pafp GET SCHOOLED | history chat

bio ₊˚✧ ゚. Puffs of white that slip out apparate with every breath, every puff of air visible. Rarely in the nursery, curious paws often driving him elsewhere. Musing, he's been musing all day, letting himself stew and be submerged in the dark mood invoked by all those pesky questions he's thinking about. It's crept up on him suddenly, good mood invoked by the wonder on discoveries once unknown to him, the snow, the sparkling ice has disappeared. Itching to pick a fight he does the next best thing, absorbing all the information he can fit in his head.

He's haunting the entrance to camp, his paws turning numb. Prepared to hound whoever the unlucky entrant is, braces to unleashes his bubbling questions upon. With knowledge and information, it's a unquenched thirst that has something bright behind his green eyes. Blurts: "Why is there territory at all? Why don't we have it all? Why can't I be a warrior right now?" With a huff, he sullenly kicks a paw into the ground. He's thought himself into a hole, can't quite see the point of all these rules that only seem to restrict, that don't allow them to do anything they want.

/ @Aspenhaze
Aspenhaze blesses the fact that they were born with the silky long fur they are blanketed in, as the upcoming moons will not be easy for most others. RiverClan has it the easiest of all the clans, and they will have it even easier than some of their clanmates on top of that. Maybe they should express some humbleness this Leaf-bare…

The idea of humbleness stays on their mind as they arrive back to camp after their patrol, seeing the others that joined them letting out puffs of cold air from their muzzles, clearly exasperated. They’re cold themself of course, but it’s not reached it’s peak yet, thank StarClan. They focus on the heat radiating from their fur for a moment, letting it reenergize them before they continue.

There isn’t much time before they’re quickly stopped in their tracks, a very young kit whining about how limited they are at their age, as well as genuine questions about how territory works. They chuckle, always enjoying the innocence that kittens exude. It’s why they’re so entertaining to converse with.

“We have to share it with four others. It would be mean to take their home from them! And it’s because you would get hurt if you did it now. Be patient and let your body grow first. You’ll get even bigger than you are now!” They try to put a positive spin on it to make Bitekit calm down, praying it works. They also give a quick glance to whoever else they were patrolling with, hoping they provide some input.​
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It's damn frigid out... Lichentail wishes sorely to be cuddled up in the nursery where Hazecloud's plush curls might bring some warmth to her stinging toes but the work for the day is not done. She cannot rest yet... Trying to move quickly, her paws feel like they might freeze to the dirt if they linger longer than the necessary second to transition to another foot. She could probably get in another hunting patrol before the sun fell... Maybe she could drag Dipperpaw out for some practice? Ugh... she'd probably scare off what little prey was running around though... It was a painful time to risk mistakes.

Aspenhaze departs from the group at the sound of a kitten-shrill voice mewling some sort of complaint. Lichentail ears flatten without thinking, finding the whining to be grating- it isn't until the dappled warrior suggests 'growing' that she tunes back into the conversation. Was Bitekit seriously complaining about not being forced to go out into the snow and ice? What part of the warriors coming home shivering every day seemed like fun? She'd never understand it...

"It's not all fun and games," she chides tiredly, having little energy to force empathy into her tone. This was not a joke... it was not a fairy tale adventure. But what would a three month old know about that? "You're obviously far too little to remember a time without the clans... You're lucky to have the structures that keep you protected. Any younger and you'd still be milk-fed running into battle."


Eelkit was unaware of the history of the clans herself. Knowing next to nothing about life outside (or inside for that matter) she bounded over, curious to hear the stories the warriors were sharing with Bitekit. Why did Bitekit always get to have all the fun? She never got to ask the questions or find out anything first! How was that fair?! "Four other clans?! What are they?" Pausing, she would gaze at Lichentail as she spoke, confusion dancing upon her face. "No clans? What do you mean? Why wouldn't it be fun?"

Aspenhaze almost shoots Lichentail the biggest glare they’ve ever given in their life, but they decide against it. Can’t make the deputy too mad, after all. It’s just a kid filled with whimsy, and it’s never a good thing to rain on their parade unless it’s necessary. They’re just excited to grow up and be like the rest of the clan, that’s all. And yet she’s the one who’s about to be a parent…how worrying. Well, it’s not like she makes the best decisions.

They return their attention to Bitekit, as well as Eelkit when she joins them. “There are indeed four others. The ones that are closest to us are SkyClan, probably the most tolerable despite the fact they are filled with kittypets, as well as WindClan, the worst one. You will quickly learn why they are hated so much.” Aspenhaze will answer if further pressed, but for right now, they just huff before continuing.

“The other two are ones that are further away, the first being ThunderClan. We are the most at odds with them, as they took Sunningrocks from us, our rightful territory, and continue to brag about it.” There’s a good amount of bile in their tone, and sometimes they can’t decide if they hate WindClan or ThunderClan more. There’s an obvious answer, but they have their pride. They try not to think too hard about the entire Sunfreckle situation.

“And the last is ShadowClan, who there is only so much to say about. They are named as such for a reason. Rarely in the spotlight, but I can say that they have been very helpful overall.” They hosted so many cats when the rogues attacked, though it was easy to see the displeasure in Chilledstar’s voice. Either way, they are nicer than the other clans give them credit for, and Aspenhaze can appreciate that.​
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Aspenhaze practically bristles at the sound of her voice and while it is not unexpectedly, Lichentail still cannot fathom what makes the tortie so prone to frustration whenever she happens to breathe near them. They opt to ignore her chiding, which in itself is aggravating, and instead, offer explanation to her point about the other clans and their existence... it is a sugar coated history, one of restrained summary but it will suffice enough (except for labeling 'ShadowClan' as helpful... that, she would not agree with).

"Most of the warriors don't come from RiverClan," she offers as Eelkit's behest. "Smokestar, myself, Aspenhaze even... the clans were not around when we were your age. Some lived in the colonies, others, still just loners and rogues. There was a Great Battle many moons ago between those colonies; only two back then. The Marsh and The Pine. They fought over prey, over land, anything really... Many died.. even ones as young as yourselves hence my insistence you not try to grow up too fast." It was hard not to give the other warrior a pointed look at the end of her statement but it would serve no purpose other than to piss them off... so she chose not to.

"You'll be apprentices soon... and you'll miss cuddling with your queens more than you think." Speaking of queens worth getting cozy next to... the deputy glances around for Hazecloud's wispy form. Maybe she'd be the better option for a history lesson. "Hmm... You can always ask the elders. Or anyone older than Iciclefang really..."


After tasks were attended to, Petalnose found herself striding over to her mate's side to take a seat quietly. Carefully she curled her tail over her paws as she listened to the irritating mews of the kits with flattened ears. Petalnose decided to let Aspenhaze handle it, one of having more patience and skills to handle the youth in a gentler and wiser fashion. Grumbles and growls she'd handle it along with a gaze sharing she wanted to be left alone, but instead she sat silently, shifting a rare smile towards her mate.

Lichentail spoke up, less impatience seeming in tone and she blinked in question as Aspenhaze had seemed to be offended by every sentence shooting from the Riverclan deputy. Back and forth she looked between the two slowly. Tension she had been oblivious to, she wondered what she had missed. Eyes fluttered back upon the kits, a confused look placing on her face. "You definitely wouldn't have wanted to grow up during that time, it was hard to fend for yourself. It still is during this cruel season and you'd be eating nearly last.. " She chimed in unenthusiasticly, attempting to take the attention from the two. Petalnose would bow her limbs to rub her cheek along Aspenhaze's shoulder. A subtle hope to revert attention from tensions she hadn't known of.


Hazecloud had not-so-gracefully pushed her way through the nursery's entrance to where Bitekit had become the center of these warriors' attention. She is blessedly unaware of the tension the sparked between the stares of her mate and friend, too caught up in the wave of exhaustion overwhelming her muscles. Hours spent resting and hardly moving and yet it felt like a chronic desire to sleep had replaced the weight of her pelt.

In an attempt to stretch the fatigue from her body she heard the tail-end of Bitekit's lesson. Retelling the days of the colony, sharing the hardships they bared compared to the lifestyle of the Clan.

"Some of us did fight like warriors as kits, dewdrop." As she brushed beside Lichentail she also leaned against the pointed molly. "They're the reason the Clans have these rules. It's unkind, and needlessly harsh when we have our older Clanmates to protect you until you're ready. The wait will make your first few weeks out there even more exciting, though!"