pafp GET SOMETHING SHINY / decorated nests


the giggle at a funeral
Dec 17, 2023
Shadekit loved Ferndance's nest in the nursery. It was a cozy place, moss flattened down by the warm bodies that huddled up within it, but it also had so many fun things in it. To some, it may have looked overcrowded or messy. To Shadekit, it was a treasure trove of toys and textures. She had smushed her face into the softness of feathers, teethed on the trinkets that lurked at the edges, and the pebbles that lined it were her first faux-prey. The rest of the nursery wasn't as well-populated or well-decorated, but that was okay, because Ferndance's spilled over into a lot of it.

While playing with Bloodkit in the camp, she ended up poking her dark-striped head into the apprentices' and warriors' dens. They were made up of moss and feathers, maybe some special stones, but they were to Ferndance's nest as a plot of plain dirt was to a pine-strewn, marshy, frog-laden patch of land.

Shadekit couldn't really remember whether helping their clanmates out with their nests was her idea or Bloodkit's, though judging from the benevolent nature of it, it was probably Bloodkit's. The sun was high. It was the perfect time to train and hunt before nightfall dug its cold, greedy teeth into the territory. Other than the occasional deep-asleep figure, the dens were empty. No one seemed to notice as Shadekit and Bloodkit collected things to spruce up the spaces, Shadekit giggling with delight all the while. Pine needles. Pebbles. Feathers found scattered around the freshkill pile. Some lichen tugged off the Clanrock. Then bigger rocks, rolled over. Then sticks, some perhaps accidentally picked up near the thorny bramble bushes, but they were pretty, weren't they? The apprentices' den was hit first, two nests chosen at random to be decorated (they couldn't do all of them, sadly) and then the warriors'. One nest done there... so far.

Shadekit sat down to take a break near the nursery, extending their hind leg out to groom a dirt-brushed paw. "Should we look for more rocks for the next one?" They asked Bloodkit, oblivious to the fact that it was probably time for some patrols to be returning to camp.

[ please wait for @BLOODKIT to respond! the nests that have been decorated are those of @FLINTPAW. @Snowpaw. and @Scorchedmoon ! ]

She had successfully deduced that the dens of many ShadowClanners were ugly as heck-a-doodles. They had the personalities of boulders that didn't have particularly great personalities, and it hadn't taken long between the two great minds of Shadekit and Bloodkit to do something about it. Mama always had something to do in her own nest, be it chew on the feathers of migratory birds or bat around pinecones until they inevitably rolled out of the nursery - it was time for the rest of her clan to enjoy that same level of stimulation provided by Ferndance's hoarding. With each new thing found to collect the den, Bloodkit had jumped into the air with glee and excitedly talked with Shadekit about where it could go: a pebble in the middle, a piece of Twoleg trash that made a funny crinkly noise nestled underneath, thorns that could be used as barriers to prevent other cats from stealing your space. Shadekit had seemed down for most of her ideas and it only motivated Bloodkit to give more and more outlandish ideas. The break in interior decorating felt long, too long, and as Shadekit settled down, Bloodkit could only stand and knead the ground in anticipation.

"Ooh, rocks! Leader has some in their den, we could ask them to give us some," she replied excitedly, surely Chilledstar would aid their request if it was for a good cause! All good cats knew there was no greater cause than bettering the lives of others (with rocks.... and sticks...) "What if we got like... um... three of them," she held up a five-toed forepaw to help Shadekit recognise what three looked like to the cinnamon tabby. "And if we line them up one by one, we can make a tree with them!" Copper eyes eyed the clanrock hungrily, ready to run inside and 'ask', innocently time blind and unaware of how much the rocks meant to her boss.

It wasn’t hard to notice the two kittens chuckling to themselves when Scorchedmoon finally made his way back to camp with @Snowpaw. , though he didn’t make much of it for right now other than a quick glance. “Wonder what they’re up to…” Scorchedmoon questions out loud, somewhat quieter in tone than he usually is so that only his apprentice can hear him. “You should prooobably go check your nest just in case,” he suggests, not knowing how accurate his statement actually is just yet.

As soon as he puts a paw into the warrior den, he can see some smaller twigs strewn about, obviously forgotten about. But he can only imagine that someone younger would make a mistake like that… When Scorchedmoon goes to where his own nest is, in its own corner not particularly close to anyone else’s, it’s immediately obviously that it has been tampered with. Maybe due to it being singled out if you take a close look, his bed is way more full, with an assortment of things that could be considered pretty…but might not actually be that comfortable to sleep next to.

He just stares at it quizzically, not actually expecting his to be targeted. It looks like it was only his for the time being as well. “Well then!” He says out loud, shaking his head. Half of him wants to laugh, and half wants to be sad about how he’s once again the unfortunate one. Scorchedmoon goes back outside, watching for the time being, waiting to see if anyone else shows up to complain first before he says something himself.​
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eh?! who told the kits about the rocks in their den? those were their rocks! they're not sharing! okay, woah. their head shakes slightly at the rather kit like thoughts in their brain, and they have to force themself to take a breath in and out. they're not sharing their rocks, yes, but they really did not need to be kit like about it. their tail twitched as they approached, with a soft hum and nod.

"decorating nests, are we? unfortunately, chilledstar's rocks are not up for decorating, but i can get you some other ones."

the rocks they had were very special. they took days to choose those. they were very particular about their rocks, and they weren't going to let anyone have them. it's the one thing they're not budging on.

[ ༻❄༺ ] Snowpaw followed close behind Scorchedmoon, a tired look splayed on her face before hwe yellow gaze drifted onto the two giggling kits, and then Scorchedmoon suggested she go check her nest which would send the apprentice to rush into the apprentice den, spotting where appears to be her nest and oh how a small muffled teapot noise came from the apprentice. She quickly rushed to inspect the crimescene before ruining it more, looking for the bluejay feather that Garlicpaw had gifted her, once it was located she let a soft sigh of relief out before tucking it back into the worse for wear nest (by this point at least). The anger she felt was pushed down, these were kits after all, and Ferndance's kits no less, so they did not know any better. Yet, it didn't help at all with the anger that built up in her heart before she let a shaky sigh out and pushed her way out of the apprentice den.

Chilledstar had already told them no to using their rocks and she huffed a bit before looking down at the two. "Ask next time, okay?" she said before forcing a smile on her lips, her voice was shaky and she was trying so hard not to yell at the two. She definitely did not want to get lectured by anyone or a thwack to the head so the best she could do was force a smile and grit her teeth.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowpaw She/Her, apprentice of Shadowclan, 4 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.