private GET IN THE WATER ࿐ ࿔*:・゚ ROEPAW

࿐ ࿔*:・゚ — Beefang still doesn't know how she ended up with Roepaw out of all the other apprentices that would've matched with her a lot better but she supposes that it's too late for either of them to switch and for her to give up on the orange tabby it'd be seen as a failure on her part. With her new position, the bicolored molly wouldn't take such a thing as failure knowing that she could succeed if she just had a little more patience with the orange tabby and he would recognize her abilities as a mentor so that he may be a decent or just as good warrior as her. There are times where she'll grumble to her mate about how awful of an apprentice that the vibrant pelted tomcat could be and how he didn't seem to be picking up on her teachings the same way she had when she'd been smaller. Of course, Moonbeam's more reasonable than she will ever be and gentler out of the two, the priestess tells her to be more patient and that he's just a kid... Bee agrees with that fact knowing that she'd need to have more patience if she ever trained another apprentice.

"Alright... Roepaw, I've noticed that you have been reluctant about approaching the river and pretending to fish oftentimes to avoid getting your paws wet." Her teeth click together as she says this and her paws press onto the sandy shore, the lead warrior turns to her apprentice once more as both of her ears angle forward to see his reaction to her words or what he may say. A part of her wants to tell him that she will not have a drypaw apprentice being taught under her wing but it rests on the tip of her tongue for a heartbeat before she swallows down the words noting the harsh undertones to what she could've possibly said to him. "Today, you will either learn to swim or fish with your own paws. We will not leave this spot until we have caught enough fish to feed the queens, elders, and kits. Do you understand?" I'm not accepting failure today. Beefang thinks afterwards only to straighten her posture and motions with her tail for the other to draw closer.

"Listen..." She hesitates at first trying to form the words in her mind and figure out what she wishes to say to the young tom but just like Pebbletail, there's a large barrier that keeps cats at a distance and she's awful at emotions or expressing herself. "... I want you to succeed Roepaw..." Whereas your parents failed... You will succeed. Is what she wants to say but chooses to stay on the safer route and not mention his parents after everything that's happened to the red tabby within that first week of his apprenticeship, she supposes that it's her fault in a way but she truly believed that he would've came out stronger from the experience. "I don't want you to meet the same fate as Magpiepaw, Frecklepaw, and Mothpaw. If you trust me, I can teach you to swim and you won't risk falling victim to our river." She's asking a lot from him and she knows this but she hopes that he can see where she's coming from as she isn't someone to normally voice her concerns.


  • ooc@Roepaw
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧ HUNTING
    ✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧ TRACKING
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧ COMBAT
    ✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧ STEALTH
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧ STRATEGY
    ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦ SWIMMING
    ✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ CLIMBING
  • dOcsURU.png
    a shorthaired black smoke molly w/low white and a singular amber eye
    oftentimes comes off as untrusting of those around her, closed off, and not the easiest to engage in conversation with, she's not easy to befriend. distrusting of outsiders and will snap at you if y/c walks up to her on her blind side. all her opinions are IC only.
    14 moons old; ages the 10th every month
    asexual homoromantic; mated to moonbeam
    currently mentoring... roepaw ; formerly mentored by smokestar
    firstborn daughter of cicadastar and smokestar
    sister of cicadaflight and loveburn
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed