border GET DIZZY ON CAFFEINE [☼] Thunderclan Dusk Patrol

ROEFLAME — I fell in love with the fire long ago. "So, how’s warriorhood treating you? I want to hear everything!" Roeflame’s voice is bubbly as she’d throw her head over her shoulder to meet Toadhops gaze, gait slowing to walk alongside him. The excitement for her adoptive sibling had not yet settled for the young molly, not even as they approach an eerily familiar border.
In a distant memory, Roeflame looked upon her and Snowpaths meeting spot with contempt, still reeling in anger and despair over the young toms untimely death.
Now, when she finally turns her sights on the upcoming shift from oak to pine before her, the cinnamon tabby cannot help but feel a pang of fondness in her chest, for the good memories she had come to cherish over the bad, the fearful. Her unlikely friend rested easy now, filled to the brim with all that Starclan wisdom he had undoubtedly acquired.
"The first snow is not too far off." The Thunderclanner mused to her patrol after a moment, cheek rubbing against cold tree bark, the chill in the air was too sharp to not assume snowflakes were sunrises away from falling.

// no need to wait for those tagged !
Patrol tags — @TOADHOP @MOUSENOSE "speech"
❀‿ "...But like, the thorn was sitting right in the middle of my nest, I don't know how it could've gotten there on accident... And like, I don't want to accuse anyone or anything, but it's just annoying, you know?" Lupinepaw sighed at the end of her small venting session she roped another apprentice into. In all likelihood, one of Skyclan's mischievous kittens was in a prank-pulling phase and she just so happened to be their unfortunate victim. But she pouted to herself, hoping that it wasn't a message from her brother, who still refused to talk to her for whatever reason.

She didn't know why she wasn't expecting to be meeting a Thunderclan patrol at the border today, but she gave a small, "Oh...!" at the sight of them and straightened her posture, hoping she looked presentable enough in front of the strangers. Lupinepaw offered a polite nod at their neighbors and rubbed her cheek against the nearby tree trunk on the Skyclan side of the border, "Hi Thunderclan... Are you all doing well?"

  • OOC: (feel free to be the apprentice she's chatting with!) mentor tag @Dandelionwish
  • lupine_fullbodyy.png
  • lupinekit . lupinepaw
    — trans she/her. 7mo apprentice of skyclan
    — tall, long-haired black smoke with low white and green eyes
    — smells like sweet lupine flowers and young pine needles
    "speech", thoughts, attack
    — icon by saturnid, fullbody and chibi by nya
    — penned by eezy

The whole patrol, Tigerscar had been amusedly eavesdropping on the two apprentices as they chattered away. Truthfully, he had some input of his own, but he doubts it'd be welcome while there are other SkyClan warriors present. Particularly when one was a former WindClan cat. I should get a reward for how often I hold my tongue. Really, I could tell her to just to just kill the mouse-brain she suspects to have left the thorn, but noooo. That's naughty, Tigerscar. He smirks to himself, letting out a bit of a huff. Who cares, anyway? These cats and their rules. Not like death is a big deal. They all go to StarClan!

By that point, the patrol had reached their border, just in time to see a ThunderClan patrol on similar business. Tigerscar peers at them through the foliage, one glowing eye of fire piercing the hides of their neighbors curiously. He tips his muzzle in greeting, before he gets started, rubbing SkyClan scent along the dying undergrowth and tree trunks. He wonders if the ThunderClan cats will notice his vibrant collar, and that smirk dances across his maw again as humor flickers through his mind. They'd think less of him, of course. A kittypet. But I would just love to peel your hides from your bones... ThunderClan fur would make a good nest. But then he'd have to face Blazestar about his actions, and that would undoubtedly be a frustration. He liked the security and companionship that SkyClan provided. It was for that reason that the half-faced brute worked so hard to keep his deeper nature concealed. Bah! The answer is simple, Tigerscar. Just don't get caught! His one eye lingers intensely upon Roeflame for several seconds too long, before Tigerscar looks away to focus on marking the border again.
Ah, drama in the apprentice's den never gets old. The young warrior couldn't help it but silently eavesdrop on Lupinepaw's rant to the other apprentice, no one else is exactly having a lively conversation at this time of the evening. Starpelt is starting to cloak the sky, and the local prey begin to grow quiet, hunkering down for another night. Lupinepaw's voice filled the evening air, and he briefly wonders how she could be this lively. All Moonfang can think about is going back to camp, filling his belly and retiring to his nest for the night— the bluish-gray tom had quite the long day. Concentrate! He thinks to himself as he shakes his head tiredly, drowning out the rest of Lupinepaw's rant. How good are you to this patrol if you can't even stay focused?

He pulled himself back into reality at the perfect timing, right as their patrol reached the border. His nose twitches, as the scent of ThunderClan reaches his nostrils, and his ears prick at leaves crunching beneath paw steps— from the other side of the border. He looks over, his vibrant green eyes landing on the small patrol of ThunderClanners, who happen to be on a border patrol of their own. "Good evening ThunderClan," Moonfang politely nods, "I imagine prey is running well?"

For a brief moment, his eyes quickly look to Tigerscar, the daylight warrior who proudly wears a vibrant collar— that stands out like a sour thumb to the young warrior. He wonders what the other tom is thinking of— it's no secret that the other clans aren't as accepting to kittypets like SkyClan is. And while most of SkyClan is accepting of outsiders, that didn't mean every SkyClanner was on the same stance. Moonfang is on the fence about daylight warriors. Sometimes they have strange names— Tigerscar being the exception—that he doesn't understand the meaning of. He also can't imagine having a paw in two lives, in his eyes it almost felt like an excuse to avoid the tougher parts of clan-life. He shakes the thought off of his mind, rubbing his body against the bark of a tree, before looking back over at the ThunderClan patrol. Hopefully, this won't take too long, he can only hope there won't be any issues.

  • 73373704_GvVtFDtFrH4zYDv.png

  • Moonfang
    experience: trained
    backstory: mistaken identity
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    credit to nopeita for the pixel <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green
    pelt: bluish-gray
    fur length: short
    parents: persephone and hades (kittypet npcs)
    12 moons

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It's strange, the newfound freedom Toadhop holds in his bounding gait. Although delayed to him by a mentor he no longer must shadow, a lazuline-hued glance is still made every so often searching for the blue-furred warrior. Stonepool isn't beside him now, of course, in his first patrol as a warrior - an empty spot beside him where his distracted mentor might've been. It's strange, but Toadhop doesn't mind it much. It's about time, anyway.

Instead, cinnamon fur moves to fill the space beside him as the patrol leader slows her stride. Toadhop looks up, meeting the gaze of his adoptive sister at the sound of her bright voice. "Everything?" the new warrior echoes in his pondering as they near the divide between diminishing ember leaves and evergreen needles.

"I don't have much to share," Toadhop offers with a soft laugh. Nothing interesting at least. No grand adventures, no battle-born strikes. "I'm still getting used to it all, I think. But... If anything cool happens, you'll be the first I tell!"

He moves to rub his face against oak trunks, a hum in agreement to Roeflame's statement. The cold wasn't unfamiliar to him - a chill that seemed to leave his once kitten form ever-shivering in the height of leaf-bare. He can feel it now, the night's impending frost against his paws. Soon, the season that held his earliest memories will be upon them again.

He doesn't have long to dwell on the loss of his mother, and the travel to a new home alongside siblings who no longer stand with him before more voices reach his ears, and faces less familiar to him come into view.

"Oh. SkyClan," he notes with a blink, a curt nod following. "Hello. Uh..." Toadhop's gaze sweeps over the patrol, as if searching for a familiar face among them in an attempt to come off as friendly, a move that ultimately comes as a loss. He doesn't know many SkyClanners, anyway.

"We're doing fine," he answers them with a flick of the tail, before looking for Stonepool for approval - or rather, Roeflame, when he remembers he no longer has a mentor to answer to. "You?"
Mousenose is unusually subdued on this particular patrol, green eyes glassy and movements stiff. She still mourns the loss of Silverlightning, and so soon after she’d lost the mentor who’d taught her so much, Sunfreckle had been taken away from her, too. She doesn’t understand why StarClan would be so cruel to her, but it has sucked the life from the young warrior, so much so that she hardly hears Roeflame encouraging Toadhop into chatting. The white-marked tabby’s response is muted—Mousenose flicks her gaze instead to the cats who mill about near the pines, some of them hanging from trees.

Prey is running fine, for now,” she answers the handsome blue warrior politely. Her whiskers droop, and she turns back toward the silvery she-cat who leads their border patrol. “We should cherish it before the snows come.

, ”