garden of eden | climbing lesson

Well, Orangeblossom had asked her to help with the warrior training, and here Howlfire was holding a climbing lesson. It seemed like a bit of an obvious choice really but it was the one skill she felt comfortable sharing and helping teach others.

By the time she had called her lesson, she had gained a handful of temporary students, good and inexperienced climbers combined. She swept her gaze over each of them in turn, making a mental note of what skills they all had before deciding where to go from there. Since there were a few more inexperienced cats present, she thought it wouldn't hurt to start with the basics. "For those of you who aren't so comfortable climbing or hunting in the trees let's start from the beginning," Howlfire mewed, speaking like some wise old elder, instead of the young warrior she was. "Step forward and stand up against the tree," She instructed, gesturing them forward with a flick of her head. "Focus on what the bark feels like underneath your paws. Focus on what it looks like in front of you." If they were following her words, she would give her students an affirming nod. "A good climber needs to be able to look where they're going and feel where they're putting their paws. They need to be confident and assured in their movements. You cannot just cling to the tree otherwise you might fall and injure yourself."

𓍢ִ໋ 𔓘𓉸𔓘⁺˖ There is an absurdity inherent to learning, which is far less glaring when performed by kits than someone a little over the middling age. Groping a treetrunk, for example, is absolutely ridiculous when it's Duny, but he does his best to be a good sport about it nonetheless. The only thing worse than appearing foolish is appearing embarrassedly foolish, so the application of a little poise cannot go neglected. He flexes his toes against the bark and glances at Howlfire, who wields a certain self-assurance of her own.

"Am I right in assuming that there is always a risk of falls and injuries when climbing?" He asks pleasantly, his gaze running up the length of the tree. "What is so inadvisable about holding onto the tree as squirrels do?" It is genuine curiosity, without provocation or objection.

  • ooc:
  • DUNY (Dunyazad) / / 48 moons old / / uses masculine pronouns, but does not mind the use of neutral pronouns.
    — daylight warrior in training / / mouser for a private cemetery, and as such, is a fairly practiced hunter (of rodents).
    — queer like perusing fabric bolts / / single & a bit flirtatious, but incredibly unlikely to enter a romantic relationship.

    a slightly plump blue smoke/black chimera with a very distinct, mask-like facial marking. he is not especially tall; very little (if anything) about him is immediately intimidating, but at times his gravestone-moss eyes are a bit too incisive. it's easy to get the impression that he knows something you do not, and it's entirely to his benefit, though his demeanor is (nearly always) impeccably polite and cheerful.


"Climbing is always risky," Howlfire confirmed with a grim nod. "Even a cat who climbs every day might accidentally slip or fall. And I can tell you from personal isn't pleasant to fall from a tree." The injury she had gained was mercifully only temporary but Howlfire could still recall how unpleasant it had been falling from the tree and the initial sensation of hurting herself.

For what it was worth, Duny seemed like a willing participant in her lesson and was being a good sport, even if she suspected he might have been putting it on a bit. "Have you tried jumping in a tree before?"