genetics help


May 4, 2023
so i'm fleshing out my new character, and i wanted some help figuring out her genes for past family (meaning her own npc parents & siblings)

she's a tortoiseshell with what im assuming is low white (looks like this)

i wanted to know what kind of parents (mostly mother) she could have, and what kind of coloring her siblings could have based on those parents
if its possible, id like her dad to be a black cat, and i'd like for her to carry dilute and/or be able to have dilute siblings (which hopefully narrows possibilities)

i understand working backwards may be a lot more work so take y'all's time
Hi!! You’re right, that’s a tortoiseshell with low white and it is 100% possible for her dad to be black and for her to have dilute siblings and carry dilute. Would you like her mom to be a cream tabby (only red and cream brothers/all tortie sisters) or a blue tortie (allows for non-tortie sisters and black and blue brothers). Also, does fur length or amount of white matter for sibs?
Hi!! You’re right, that’s a tortoiseshell with low white and it is 100% possible for her dad to be black and for her to have dilute siblings and carry dilute. Would you like her mom to be a cream tabby (only red and cream brothers/all tortie sisters) or a blue tortie (allows for non-tortie sisters and black and blue brothers). Also, does fur length or amount of white matter for sibs?

i think ill go with blue tortie for the mom :3
fur length and amount of white doesn't matter, tho id be keeping her father SH/solid if that changes anything

ty for the quick response !!
Ok perfect!! Here’s a litter for her potential sibs - let me know if you’d like anything to be changed!

Sire: SH black (carrying dilute)
Dam: SH blue tortoiseshell w/ low white

Toms can be black, blue, red tabby, or cream tabby
She-cats can be black, blue, tortoiseshell, or blue tortoiseshell
- kits will be shorthaired
- kits can have no white or low white
- kits without white can have any realistic eye color besides blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color
- red-based kits will mask black
- non-dilute kits will carry dilute