wc rebels GET OUT OF MY HOUSE ! warrior thoughts

Scorchpaw is nine moons old.

She still hardly feels like more than an apprentice — and, of course, she still is an apprentice — but on this foggy leaf-bare morning, she sits at the mouth of the barn and looks over the moors with a terrible, terrible ache in her chest. She is nine moons old, and this means that ordinarily she would be made a warrior this moon. She's given WindClan (the real WindClan, Sunstride's WindClan) everything she has to give. She'd traveled through the mountains, ran off dogs, brought back a cure for her clanmates; she's endured betrayal after betrayal; she's been forced from her home until they can collect themselves enough to win it back. Would she still become a warrior this moon? Would she have to wait even longer? She's not sure. And... what would her name be, anyway? She's done things to deserve her name, but what stood out? What would achievement would chart the course of the rest of her life?

Scorchpaw's dual-toned gaze mists, mirroring the wintry landscape she looks out across. Rumblerain's name was beautiful, she thinks. If only they hadn't received it from... her. If only they were still an apprentice; if only they were still here, with Scorchpaw and Luckypaw and the rest of their family. Her ears pin to her skull. What would Luckypaw's name be, she wonders? Maybe he'd get something to show his bravery: Luckyheart, or something similar. A few other possibilities float through her skull: Luckynose, Luckywing, Luckystrike. It stops sounding like his name. Who would name them, anyway? Would Sunstride do it? Could he do it? Did StarClan bless him enough for the act? She's not sure. Surely StarClan must bless him, though, to take back what is theirs — to defend themselves against the devilish she-cat who pushed them all out in the first place.

Some presence rouses her from her deep thoughts. The flame-streaked molly peeks over her shoulder at them and smiles, soft and weary. "Hi," she greets, and after a beat continues, "... sorry. I was thinking about my warrior name."

/ feel free to be the cat she is talking to :- )

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    scorchkit . scorchpaw
    — she/they ; apprentice of windclan
    — short-haired tortoiseshell she-cat with low white and orange/yellow eyes
    — "speech" ; thoughts
    — signature by dreamydoggo, template art by sixbane
    — penned by meghan
──ᨒ↟↟ᨒ↟ᨒ↟↟ᨒ── Wolfsong cannot imagine what thoughts and conflicts might plague Scorchstreak's children— those with them, of course. To watch their father ousted as a traitor, and then to realize that perhaps Sootstar was wrong, that she was the sickness to be excised...That alone would be haunting, were it not for their own choice to follow Sunstride. Wrestling with their own loyalties, their preconceived notions and judgments wrought by Sootstar upon Badgermoon must be agonizing. It does not surprise him that Scorchpaw would look so tired and soul-worn, yet she still attempts a smile.

He returns it despite his own heavy thoughts and sits slowly beside her. The wind stirs flakes of snow, drawing them across the moor. "Oh?" Wolfsong's head tilts slightly. "If you could choose your own name, what would it be? If you have given that any thought, that is."
  • ★★★☆☆ WOUNDS: You're (mostly) in safe paws. You'll know if he's less experienced if he asks for your permission to try a treatment. No wound can scare him away from knowledge.
    ★★★☆☆ INFECTION: He can prevent most infections. If you feel feverish, let him know; he'll hum thoughtfully over herbs and sniff your wound before saying, "With your blessing..."
  • ★☆☆☆☆ ACHES & PAINS: If you complain to him of pain, he'll ask where. If it's a headache, you'll likely feel a bit better. For anything else, "Try this, if you'd like, and tell me how you feel."
    ★☆☆☆☆ BROKEN BONES: At best. he can ask you to remain lying down in the den. He may try to distract you with conversation while he considers what herb to feed you.
  • ★★★★★ TRAVELING HERBS: Going somewhere? No worries; Wolfsong knows just what you need to stay hale and healthy during your journey. The rest is up to you.
    ★★★☆☆ KITTING: Thanks to Starlingheart and his own pregnancy, he's better prepared for the arrival of kits, but any complications will need a little faith and a lot of luck.
  • ★☆☆☆☆ POISONS: It's best if you avoid eating anything unfamiliar to you— it's probably just as unfamiliar to Wolfsong. The best he can do is offer you yarrow and sit with you.
    ★★☆☆☆ ILLNESS: If it's white or greencough, you'll likely recover. Otherwise, prepare for odd concoctions and the usual request that you consent to a little trial-and-error.
The days in the barn felt like an endless cycle of cleaning, training, hunting, and dodging two-legs like a plague. Redpaw, emotionally exhausted, longed for the familiarity of home, but Sootstar's actions had left a wreck in its place. Weary and burdened, he trudged through the barn, his nose twitching from the itch of dust and hay. His young face bore the weight of stress, a burden that shouldn't be worn by someone his age, yet he carried it nonetheless.

During his slow trek, he spotted a familiar, brilliant pelt just out of sight. Resting at the mouth of the barn, Scorchpaw's presence felt distant, as if they were mountains away. The sight of his former friend's sibling stirred complex emotions within Redpaw. It took sheer willpower to hold his tongue, and instead they stood awkwardly in the gloom of the overhead lofts' shade, silently observing. There was a pang of guilt around Scorchpaw's family, their pain unimaginable, and Redpaw had only tasted a fraction of it.

A golden pelt approaching interrupted his darker thoughts, and Wolfsong joined Scorchpaw. Seeing her expression made Redpaw's heart squeeze with shame for ever having the audacity to mope. He hadn't intended to linger in the same spot for so long, and it seemed the Medicine Cat had shifted the conversation to a more positive note. Ears held high, Redpaw tentatively stepped closer to the duo. Knowing the heartbreak they had all been through in the last few days, he craved a semblance of normalcy.

In one more moon, he would also be made a warrior, a fact that never failed to grip him. Opting to sit near the other side of Scorchpaw, he folded into a rounded mound of fluff, peering out into the winding hills. His mind settled, waiting intently for the others' replies. This was not his moment, and for a change, Redpaw chose to stay quiet, hoping for a chance at solace in the company of those who understood the weight of recent events.

Despite her relative youth, Featherpaw had of course given thought to her warrior name. He was to be a foretold sort of WindClan warrior- the son of a deputy and a medicine cat both only came along once in a blue moon, after all. Featherpaw would be a great warrior with an equally impressive name, but... for now, that time lay faded upon the horizon. With WindClan's mutiny, it might not ever come.

Scorchpaw did not often annoy her. Orbiting near his ðir, Featherpaw for once did not meet Scorchpaw's out-loud thinking with a harsh instruction to keep it to herself. The scowl he set upon her was simply the resting look of her face, the light frown of concentration and headache. She was not blind, either, to Redpaw's lingering presence- scrutinising eyes sought the face of the other lingering apprentice. Yellow eyes flicked to Scorchpaw, hinting interest, before pivoting to Redpaw. You want to say something too, he thought, but for once he did not say anything.

Instead, Featherpaw simply added a thought to the end of Wolfsong's words. "Any g-g-good apprentice has given it thought," he mumured, voice lacking its usual poisoned bite- only a pronounced sharpness and certainty. For a moment, she almost felt light.
✦ penned by pin

When Rattleheart thought about her sister's children, she thought of them as just that - kits. Little ones. Tiny things bundled up at Scorchstreak's side, mewling and stumbling and so, so small that it made her heart ache. Yet, she knew that wasn't the reality of things anymore. Rumblerain had already received their warrior name, even if it wasn't under the watchful gaze of Starclan and instead given by the witch that currently ruled a false Windclan. The others were only a mere pawstep behind, their warrior names sneaking up on them and the tunneler in equal measure. It felt impossible for them to be so big. It filled her with both excitement and anxiety, delighted to have seen them grow and change so much but also terrified of what the future could hold for them. Though really, could it be that much worse than what they had all already gone through thanks to Sootstar? She honestly wasn't sure.

Either way, she was certain of the fact that all of them deserved warrior names, even if some tiny part of her still wanted to cling to them being little kits and paws forever. She knew she couldn't have that wish, not when time kept marching forward regardless of her pleas. Though on the other side of things there was a small, secret part of her that wondered over their futures. Pictured a united Windclan where perhaps one of them would be chosen to mentor her kits, watching over their younger cousins like their mentors and family had done for them. The thought was enough to make her heart warm, and for her worries to be soothed, if only slightly.

There was a warm purr to her voice as she approached, long tail skimming lightly against Redpaw's side before coming to curl around her niece. With how weary they both seemed, Rattleheart couldn't resist the urge to touch her nose lightly to Scorchpaw's head, hoping to provide comfort and support in some measure. "You know, I'm certain no matter what name you're given, it'll be a strong one. You're a fighter, just like Scorchstreak." And just like Badgermoon, though that particular comment was kept locked inside her chest. She then glanced from Wolfsong to the other two apprentices present, offering them a smile. "And that strength is true of all of you. When we come out on the other side of all this... you'll all be incredible warriors." And that wasn't simply said as a comfort, her voice painfully genuine as she pictured the trio present as real, full warriors of Windclan.