camp get out alive ╱╱ intro


May 7, 2023
Beneath the moon, ShadowClan has never been more beautiful. The thought strikes him at times– just once and then again, fleeting as the nights themselves. He finds himself enthralled for a moment, now and then, before it is once again swallowed. There is too much life to be lived to spend so long in thought.'s a pleasant enough waste of time. He is settled in the hollow of their camp, gaze turned upwards between the busy boughs of pine, to watch the clouds that pass slowly overhead. For a while his face is a neutral mask. A few quiet pawsteps nearly break his concentration at times, and yet still Coyotethroat watches.

It is only nearly an hour past when he first sat that the seal point clears his throat, doing all that he can to catch the attention of a passerby. His eyes are still on the stars, though his head tilts towards the unfortunate soul that had found themselves within his net. "You know," he begins, as if he was simply picking up a thread of conversation that had already begun, "that cloud looks quite unflattering from a certain angle." (A cat's rear; nothing more. Streaming tail included.) "Don't you agree?"

  • ooc:
  • coyotethroat ╱╱ he - him. warrior of shadowclan.
    ──── a proficient and charismatic liar; naturally curious and clever, to the point of nosiness.
    ──── acrobatic and stealthy with a love for sneaking about & eavesdropping where he can.
    ──── high dexterity and high charisma, with a love for intrigue of any kind. holds no loyalty.

    a lithe, trim seal point with low white and bright blue eyes. though his fur is very fluffy, it is frequently smoothed down to a sleeker look that shoots up in curls at select places. he tends to be very neat and careful about his appearance, though does not hesitate to get dirty in the moment– just don't expect him to hang around too long after. he has to go groom himself, after all.
  • "speech"

The sky during the day held no appeal to him, bright and pale; hanging blue water filled with froth. Magpiepaw much preferred the dark night, the tiny white pinpricks of stars that danced across its surface and reminded him of that ethereal place cats went when they died that he too would join in time, but no sooner. Where cats earned wings and could fly, where he could walk without his wobble. Without his awkward, clumsy gait. His broken tail now only emphasized how poor he manuevered around, without his one sense of balance he felt almost unable to move. But he was determined if anything. Coyotethroat's comment was met with a blank stare as he passed, violet-tinted gaze widening in acknowledgement before his head tilted up and charcoal nose pointed to the heavens to observe. Unflattering, he is told. From a certain angle, is emphasized.
The black and white apprentice tilts his head from one side and then to the other before lowering his gaze.
"It's a cloud." He says finally, no malice or mockery, only the faintest hint of confusion curling his words into a question that was not a question. Sometimes his clanmates concerned him.
"If you are seeing other things, you should see Starlingheart. They say its bad." His eyes flit to the side as if watching something invisible dart by them before he refocuses his gaze. "The birds don't like when you gawk."
જ➶ "Birds don't like it? Then why do they get to gawk?" Comes his small giggling question as he steps his way forth towards the conversation. He turns his bright dual colored eyes on Magpiepaw as then toward Coyotethroat. But then his eyes snap up to stare at the moon and the odd looking cloud mentioned before. Turning his head to the side the tom stares at it for a good long moment before realizing then that it does look quite... funny. So much so that his muzzle splits open wide and he starts to chortle quite loudly. His tail vibrates and he shakes his head a little bit as he tries to keep himself from laughing too hard. "It doesn't look too bad!" He then shifts his gaze back to the one that spoke first, still chuckling as he dips his head. "What did you see exactly? Then I'll tell you what I saw."

"It's ok Magpie. We won't be rude, if a bird comes along we'll avert our gaze." A simple promise by the cinnamon tabby that would be difficult to attain in reality, for now, the smiling she-cat was more than happy to command her clanmates to give the avians the respect the little apprentice wanted them to. Tentative paws saw Ferndance approach, vacuous stare flickering between her clanmates and the clouds. She squinted as the light of the moon caught her eye, quickly adjusting to the odd gloom. The clouds were like wisps of smoke at this hour, and to one with a vivid imagination, all of them could be unflattering from every angle. Some took inappropriate shapes she dared not repeat, others looked like carrion with jutting bones and scattered feathers. A sudden laugh from Chittertongue caused her to follow the chimera's eyes and, after a few more moments, she focused in on one particular cloud. The Lead Warrior's mouth gaped open, her lashing tail stilling. "Oh StarClan." She murmured quietly, a suspiciously demure paw raised to her mouth. When she lowered it again, the expression had not changed, frozen in time like the camp's shadows at that moment. "That is a big ol' ass."


they lay upon their back, enjoying the feel of the moons gentle glow. it's not warm like that of the sun, but it does bring that warm feeling within their belly. they enjoy the night way more than they did the day. the sounds of the owls, and gentle croaks of frogs. crickets chirping and the soft wind flow against their shadowed fur. a purr leaves them as they stretched out further, claws gently scratching the air before they listened to their clanmates. they don't even make much of a noise before ferndance's vulgarity makes them giggle softly, a paw covering their mouth. the honey tone softens and they roll over onto their stomach, propping their chin up against their paw.

"that's certainly one way to put it."