pafp gather round | storytime


Oct 24, 2022

Scorchfrost hadn't recently spent any time with the Shadowclan youth. He could technically be particular and remark that everyone in the clan was a youth to him, from the leader to the kits, but he was at this time thinking of the apprentices. He'd mentored before, spent his time and energy educating future warriors, but many moons had passed since then and he was missing it. He couldn't find hair nor hide of his previous apprentice, it was as if they'd faded into obscurity, and he didn't know any of the current ones.

The dark warrior had settled himself near the apprentice den, perhaps more aptly the apprentice bush, as he mulled over how to approach the trainees. He was known to be short-tempered, more concerned with his duties than socializing, so he didn't feel like they'd approach him first. He may, or may not, have been known in the past to strongly deter and detest company. It had been a while though and these cats didn't know him well, if at all.

His ears twitched to the sound of someone nearby, prompting him to look up and see an apprentice. What perfect timing and, expected, chance. " Apprentice. " He called out, attempting to draw their attention. " If you're not busy, would you humour an old warrior with your attention? "
