private gangsta | lichentail



જ➶ A white streak along arched back stretches as the woman wakes up from her slumber. Another day of enduring ill looks from those that are supposed to be her clanmates. She has been here for moons now, joining River before Hyacinthbreath did. But now it seems all anyone can see in her is Shadowclanner again. A part of her is slightly amused by the change of events. Perhaps she should have seen it coming considering that anyone else within the riverbed who hasn't come here or been born here would also reflect on her. Still she kept her own head down long enough to make sure that her family lived in peace. Her own mate died here upon the river that he did not want to even come to. Only doing so because she vouched it would be safe. She feels like such a liar now. Tired eyes blink as she finally stands up from her stretch and she leaves from the den. Her mind barely flutters to the fresh kill pile though her eyes do stare at it. Though a morning meal will be nice she has no appetite. Instead she finds herself wanting to just have a slow start to the day. Maybe a short little mini patrol to warm up her body. Maybe she can find someone to come with her despite everything. Really she has no misgivings toward any Riverclanners besides those that openly destest her. If they chose to hold her noses up at her as if she hasn't done enough to be called a Riverclanner then she will do the same to them. But she is relieved that her gaze settles on a familiar pelt.

As quiet as the night that has given way to day the molly approaches Lichentail. Her smile is friendly, casual as she dips her head in greeting. "Do you have time for a quick morning patrol with me? Just to check out the twoleg bridge, maybe even the gorge?" Either one will be fine. Although she does find herself wanting to make sure that Windclan hasn't tried to secretly cross their border and cause trouble.
Really she wouldn't put it past them. Thunderclan has been quiet which she finds suitable for now.

It is a ritual of sorts, to greet the sun and stretch and feel every edge of her body. Closed eyes help with the concentration, claws extended as she leans back into a near-uncomfortable arch; satisfying in the way their back shifts slightly to accommodate the reach. As she dares to take a peek at the rest of the clan waking for their morning duties, it is the sight of a familiar black and white molly that piques her interest. And sure enough... the former medicine cat makes a bee line for her. Adjusting to stand as normal, Boneripple greets her with a familiarity they hadn't shared in until recently. It was... alarming, almost... how quickly friendships could form from the weirdest of conversations.

In this case, they had both agreed on the chilling coldness of their clan and it had gotten both of them a firm retort from Cicadastar. Though they hadn't had the will to seek him out and speak with him (mostly to explain she had meant no harm...), they had done their best not to cause any more trouble to ease whatever lingering anger the crane-like leader might have.

It was an offer that she couldn't refuse, getting the chance to have a little extra work done before the first rays of dawn could truly settle over their comfortable little valley. "I'd be happy to," is the reply they offer though an agonizing nervousness settles in their belly at the mention of WindClan's borders specifically....

At least this time she wasn't alone... she would be safe...

"I would be surprised if they tried to trespass on the bridge again after Smokethroat caught one of the rabbit queen's kin there but... better to check than not to. Lead the way.."
જ➶ "I wouldn't either. They never seem to know their place. Though Sootstar has been...assertive even before she became egotistical because of Starclan." Yes she does blame Starclan for this because if they had not chosen to come down and intervene, given these cats nine lives. Power and authority wouldn't have gotten to their heads. She feels like there has been more bloodshed since the formation of the clans than previously when they didn't even exist. A slow frown pulls at her muzzle at the thought but she refrains from thinking too hard. Maybe her sister would be alive now if it weren't for the clans. Turning hear head she motions with her tail and together she leads the way from camp. Of course they have their trusty eyes but she hardly cares. She is more concerned on what they might find out here. She is quiet for the walk, listening to the running water and the way it sounds so calm. But it's a hidden beast.

Glancing over her shoulder she looks to Lichentail, a thought pulling into her gaze. "How long have you been in Riverclan? From its creation?" She is merely curious, no one really talks to her much beyond pleasantries. She would like to get to know the other. "I lived in the marshes before Riverclan existed. Before Shadowclan. We were just calles the Marsh Colony back then." Such distant memories and she pauses upon a small rising bank.