GARDEN STATE [ ✦ ] thunderclan dusk patrol

Dusk hangs heavily in the sky above them. It colors the horizon in shades of pink and purple and bathes the landscape in its pale glow. It is perhaps one of Little Wolf's favorite times of day, the moment right before night breaks where the world grows still. All the creatures seem to hold their breath as they await the suns eventual disappearance. It is a time for sharing a meal and tongues, and it is incredibly peaceful to her. Today though, there would be no grooming, no eating. Today she was assigned to take a group of her peers out to the borders. First to RiverClan and then SkyClan.

Among them was her brother, his tortoiseshell pelt was a rarity among patrols such as this but his presence was a welcome one all the same. Berryheart always exuded a calm sort of aura that made her feel more relaxed when the younger tom was around. "And do you remember Raccon's face? Priceless..." she trails off in laughter after having told a story about one of her other brothers from back when he and his litter had been kittens. After a bit the laughter fades but the easy smile on her face remains as they approach the SkyClan border. RiverClan had been uneventful, no trouble at all, and she hopes the same for this border as well. With a motion of her tail she indicates for the rest of the patrol to mark the border and she turns to her brother once again "Are there any herbs near here you need to collect?" she asks, green eyes shining with amusement still. She did not know much about plants and medicine but she would do her best to help out in any way she could. While she talks she rubs her cheek against the trunk of a tree, marking their side of the border with ThunderClan scent before she turns to the rest of her patrol "If we see any SkyClanners, remember, we aren't here to cause problems. Play nice." she doubts she has to remind anyone but just in case...

// @BERRYHEART @sandthorn @batwing

It was on warm days like this she wished she could wear her hat to the border for patrol, but as nice as the shade could be the jingling of her bells and charms was far too loud and the risk of attracting uwanted attention or scaring off prey kept it off her head and on its branch back in camp. Hazelbeam lifted her head up, still getting used to all the scents of the forest in her short time in SkyClan already and while she was managing pretty well it did take a bit longer than she'd like to realize that there was more than one ThunderClanner roaming just nearby. A little disheartened that she wasn't improving as quickly as she'd like, she still offered her usually bright smile in response to spotting the first of them - a dark she-cat with green eyes - at the head of the little group.
ThunderClan was not their enemy and from what she had gathered in her questioning of the other clans they were as close to being a friend as one could be without outright stating as much. Apparently there had been some issues with trespassing at this very border in the past, so she made sure to doublecheck the scent markers more than a few times to ensure she wasn't too close to stepping past them at any point as she walked. Better safe than not.
"Hello ThunderClan! Oh hey-you're the uh..." The tortie present strikes her as looking not so much familiar, but as someone she is supposed to know and a paw raises to her mouth to tap her nose in thought, "Ah! The medicine cat right?" The herb scent just faintly clinging had been the piece she needed to realize, "Oh, sorry, I don't mean to point out the obvious. I'm stll learning other clan faces. I'm Hazelbeam!"
This patrol had Batwing's brain bored and pushed aside. His instincts had taken over, wandering after Little Wolf as she told quiet stories. They approached a new spot in the border, one that drew Batwing out of his stun of lack of thought. He nudged Tigerpaw gently, leaning down to brush against a bush as his vision shifted and turned towards Skyclan's territory. Hazelbeam came from it's piney depths, and he stood straight, ears twitching.

"... Do you remember this scent, Tigerpaw? Do well to keep it in your mind." He murmured softly to his apprentice, before finally returning the dip of his head towards Hazelbeam in greeting. A gentle grin split open on his face. After all, he had nothing to hide. "Batwing, nice to meet you. Is Skyclan feeling better?" He questioned casually.

@tigerpaw. apprentice tag! ​

sootspritespark & 38 moons & demi-girl & she/they & skyclan queen

Sootsprite has wasted no time in returning to her duties - she'd been well enough on her own at her childrens age, so what reason does she have not to leave them in the paws of the other queens while she's out? And they're hers - so of course they'll be fine. The ink hued molly is not far behind hazelbeam, curls bouncing with every pawstep as she gives a bright smile - "Recovering well," she says - and it doesn't matter whether it's the full truth or not. She might think the other forest clan a far cry better than those windclan foxhearts, but she certainly won't trust them. It's better to appear strong she thinks - sunshine gaze wide as she tips her head to the side "And you? Have things been well on your side of the woods?"

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: —
    tw/cw: —
  • a small and notably round molly with ink black curls and a white-speckled belly. she wears a bowtie collar with a bright white and lemon yellow plaid pattern, and always seems to be smiling. beyond the normal clan-scent, she smells heavily of milk-scent, dog, and twoleg.

    physically medium && mentally hard
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay not-allowed
    please attack using [b][color=#ffff99]action here[/color][/b] and tag account

Despite the time they had spent with Skyclan, it was apparent fate had never granted him the opportunity to run across the other clans. An intense sensation of curiosity lulled the scarred feline far away from his initial task of hunting and right to the scent markers. Intently, he sniffed along it until his tattered ears caught the distinct murmur of chattering. Hurriedly, they made way by following the muffled meows. Taking several bounds forward, Dog was quick to arrive upon the forming group of cats.

Slowing to a gradual halt, and saddling up to the left of Sootspritespark, his one good eye gleamed with questions. Regardless of his strong desire to pester the thunderclan patrol, he deemed it best to stay impartial. Listening in for the opportunity to speak he hangs off on the end of the queen's questions. "Ah, yes. We're doing fine." A crooked smile softens his features as he delivers a neutral glance toward Batwing. Rather than chirp on, they stayed silent and waited for any more inquiries.​

her first patrol since graduating was turning out to be less than exciting, but still sandthorn padded along behind little wolf. idly she turned an ear to the patrol lead's stories with her brother, growing bored as the topic switched to herb collection. batwing was there too, young apprentice in tow, feeding tigerpaw tidbits of advice. they didn't seem very exciting either.

not long before skyclanners appeared across the border, sandthorn turned to them, tufted ears twitching in a subtle greeting. they were talkative today, but just pleasantries were shared. "as well as they can be," the young warrior replied plainly to the dark furred molly as she grazed a clump of ferns with her flank.
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