camp get over it [sulking]

His mother and sister are both so far away now, out of his reach, out of his sight. If anything were to happen to them on the journey—no one would even know until it was too late to help them. Falconpaw could never forgive himself if either of them died, but how could he leave behind his clan, his mentor, the only home he’s ever known? He isn’t meant to go past the forest, to step into the vast open spaces that wait past the treeline. He’s meant to remain here and defend his clan from whatever threats may come in the meantime. He’s meant to stare into the starry sky each night and wonder whether Flamewhisker and Stormpaw are looking up at the same view, thinking of home just as he thinks of them.

The cream tabby slumps onto his haunches, leaning heavily against the tree he stands beneath. The bark snags at his fur, but the sting of a few hairs being pulled at doesn’t even begin to compare to the tightness in his chest. They could be hurt. They could be dead! And he’s just… sitting here, too afraid to leave ThunderClan! He should have gone with them, and the guilt is eating him alive. He grits his teeth, white-tipped tail lashing. The single mouse he’d caught for the clan earlier seems like so little now, compared against the dangers that his mountain-bound clanmates are surely facing. "You’re useless," he hisses under his breath, swiping his claws through the dirt at his paws.
[ find me way out there ]

She watched his troubled frame from a distance. Slowly her eyebrows pressed together, and she flinched as the tom struck the ground with his claws. She was adept enough to know he was feeling pain but from what source she did not know. Dirt luck on a hunt? Something worse. The calico she-cat crept underneath the shade of the tree and to the stout tom’s side. ”Falconpaw…” She touched her bushy tail to his striped flank.

Her voice dripped with concern, but her words stopped flowing. She paused in an awkward silence. She struggled to find words of comfort for the fellow apprentice. She glanced away from him. ”Do you want to go on a walk? Sunning Rocks would be nice in this weather.”

  • ✿ ooc : — ​

  • spottedpaw she/her 7 moons apprentice of thunderclan
    a thin and pretty long-haired calico she-cat with light blue eyes.
    ⇀ TAGS ↽

    ──── named 'spotted' for her calico pelt & named 'paw' denoting her rank.
    ──── she was born to a pair of rogues but was abandoned as a kit and taken in by thunderclan. tansyshine is her adoptive mother.
    ──── when the season permits, she wears various wildflowers woven into her long fur
    ──── bossy / confident / 'goodie-goodie' / self-righteous / helpful / headstrong
    / protective / vain / studious / devoted / extroverted

  • 71085478_Eoa4fDOiPWM5wEr.png

  • strength ◆◇◇◇◇
    stamina ◆◇◇◇◇
    speed ◆◆◆◆◇
    charisma ◆◆◆◆◇
    intellect ◆◆◆◆◇

    hunting ◆◆◆◇◇
    swimming ◇◇◇◇◇
    climbing ◆◆◆◆◇
    fighting ◆◆◇◇◇

  • Like
Reactions: dreampaw

He fails to notice Falconpaw’s swat at the dirt but he sees his peer’s tail lash and the tightness in his jaw. Since the night of the full moon where the brave cats who chose to represent their clans traveled into the unknown without them, he thought about a lot things. When would they be back? Would they all return or just a few? Even if they did return would there be enough lungwort in the mountains for all five of the clans’ sick?

In the end, he assured himself with adamant confidence. Nothing bad’s gonna happen. Starclan gave the sign and they will return with enough of the cure to save everyone. It was just a matter of faith and waiting.

Originally, he had wanted badly to leave on the journey. If bravery was needed, the Dark Warrior would provide! But Thunderclan needed brave faces at home, too. He was sure if he was meant to go, then the stars would have willed it to happen in some way. The Dark Warrior was blessed by the stars and he was sure with each impulsive action he took, he was writing the destiny meant for him. And right now that destiny was to stay home and look after his ill clanmates and hunt and train and learn like he had been for moons.

But despite everything, he had yet to stop and consider how Falconpaw must be feeling in midst of the whirlwind of events. His mother and sister were gone away on a quest of mystery. He was mostly alone along with Flycatcher. Dreampaw didn’t have much close family to speak of but he was aware it might hurt to see someone he cared about leave abruptly with their return uncertain. What if Gingerpaw had been one of the cats to volunteer? Ha, the Dark Warrior would forbid it! he thinks but deep down he knows it would sting worse than a swipe of unsheathed claws.

Dreampaw steps into the shade of the tree on near silent paws. Spottedpaw asks about a walk to Sunningrocks and he seizes the opportunity to lighten the mood, ”Chin up, Falconpaw! And greetings, Spottedpaw. Is this some kind of date? Where did I hear you two were about to be off to?” His smile is wide and his eyes, fierce, but he gives an exaggerated flick of an ear to let it be known he speaks only in jest.

  • ooc : — apologies idk how this post got so long ^^’​

  • DREAMPAW / t a g s
    9 moons / ftm trans (he/him)
    thunderclan apprentice / small dark tortoiseshell cat with hazel eyes.
    primary character / played by yamitisane
    powerplay of healing & minor offensive actions (shoving, slapping, small cuts, etc) allowed

    dreampaw is a genius and eccentric cat whose sole focus is becoming stronger than he already is. he’s enthusiastic, entertaining, and loves pranks. however his looks can be deceiving as he is also aggressive and arrogant and frustratingly has the talent to make certain his words don’t go unfounded. he has a fiery and wicked gaze, speaks with a deeper voice than his appearance would suggest, has an evil laugh, and calls himself the ‘Dark Warrior.’


She was sure that Dreampaw was up to his antics again. Despite this, a flash of hot embarrassment still surged under her fur. She moved to swiped a soft paw through the air. Her paw hit and ruffled the fancy mohawk-like tuft of fur on the tortie tom’s forehead. ”Hush, Dreampaw! It is not that!” Her agitation was evident in her voice and the girl seemed to not entirely pick up on Dreampaw’s banter. Perhaps she just didn’t like it to be at her or the depressed Falconpaw’s expense.

”Can’t you see he is upset, you mousebrain” She continued in a chiding manner. ”I thought a walk in the sun would be a good medicine,” she explained once she faced back to Falconpaw.

  • ✿ ooc : — ​

  • spottedpaw she/her 7 moons apprentice of thunderclan
    a thin and pretty long-haired calico she-cat with light blue eyes.
    ⇀ TAGS ↽

    ──── named 'spotted' for her calico pelt & named 'paw' denoting her rank.
    ──── she was born to a pair of rogues but was abandoned as a kit and taken in by thunderclan. tansyshine is her adoptive mother.
    ──── when the season permits, she wears various wildflowers woven into her long fur
    ──── bossy / confident / 'goodie-goodie' / self-righteous / helpful / headstrong
    / protective / vain / studious / devoted / extroverted

  • 71085478_Eoa4fDOiPWM5wEr.png

  • strength ◆◇◇◇◇
    stamina ◆◇◇◇◇
    speed ◆◆◆◆◇
    charisma ◆◆◆◆◇
    intellect ◆◆◆◆◇

    hunting ◆◆◆◇◇
    swimming ◇◇◇◇◇
    climbing ◆◆◆◆◇
    fighting ◆◆◇◇◇

Falconpaw doesn’t hear the approach of his fellow apprentice until she speaks—his head jerks up to look at her, eyes going wide with surprise as her tail brushes against his side. There’s a moment of silence before she goes on, asking whether he’d like to go on a walk. He agrees, distantly. Sunningrocks would be nice, and perhaps it could take his mind off of… everything else. Flamewhisker and Stormpaw’s absence remains at the forefront of his thoughts, worry for them taking precedence over anything else, but maybe some relaxation could be good for him. The corner of his muzzle draws up into a shaky smile, and the tom is about to agree when another apprentice joins them.

Dreampaw’s words are enough to knock the self-pitying look right off his face, embarrassment flooding his expression. A date? Spottedpaw seems equally embarrassed, though she seems more annoyed than anything, and Falconpaw stifles a laugh as she reaches a paw toward the tortoiseshell’s head. "It’s not like that," he adds to Spottedpaw’s protest with a flick of his tail. "You’re right, Spottedpaw. Sunningrocks sounds like it would be nice today."

Before he turns to set off in the direction of the river, the cream tabby faces both his companions with a tight smile upon his muzzle. "I’m not upset, though…" It’s clear that he’s lying, brows furrowed and tail lashing uncomfortably—but if he turns his face away from them, maybe they can’t tell. If he smiles wide enough, flashes his teeth, maybe they’ll just go along with it. He doesn’t need them to feel bad for him.
[ find me way out there ]