his lot in life?

The buzz in the warriors den that evening seemed to revolve around who would become the next lead warrior, and around ranks that they dreamed about holding the most. It was all theoretical, even though WIldheart's outbursts were more so vows and promises, demands even. Shiningsun couldn't help but chuckle as he listened from the safe warmth of his nest. At least they were out of the cold and away from the bitter sting of the snow, even if it was just for a little while.

Eventually the conversation wormed its way round to him as he was asked about whether he had any goals for the future. "Me? Well, I..." Shiningsun had to pause and think. Did he have a rank that he wished to attain? Lead warrior? Deputy? Leader? The tip of his tail twitched as he shuffled into a sitting up position. "Hm... I guess I'm just happy with being here, I don't really care about what rank I hold. I just care about being a good ThunderClanner." He announced proudly with a wide smile. The answer was met with a loud "LAME!" from Wildheart, though it did nothing to dwindle Shiningsun's good mood.

As he laid back down again he began to think a little more deeply on the matter. What if he ever ascended in the ranks, what sort of cat would he be? Would he hold onto his good nature, or would he ever risk losing it? Having such authority and power could change a cat, and he honestly never wanted to lose himself. "I'm not sure I ever want to be anything more..." He whispered to himself as his smile faded away.

It’s rowdy inside the warrior’s den tonight, though Raccoonstripe finds himself contented to listen to the younger cats’ talk about who would be joining Howlingstar’s council next. His former apprentice, Wildheart, can be heard above all the rest, proclaiming his greatness and his ambitions. The tabby blinks at him with amusement. Ambition isn’t a bad thing, in his eyes, though he doesn’t know if he’d be quite so candid about his own. Nightbird and Berryheart have heard him proclaim his self-determined destiny many times, and he knows in his own heart that somehow, some way, he will lead ThunderClan one day. Until then, he’s content with knowing, as Shiningsun says, that he’s the ‘best ThunderClanner he can be.’

That’s a good attitude to have,” Raccoonstripe says mildly, shooting Wildheart a look with a quirked brow. His comment of LAME! doesn’t seem to faze Shiningsun, though the golden tom’s mouth slowly fades into a frown as he loses himself in thought. “But perhaps there are other things you want to be. Mate, father, best hunter in the Clan… there’s never just one answer.” He shrugs. He’d never aspired to being called ‘mate’ by anyone, but if Nightbird were to be in the den tonight, he’d share a quick look with her. As for father, well… that’s a road he’s still not ready to seriously consider.

, ”

Shiningsun brought his gaze towards Raccoonstripe as the lead warrior spoke, both praising his attitude but also presenting other options in regards to life roles beyond that of ranks. During all of the discussions going on he had actually forgotten that life could be so much broader, though even then he still didn't know where he stood. Unlike much of his peers he hadn't really dabbled in flirting or thinking about taking on a mate. Heck, he wasn't even sure of what he liked when it came to males and females, or if he liked either at all. Being a father was certainly a dream he would have liked to achieve, but that still involved finding a life partner to begin with. And best hunter? He was average in skill and he knew so many others would be better deserving of such a title.

The tom only seemed to become ever more troubled as he waded deeper into his thoughts. "I... um... I don't think I have any goals like that. Unless you count wanting to be the friendliest warrior ever as being something to achieve?" A smile was beamed but it lacked the usual sunny flare, and all too swiftly it faded away. Shiningsun had to admit that he had no plans or goals beyond simply existing, and would that even be enough? Should he be dreaming of more?

"Raccoonstripe, what do you want to be? Beyond the obvious." Maybe he could draw some inspiration from the others in the den, or at least he hoped he could.

After she had returned from the journey, sleeping in the Warrior's Den had felt as foreign as it had when she first joined the clan. However, now she couldn't imagine sleeping out in the open again. It had taken her longer to readjust than she had originally thought, but as she laid down in her warm nest listening to the younger warriors gossip she knew she felt at home. They all shared their dreams and aspirations about climbing the ranks or other goals that they had. Wildheart's seemed to be more like promises, and she inwardly chuckled at the thought of the rowdy young tom someday gaining power. She had no doubt that some day he would, he had always been proud and powerful, but he had some more maturing to do first.

When the others quieted down again, she could hear Shiningsun and Raccoonstripe talking. The golden tom wasn't as ambitious about some of their other clanmates, but that wasn't necessarily a bad thing. Raccoonstripe asked if there was anything else that motivated him, and she looked towards Shiningsun curiously to await his answer. Unless you count wanting to be the friendliest warrior ever as being something to achieve? the young tom responded with a quickly disappearing smile. "There's nothing wrong with that. The clan needs plenty of friendly faces." she responded softly, bringing herself into the conversation, before turning to her councilmate to see what his response was.
  • IMG_1727.png
    LH red tabby with low white (masks black tabby, carries dilute, solid)
    — Lead Warrior of Thunderclan ; currently mentoring Acornpaw
    — she/her ; mated with Flycatcher
    — mother to Stormfeather & Falconheart
    — 27 moons ; ages on the 20th
    — Smells like dirt, old leaves, tree sap, faint hint of flowers
    — will start a fight, will finish fights, will kill (case depending)
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — penned by Icey ! ; link to tags
    — link to toyhouse


How she'd been roped into this conversation she wasn't sure. Regardless, she felt the need to comment as always. Most of her clanmates seemed to have it covered, but what point would be proven if she only laid and listened to her clanmates? "We need warriors anyways. We can't all be leader and deputy, so why not ensure that there are cats willing to take on the role of a warrior or lead warrior and be content with it?" The clan wouldn't thrive with a lack of warriors. If everyone was fighting over leadership or even planning a takeover of leadership for themselves, what would become of the clan?
don't try to rush your enemies .
The warrior had never thought of climbing higher, the thought of becoming something more settled sourly in his stomach. He enjoyed his freedom. To be shackled down by rules and expectations that were not that of a daily warrior appealed little to him. He was an adventurous soul, traveling for as far as the eye could see with tells of stories that left others befuddled as he left them to transverse elsewhere. Always moving, never staying in place for too long until he joined ThunderClan where he settled, taking each day with an open mind with well-hidden emotions swirling languidly within a passionate soul.

“It seems we share similar ideals.” He rumbled, glancing at Coyotebite, amber optics crinkling. “I am rather content with being a warrior. I ask for nothing more.” He hummed.
thought speech
Shiningsun still looks troubled, turning the question back on Raccoonstripe. The tabby flicks an ear sideways, letting Flamewhisker, Coyotebite, and Oakfang speak instead. He finds himself nodding along to what they say. “Certainly, there’s nothing more honorable than living life as a warrior and serving your Clan. It’s the best any of us could hope for.” When—not if, but when—he becomes leader someday, after all, Raccoonstripe will want a troupe of devoted and fierce warriors who support him and his cause.

But to share his ambitions so openly—no, he’s not such a fool. He winks loftily toward Shiningsun. “My goal is to die a feared warrior with a hundred victories and a hundred adoring she-cats tending me in the elder’s den.” His whiskers tremble with amusement even as he speaks it into existence.

, ”

Goals of finding a place upon Howlingstar's council were for others, not for him. It was not that Pebblestep wouldn't like to be someone important, it was just that it would be unattainable for someone like him. He had peaked as an apprentice, sinking his teeth into a vicious dog at the expense of the straightness of his tail, adulthood had done nothing but remind him that he probably wasn't even good enough to be a ThunderClan Warrior. He smiled politely as the others continued their conversation around him, feeling a sort of kinship with the others for their desire to remain as warriors too. Some ambitions were a little more... lofty (Pebblestep found himself cringing at Raccoonstripe's request, unable to find the humour in it), and with the weight of the ThunderClanners' conversations on his shoulders, the lilac tom spoke up. He shook out his fur and took a deep breath. "It is my goal to fight with all my power to make sure nothing hurts my home." 'To be useful no matter what... to prove I belong here.' "I can probably just do that as a warrior... being a council member or leader wouldn't help me there."