GARDEN OF EDEN ✧ ricekit


Apr 25, 2024

  • RICEPAW; has no qualms about her name; its just there.
    princess-like and regal, who is without being perfect? hailing from a daylight warrior father and a warrior mother, her bloodline isn't quite prestigious... though that never stops her. born to three siblings, whitekit, dogwoodkit, and stormkit, it's hard for her not to feel like a great protector... and get extremely jealous when she views another "taking" her job.
    rice after the plant, paw for her ranking
    — cisgender female; she/her; unknown sexuality
    — kit of skyclan, does not hold a very high regard for skyclan as its the only thing she knows
    — created 4.25.2024 at 3 moons / ages every 10th / chosen from litter on 4.24.2024
    — penned by you; playlist ; pinterest ; toyhouse
    Curly-furred, maned & regal; Ricekit holds herself with a distinguished air, poised almost like a viper, poised as if she were always conducting something important. Body language and how she carries herself is one of the most important things and its certainly displayed in the way she looks, the way she walks with a gait almost dainty & deer-like. She takes great pride in her appearance, always clean; she’s never found with any sticks or leaves caught in her fur as she’d rather be caught dead than caught off-guard.

    White fur wraps her like ribbons, curling upwards to the heavens themselves and swirling to the very earth below like ocean waves. She has inherited her fathers looks, an idol that walks both paths, down to the very color of his ivory fur to the tufts on his ears like snow-capped peaks on a mountain. The only difference his daughter has is the slightly different shade of their eyes: hers a fern green, his a field green. She has a well-groomed mane that swirls around her chest like a feather boa would.

    Green eyes are typically narrowed, hidden judgment and envy swirling through them; she masks the emotions quite well, and those who know her would just think she just has a resting bitch-face.

    50% laperm | carries straight fur, solid | white masking blue lynx point. reference sheet
    Ricekit puts a lot into her princess-like behavior and it all stems from the grandiose stories her father has told her. Molded by the princesses of long-time past, forged in fire as her own, she’s anything but a damsel in distress. She’ll speak when she feels like its needed, she’s strongwilled and unwilling to back down from certain opinions… Only backing down when theres authority figures nearby. After all, a princess doesn’t look good in trouble.

    She seems to have gotten her mothers sharp tongue & intense nature, the two things she seemingly inherited from her. She domineers the conversations she has, or at least tries to, enjoying the feeling of being in charge; not afraid to let others know they’re doing something wrong if it benefits her in the end. She’s judgy to other kits & envious of what could be, especially if she feels like they’re copying her or trying to steal her thing.

    A daddy’s girl at heart, Ricekit (even with her judging nature) cannot bring herself to hate daylight warriors or even look at them in a bad light. To her they’re just another part of the clan. She often searches for his attention, for stories, and its the one time she’ll fully sit down to listen, giving all of her attention completely and utterly.

    She partakes in theatrics, the one time a kitten-like personality will show through. She gets too in to games sometimes, often hurting feelings or completely honing in on the part she is playing, unaware of the outside world around her. Her favorite part to play is the hero, the judge, the jury, and the executioner. One could only assume why with how her personality is.

    constantly grooming her fur to stay & feel pretty. tends to get a little too in to play-time. mean sometimes, even when she does not mean to be. tends to be unnecessarily cruel when upset or envious. manipulative even on accident; tries to get her way a little too much.
    ricekit loves to be in charge, in a friendship, in any conversation; as long as one follows, and does not clash with her for power, she's happy to keep a friendship... she only makes certain exceptions if they do clash.
    SOUNDS LIKE: ???? voiceclaim clip
    SMELLS LIKE: hyacinths & lilies | slightly poisonous hidden by sweet scents
    speech is #f0a78e
    HERONSTEP xx CAULIFLOWERCURL, sibling to stormpaw, dogwoodpaw, whitepaw
    being mentored by blank
    mate to n/a | parent to n/a
    NOTABLE FRIENDS: hollypaw, jellypaw
    NOTABLE ENEMIES: weedpaw
    SONG NAME - artist

  • ○○○○○○○○○○ HUNTING: knowledge level. Expand on amnt. of knowledge.
    ●●○○○○○○○○ CLIMBING: knowledge level. Expand on amnt. of knowledge.

    ○○○○○○○○○○ TRACKING: knowledge level. Expand on amnt. of knowledge.
    ○○○○○○○○○○ COMBAT: knowledge level. Expand on amnt. of knowledge.
  • meow
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