In the throes of exhaustion, legs wavering under the strain and a hair's breadth away from final surrender, a trickle of light sculpts the shadows away from his paws. "Look," proclaims the deputy, whose suddenness commands the full focus of those behind him, "daylight. Fancy that."

Days of enduring this famished darkness and deprivation, now culminating in the ultimate salvation. That which they have mouthed anguished prayers to, and even dared to hope for, no longer lies within the scope of fantasy. It is very much real, and very much in close reach. Smogmaw defies the fatigue clawing at his limbs and quickens his stride, watching with mounting clarity as the whisper of radiance loudens to a chorus. In mere moments, the entire cave floor is bathed in illumination, the walls flushed with colour. Though the exit yet lies out of sight, the promise of freedom was a pulse they all felt in their hearts—especially for those who were rediscovering the gift of sight at long last.

Following a twist, and a turn, and then another corner, the serpentine passageway finally yields to the embrace of the wider world outside.

The ashen tom thrusts himself into sunlight's blinding abyss, not a lone heartbeat is spent in hesitation. Bidding farewell to that stars'-forsaken cave and its wretched memories, Smogmaw steps out into a realm he'd nearly ceased to believe in. Too long have his senses withered and his spirit decayed. Too intimately has he gotten to know the hodgepodge of cats he'd gotten stranded with. And though his vision had yet to recalibrate, the crisp air felt on his cheeks and in his nose gave him such a visceral sense of renewal. Was this... snow beneath his paws?

His eyesight comes back to him in increments. Milkpaw, Lightstrike, Iciclefang, Stormywing, Fernpaw, and Bobbie—their forms all hobble into this new terrain and undergo the same adjustment process as he. That none of them died whilst under his custody stands as a testament to the dumb luck and utter determination which had guided their paws.

He looks away, then, combing through this newfound landscape he found himself in. It's a stark contrast to the cone-bearing forests they'd gotten accustomed with. Plants aren't as dense, and the wind certainly carries a bite to it. As his line of vision skims across the geography, however, Smogmaw soon chances upon a revelation of sorts: distant, feline outlines betray the fact his group wasn't the first to emerge.

"OVER HERE!" he cries, voice resounding off the crags and jagged inclines in the ground. Positively itching to reunite with his clanmates, even Sharppaw, Smogmaw propels himself to the helm of a boulder overlooking the terrain below.

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Reactions: its_oliverr
WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ —————————————————————————————
// cw for emetophobia last paragraph

Lightstrike was at his wits' end. With each pawstep he wondered if it would be his last, wondered when his legs would finally give and refuse to obey. I promised I wouldn't die, he had said, and it hung heavy in the fog of his thoughts. It was willpower that kept him going this long, the knowledge that he at the very least wasn't alone, but it was dwindling fast.

His ears were ringing again, that pressure in his head pulsing in time with each slow beat of his heart. He felt out of breath, felt in tune with each scrape and ache, magnified by ten. Even so, when Smogmaw infiltrated his ears, the warrior instinctively raised his head. What he hadn't expected, however, was to see.

Light, dim, but light. Dumbly he took just a few more steps, but the shadow of the ShadowClan deputy was surging forward with renewed strength and he, with the others, followed. Brighter and brighter with each turn and it wasn't long before he was squinting against it, his eye now foreign to the sun's rays.

Stone fell away, and one by one the cats burst into empty air... except Lightstrike. Above the sun beat down as he crept from the shadows' embrace, and it felt as though it did nothing short of pierce his senses. Eye scrunching shut the tom flinched back with a feeble hiss, the pounding behind his skull renewed with a fury.

The pressing silence of the cave had given way, the barriers to his senses crumbling like a dam in a flood, and it was overwhelming. It felt as though each time he opened his eye claws sank into his brain, and the warrior bit back a whimper. Even so, with the group forging on ahead, he had no choice but to creep behind them.

He felt sick. Up ahead Smogmaw roared, calling about something he couldn't yet see. His head swam, vision blurred as he squinted at his paws. Breaths came in shallow shudders and he swallowed hard against the lump in his throat. His stomach was twisting, clenching, refusing to settle, and—


Lightstrike staggered to the side, back arching as he heaved and retched, yet with his belly empty nothing came up. Its force left his head pounding, his throat stinging from bile and acid and he swallowed once, twice, three times. Scrunching his eye shut, he shakily lifted a paw to cover it.

[penned by its_oliverr - ]

Fernpaw shivered, and he was not sure whether it was from the cold or from fear. Desperately he hoped he'd hid it well in the cover of darkness, that even his optimism was beginning to fade into worry. Even if he had gotten to say goodbye, to Mudpelt and Steepsnout, to Ravensong, to Sablepaw... if the last time he'd saw them had been that, the last time... he wasn't sure if he'd ever forgive himself in StarClan. As much as he'd moved past idealistic notions of proving himself... if he died without his warrior name, their memory of him would always be this.

He'd grown noticeably quiet the last while- even at Smogmaw's sudden proclamation that he saw daylight. Fernpaw hadn't noticed his eye had been closed, but when he pried it open he saw that indeed- sunshine, spearing through and colouring the walls. Never would Fernpaw have predicted that he would be glad to see dirt in illuminated glory- but though exhaustion prevented him from running, his eagerness sprung him forward.

The small tom glowed like fire in this light, burning with relief. Squinting eyes twitched in the harsh light as he glanced backward, checking each name of each cat in his group. His sister, Stormywing, Milkpaw, Bobbie- Smogmaw of course, and... Lightstrike not far behind them, still a little obscured by the dark. There it was, the day- cold as it was, suddenly. Had it been snowy when they'd gotten trapped? Either the sky had wept for there presumably-perished, or they'd travelled a great distance toward their goal, even when blind in the dark. They had said lungwort grew in the cold of the mountains, hadn't they?

Fernpaw too saw the silhouettes- cats, before them. Was it everyone? What light within him had been dimmed shone from him in burning blaze, and he prepared to launch himself toward some familiar faces- Lakemoon, Hazecloud, Mosspaw, Dovethroat, Figfeather, Sharppaw, Chalk. Eager eyes swept the horizon for them all- were they alright? What stopped him from bounding forward though was the sound of retching. Fernpaw turned to see the golden Thunderclanner.

Hesitation gripped him for a moment- he'd never liked sick cats, had instinctively avoided them. They'd known the whole time that Lightstrike was bleeding, though- that he was hurt, and Fernpaw knew he couldn't just streak ahead and leave their injured behind. Stormywing had been mindful of Iciclefang, and- though Lightstrike had refused him earlier, Fernpaw flocked to his side.

"We really need Magpiepaw!" Fernpaw yelled, trying to sweep the panic out of his tone- and doing quite a poor job of it. He glanced at Iciclefang to get a once-over of her, too- she'd smelled like blood for a couple days, and though her wound had probably healed by now Fernpaw could not ignore her. He called to the crowd up ahead. "We have two injured cats!"
penned by pin
A small, pessimistic part of Iciclefang had not dared to imagine she’d see daylight again. When Smogmaw halts their procession and gestures toward a thin gilded line trickling through the stones, she nearly gasps. “Daylight,” he says, copper eyes—she can see their color!—flicking along the precious golden droplets on the cave floor. She eyes each one hungrily, as though it can nourish her body the way it is strengthening her spirit.

She’d been about to collapse before this point, leaning heavily against Stormywing for support, but this renews her energy, just as it seems to do for her companions. The passage narrows, twists, and all at once—all at once they’re bursting into a beautiful sunlit day, rolling hills and an eternal blue sky widening before them. Iciclefang’s eyes tear up as a stinging wind nibbles at her face; she inhales deeply, the fresh air settling and blooming in her stagnant lungs.

We’re free,” she mumbles. A useless statement, the obvious, but she’s nearly spent with relief and exhaustion. She doesn’t care about being useful for one tiny, fragmented heartbeat. She drinks the appearances of her companions in, slating a thirst she didn’t know she had. Lightstrike’s golden form lurches, retching into the grass; Fernpaw, her littermate, waves with Smogmaw to distant specks on the horizon; Milkpaw and Bobbie stream to her side, pale tabby pelts gleaming under the sun; and Stormywing beside her, jaw strong and golden eyes burning, is her ever-present support.

Thank you,” she murmurs to the ThunderClanner. There are other cats out here—cats who she thought had died—and the knowledge that they may all return home after all softens the fanged words in her heart. Fernpaw cries that two cats are injured, and Iciclefang looks to Lightstrike again, to the way his body trembles and the swollen eye he all but holds in his paws.

  • interacting with @STORMYWING
  • iciclekit . iciclepaw . iciclefang
    — she/her ; warrior of riverclan
    — lesbian ; single
    — short-haired tortoiseshell with white and ice-blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Pin

Dovethroat's reaction is just about as dramatic as everyone else's as they grow closer and closer toward the light. He hears an odd, echoing, garbled noise before he makes anything out, and he flinches. As the noise continues, it becomes clearer and clearer—as if it's coming from the walls, with all their details growing finer and more visible with the greater clarity of the sound, whichhe can now tell is a voice, and not some hallucination or mumbled sound from prey; or something worse, maybe.

He's felt claustrophobic for quite some time, and his group has likely noticed how shallow his breaths have gotten. He has not slept a wink, using any of their "rest" time to curl up into as close of a ball as he can so that he feels like he has some more room. It's suffocating. He has been moments away from driving his head into the wall for what feels like the past week.

Panic has rendered him silent. Any questions about his state would have been brushed off with a quipped, speedy I'm fine, or something like that. The horrifying thought that they will be lost here, left to die in meaningless darkness as they wander around in circles, has just begun to curdle the bile in his throat. Ravensong would never see him again, and it would be for no reason as all. He had died of starvation, of utter stupidity. It's just at that moment, though, that he notices that the greater details he is able to see in the wall are—

"B—W—L—wuh!" He burbles, making incoherent noises as he barrels ahead toward the light in stumbling bounds. The instant his ears seem to fill with wind and his face is stung with cold he collapses onto the ground—his face immediately burrowed into the dirt as his entire body is wracked with jolts of what could be either laughter or sobbing. It isn't exactly clear.

The more it goes on, the more it really seems like it could be both at once.


He's clung to Honeyjaw's side the entire time, not for fear but familiarity and assistance in staying with the group. It felt like even in the darkness he could see he took a longer step to the right than a left and continued to veer from his course and need to be corrected; Magpiepaw decided the best solution was to just keep leaning on the older warrior until they got somewhere that him wandering a bit off course would not lead to possibly getting lost and dying in these dark caverns alone. The idea was frightful.

OVER HERE! A voice rings out, he recognizes Smogmaw almost immediately and his teeth flash in a relieved smile that the deputy was still fine, warmed to know his own clanmates had not suffered a lost but this relief was short-lived. Magpiepaw wastes no time in wobbling forward, bouncing along to the group as they converge together once more but the scent of blood draws him to the side where he spots Iciclefang struggling along with the help of one of the ThunderClanners just as Fernpaw cries out his name. His blue-violet gaze sweeps across all the cats, he sees many scratches and blood stains in the near dark, Lightstrike's face especially is a mosaic of red and yellow now from the drying blood on cream fur. He is shaking his bundle of herbs loose from the folded leaf around them as he hears the wretching and looks up with a jerk of his head to the Thunderclanner losing the contents of his empty stomach. His nose wrinkles, he rapidly goes over the list of herbs he has and their uses and he isn't entirely sure but he recalls chervil being good for bellyaches and maybe that would soothe the vomitting - he did not have the watermint he was more familiar with. Chervil could help with warding off any infection to. He noses through the piles of plants spilled at his paws before raising his voice so he can be heard, "Fernpaw, here.." A mouthful of herbs picked up, he wanders over next to Lightstrike and as he reaches them he waves a paw for Milkpaw to help Iciclefang rest nearby. "This here and this one..." He adds an orange flower atop it, " matches your fur, it's marigold. Can you chew that up for me? Lightstrike, rest here. We need to clean your face first..." Applying it with the cave debris still dirtying his fur would be counterproductive.
"Can..." He turns, head raised and ears pricked upward as he regards the gathered cats, "...can anyone not hurt find moss and bring water?" The first step, they had a lot of cuts and scrapes to clean and he was going to burn through his supply of cobwebs he brought before its all said and done. He'd have to get more before they continued, who knew if he'd be lucky enough to find it when it was needed later.
With a swift pivot, and assuming Iciclefang was resting now he would note the length of the shoulder wound on her and visible winced before settling down next to her to prod at it as carefully as he could just to get a better look before he could get some moss to wad up over it and stop the bleeding; would definitely need to be cleaned more thoroughly but they needed water for it. "Stormywing, can you help her clean this some?"
Shoulders were hard to groom properly, or maybe that was just him, but the extra help would be appreciated.
He was beginning to realize his little supply bag of herbs may not be enough right now...
Interacting with @FERNPAW & @LIGHTSTRIKE . & @iciclefang & @STORMYWING atm!

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Reactions: FERNGILL

nightbird was nearly tripping over clearheart's heels as he guided them closer and closer into the light. when the exit to the cave was highlighted by a blinding white, she couldn't help the quickness of her paws as she stormed outside. silver eyes slammed shut almost immediately, but a breathy sigh of relief left her lungs. open land, she had never been so happy to have the sun blind her.

for a few moments, she just sat, breathing in the crisp air as it cleansed her from the dampness of the cave. slowly, she tried to blink away the dappled nature of her vision, it was proving to be difficult yet. not only that, she heard voices shouting from not too far. nightbird couldn't make out what they were saying or who was there, but her paws were moving again before she knew it.

she spotted stormywing first, grey and white pelt mostly unharmed from the looks of it. one warrior was accounted for, and with her vision returning she continued her search with slightly less tightness in her chest. maybe they had all made it out okay, they could all still return and her failure at the rockslide could be overlooked. silver gaze darting around, finally it found another thunderclanner. barely even recognizable, lightstrike sat hunched over, white paw lifted over his face, but alive. nightbird didn't even know she was holding her breath until it exited hastily through her nose as she approached.

"stars, you look awful." it was a relieved sigh rather than a pointed jab for once. awful was not dead, sure beat it by a few hundred fox-lengths too. nightbird shifted back as the medicine cat apprentice came over and began tossing direction, his cut was nasty, face matted with blood. lightstrike and everyone else needed magpiepaw's attention more than anyone else's right now. however, she couldn't just sit and watch helplessly, the little black cat sure had their paws full.

a quick not and she was off, moss and water weren't difficult requests. nightbird veered towards some trees and found a nice patch, luckily a stream from snow runoff wasn't far. moss soaked, she headed back swiftly, dropping the clump near where magpiepaw stood.

"it's not far, if you need more let me know," she commented, sitting near where everyone seemed to be gathered. a rest would be nice after treacherous nights in the caves, but first she would get the seal of approval from shadowclan's medicine cat apprentice for the slice along her jaw. it certainly wasn't as deep as most other's injuries, but she could feel the dried blood weigh down the tufted fur on her face. for now, the lead warrior sat patiently, waiting and hoping that more tunderclanners would pop out soon.

  • interacting w/ @LIGHTSTRIKE . and @Magpiepaw

  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, twenty-five moons
    nightbird is a small black smoke molly with pale silver eyes. a loner turned thunderclanner, her loyalty and drive to provide for her clan is unwavering. however, she is not known for harboring a bleeding heart, instead equipped with sarcastically fueled wit, brutal honesty, and a sharply edged tongue.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ —————————————————————————————
Between the taste of bile in his mouth and the acrid burn in his nose, Lightstrike dimly wondered if he was going to enter another bout of gagging, paw half-lowering to squint at the hazy ground and pull in breaths that just didn't seem to be enough.

Someone was at his side—Fernpaw, he recognized with a flicker of a glance, only to grimace hard when the tom shouted right by his ear. "Stop," he tried to snap, but the words barely made it past his lips, unable to muster the energy to raise his volume. Nor did he want to, with the way the apprentice's words had grated his head.

It's so fucking bright. Did nobody else want to curl up and cover their eyes? Was he the only one struggling to adjust? It didn't make sense. He'd thought it was the caverns throwing him so far off.

The commotion was growing now, cats he hadn't seen in days making their appearance. He wanted to be happy, on some level he knew he was, but he mostly just wanted to lay down and die. Between the glaring sun and the darkness of the tunnels, one was far less offensive to his senses, and part of him found itself wishing he could crawl back into it.

Lightstrike hardly needed coaxing from Magpiepaw to lay down. Expression crinkled and eyes shut again, he was only marginally sure that he wouldn't be sick again in the next few minutes. Slowly, and he did mean slowly, he was finding it less and less painful to crack them open to squint around.

Stars, you look awful, a familiar voice said, and the golden warrior peered up at her blearily. It was several heartbeats before he reacted, only a mere twitch of his lips rather than a dry, barking laugh. Nightbird was here, which meant everybody else wouldn't be far behind.

The next time he became aware of another cat in his little bubble of misery was when a shockingly cold wad of moss pressed itself to his face. The ThunderClanner sucked in a breath and instinctively pulled back, only belatedly realizing the purpose and sighing. Blood was washed away swipe by swipe and drip by drip until, finally, he could open his eyes. Plural. Oh. It's still there. That's nice. Everything was still bright, however, and he continued to squint.

[penned by its_oliverr - ]
How many days had they been trapped in the eternal darkness? She had quit counting after the third day. She had tried to keep her hopes up that they would find a way out, but the longer they were trapped down here, the harder it began to become. The progress through the tunnels they had made was slow...Duskpool was having issues fitting through some of the narrow parts, and she alike many of the others, had a few scrapes and cuts that were bugging her.

Each night, she had curled up close beside her daughter, praying to Starclan that they would show them a way to get out...for her daughter to at least be able to escape. She had wished for Howlingstar to have changed her not allow her daughter to come on this dangerous mission. Stormpaw still had her entire life ahead of her...and if their other clanmates hadn't survived the cave of them needed to make it to the lungwort.

She was a couple of cats behind Needledrift, when an ever so faint light started to come into view. The lead warrior took in a sharp breath of excitement, "Guys! Look, light!" There was a way out! Starclan had listened to her prayers after all. She followed closely behind the others as they pushed their way through. Her eyes immediately squinted, and she held a paw over them. The very thing she had been dreaming of burned so bad. Her eyes had adjusted to the darkness too much...She sat down beside the tunnel's exit for a moment, letting her vision adjust. Her pelt was covered in dust, making it look more brown than red. Dried blood matted her fur down along a spot on her back, where a sharp rock had caught her pelt. It hurt, but she knew there were plenty of others who were sporting similar scars.

After she adjusted to the light, she gazed around at the area around them. The trees were different here...the air was crisper. She even noticed various patches of snow nearby. The mountains had to be close! She took in a deep breath, drinking in the freshness that it provided. It felt nice and clean compared to the dust and dirt filled tunnels. She never wanted to experience that again. The tabby turned to talk to one of her fellow tunnel mates, but she stopped when she heard other voices. The others, they were alive!

She saw other clanners, but she was specifically looking for her clanmates. They had to be alive still...if she had to return home without any of them, she would feel eternally guilty. She noticed Stormywing, Lightstrike, and Nightbird. Lightstrike was holding a paw to his eye, and Nightbird was dabbing it with moss. Her pelt prickled in alarm, hoping the young warrior wasn't too injured. He had been threatened to get sent home already...but the journey home was too far now, especially if he had lost his sight. She hurried over to the other cats, heading over to her clanmates. "You guys...I thought..." she took in a deep breath, blinking the worry from her eyes the best she could. "I'm so glad you are all safe."

Her head turns, looking out for their other clanmates. "Have you seen the others?" If more than just her group had made it out, then Starclan willing...the rest had too. "Everyone will be hungry after being down there so long. I will take some cats out to hunt." Her back scar was throbbing, but she'd be damned if she had to eat another lizard.
  • interacting with @nightbird @LIGHTSTRIKE . @STORMPAW and looking at @STORMYWING

    if anyone wants to go hunt with her feel free to volunteer! she will take anyone (:​
  • flamegal.png
    LH red tabby with low white (masks black tabby, carries dilute, solid)
    — Lead Warrior of Thunderclan ; currently mentoring Acornpaw
    — she/her ; mated with Flycatcher
    — mother to Stormpaw & Falconpaw
    — 24 moons ; ages on the 20th
    — Smells like dirt, old leaves, tree sap, faint hint of flowers
    — will start a fight, will finish fights, will kill (case depending)
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — penned by Icey ! ; link to tags
    — link to toyhouse
    — funny guy art by waluigipinball​

anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
He hadn’t believed it at first—stopping just as Flamewhisker called out, torn ear flickering, making no move to follow them. He stared, molten copper squinting at the first breaks of light splattered like freckles across the stony surface, maw parted just slightly in disbelief. His chest heaved, dragging in a lungful of fresh air that soothed the aches in his bones, but not for long, coming back with petty vengeance, he bit back a grunt. His helm pivoted to stare behind them into the fraying darkness. He had expected to die down there, trapped within a maze of passageways that made his head damn near spin. It made him wonder if they even had a sliver of a chance of making it out of there.

He sure as hell didn’t think any of this was real, nothing but a pipe dream his mind conjured up on the brink of death. Maybe he was dying somewhere down there and this was his brain hallucinating some faux idea that he got out when he was nothin’ more but a rotting corpse. He laughed, more like a breathy wheeze when reality slammed into him, nearly knocking the older warrior onto his side if it wasn’t for the stone wall keeping his body from collapsing.

He grinned, nothing but bittersweetness coating his drying tongue, stomach rumbling in silent protest. He didn’t know what to expect, but to hear the sounds of others sent pure relief through him, dark lips curling into a tired grin, body sagging.

“Would ya look at that?” He rumbled, tone tired. He took the first few steps forward, drawing in raggedy breaths to breathe the first light of sunshine that nearly made his skin crawl, eyes burning with a clamped hiss. He hadn’t needed to keep his eye shielded when he was surrounded by darkness. That was until the light kissed sensitive nerves, burning the clouded hue with a jerk of his helm.

Duskpool limped away from the others. He wasn’t friends with any of ‘em and he sure doubted any of ‘em would have missed him in the long run. He ended up taking a seat beside the rough bark of a trunk, observing them from afar. He didn’t have the energy to sit upright, letting his helm barely brush against the rough texture, molten copper fluttering, weighing heavily with exhaustion.

He hadn’t been getting enough sleep, not since they began this blasted journey, maybe even before that added to the bone-deep exhaustion from traveling through stone passageways that made breathin’ far more problematic than it should. He was tired. More tired than he’d ever been, weighed down by hunger that gripped his stomach in a vice-like grip.

Duskpool hadn’t realized it at first, helm nodding forward, dizziness encompassing him with a strained grunt. He breathed, chest rattling with the motion, barely able to make out Flamewhisker’s voice, muffled. He figured it was somethin’ to do with hunting. His head bobbed, feeling the world spin, nearly tipping him over despite being pressed against the tree’s trunk. “I’ll—” His voice was hoarse, nothing more than a weak whisper that made his insides crawl in disgust, teeth clamping shut.

He willed himself to get over it, but his body seemed to disagree, breathing heavily until darkness blanketed his vision, falling limp against the tree as tiredness seeped deeper into his bones.

Duskpool shifted not some minutes later with a strained grunt, nausea gripping his insides, limbs jerking awkwardly until he rolled over, gagging. Foxdung. A shiver ran through his frame, willing the nausea to go away, enormous paws sinking into the rougher terrain with a grunt, sprawled out on his side with his legs half-heartedly tucked, breathing deeply.

If anyone had come over to look, Duskpool would grunt, half-heartedly swatting them away with a mumbled ‘I’m fine.’ He was no newbie to fainting but it sure knocked him off course when it happened. The obsidian warrior pulled himself to his paws, letting his weight rest against the trunk, expression deadpan despite the nausea combating against his will, acting as if nothing happened.

/ passed out for a few minutes, but otherwise, he's fine ! just a roughed-up shoulder ^^
thought speech
For a moment, he thought this was the end of it. His small group would be the only survivors– out of everyone that had come, and all that they had been through, this small pawful would have to finish on their own. The thought had despaired him greatly. How could they carry back enough to save everyone? Would they each only take back enough to cure one cat? Was that worth the deaths that would plague them? All those that would be lost along the way? Numb and desperate, they waited. He paced. Then, echoing: Smogmaw. The familiar voice of their deputy, whose words make the chocolate tom's heart soar. By the time he bolts upright, Magpiepaw is already off to do his job. (There is hope, then, that they'll make it back. That he can tell Starlingheart just how well her apprentice had done. Worthy of the path placed before him.)

So he runs. To Smogmaw, first, nearly finding it in himself to tackle the odd tom. Something like logic or reason stops him short of it, though warmth glows on his face regardless. "You made it! All of you!" Two wounded of this group– where are the rest? He looks up from where the deputy came, the ember of hope already beginning to fade. "Have you seen Clearheat anywhere? What about Sharppaw?"

  • OOC.
    ——  a short-furred dark chocolate point tom with the smallest splashes of white on his forehead, front paws, and tail tip. well-built, but overall average in size and unremarkable aside from his lightly curled ears and the magnetism of his smile. seems to show signs of aging earlier than expected with a salt-and-pepper dusting.
    ✦ NOTICE honeyjaw is currently on the journey and will not be active outside of retro threads, or finishing those he had previously posted in! please message me on discord for plots or interactions between journey cats.
  • "speech"

It's a struggle to even believe they were alive right now. Exhaustion weighed heavy on her face, tired lines creased under the gentle features of her eyes. A sharp reminder tells her that her mother would disapprove of the disarray that her coat was in. That she let her tiredness show anywhere on her body, let alone her face. That she was irresponsible for not keeping her appearance maintained when in the eyes of so many cats, so many strangers, assessing, always watching.

Yet she does not care. Her mother does not exist in this world beyond the borders of her Clan. Her paws would never dare trace where Hazecloud's had been, and most certainly, her voice was not even the slightest whisper here.

In this moment Hazecloud took in how truly far away they are now. Beyond Thunderpaths, beyond an entire river, and now past narrow stone tunnels that led them into a snow-dipped clearing. She took the time to catch her breath and let her eyes adjust to the onslaught of light. Taking in the serenity after the chaos they endured in the darkness. For days they had assumed it was just their ragged group left after all of that. For days they had struggled to survive with meager scraps and hardly any water.

They had been blessed that their Clanmates did not succumb to the collapse. They had been saved from death's jaws and slowly they all welcomed one another back into their numbers. Hazecloud was still looking for her own, searching for their faces. Either their scents were all muddled or too much dust and dirt and filled her nose, she couldn't pick anyone apart until, until...

Smogmaw emerged in tow with Iciclefang and Fernpaw. Relief came though hesitantly, distant. She counted the heads she had before turning her gaze elsewhere in search of those still missing. With Iciclefang being taken care of by the ShadowClanner, she felt confident enough to leave her in his care for now.

"Have any of you seen Mosspaw, or Lakemoon?"
  • // interacting briefly with @Flamewhisker , looking for @Cherrypaw and @SLATE
  • 68451166_mY2BOSe6hTLMAcu.png

    orangeblossom | tags
    — she/her ; deputy of skyclan, mentoring eveningpaw.
    — scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes.
    "speech" ; thoughts
    — chibi by waluigipinball
    — penned by mercibun. @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots.
Close at Needledrift's shoulder walks Orangeblossom, a small gasp leaving her at the sheer chill in the air when they emerge. Suddenly it's leafbare again, SkyClan emerging from the blizzard they'd hunkered down among during the coldest moons, and Orangeblossom's lungs burn with both the sudden chill of the air and the freshness of the open sky. Though her eyes are nearly closed her pupils narrow to slits in a futile attempt to compensate for the sudden onslaught of light that meets them. Everything is blown out, slightly blurry and far too much for her to take in at once, so she closes her eyes again and lets herself fall back onto navigating with her nose and ears. Focusing on her other senses, Orangeblossom nearly weeps with the relief of her whiskers not brushing stone. She's free.

"I'll come with you once I check on my Clanmates." She promises the green-eyed ThunderClanner with a nod, before they part ways and Orangeblossom to cast her own gaze over the slowly emerging patrols. She sees neither Cherrypaw or Slate, though with only a small number of the groups accounted for so far and none reporting losses she has yet to lose hope. The usual ivory of Orangeblossom's pelt is turned grey-brown with dust, but as she slowly adjusts she can see that the other Clan cats have met a similar fate in surviving the tunnels.

.i'll be your calm, ———


——— before the storm!.
———————— ————————
The caves were.. well, he wouldn't miss them.

Magpiepaw had been with him, so his paws weren't itchy like they could have been. Honeyjaw had lead them out of the caves and into the sunlight- Batwing's eyes had been screwed shut, even since they had started to approach the end of it all, the light in the cave. His fur was standing on edge as he stumbled free of the cave, losing contact with the others momentarily. All he could hear was the rushing in his ears, the drumming in his chest, the ache in his paws.

Slowly, his eyes cracked open. The light was intense, the noise different. Luckily, they had passed through plenty of wider caverns, so the sound wasn't shocking- and this wasn't the first time he had gone from blind to not blind. He let a slow groan leave his lips, hearing the calls and cries of other cats, but all he could focus on was the sky.

Breathtaking, cloud-filled sky full of freedom. And birds. They swept and dove in packs, migrating for the winter. And his paws were cold, a breath leaving him. Snow was melting around him, the sun glinting off of it. He was squinting against the light, but the grin on his lips, the tiny laugh from his mouth- they were alive. They were surviving! Batwing's lungs filled with fresh air, and he let a soft sigh out. In a crowd of cats hunched over, sick, in pain, hungry, cold, Batwing was elated to be there.

He broke away from his group, hearing Clan-mates, hoping Little and Hail followed him. He slowed his approach, looking at Lightstrike, then towards Flamewhisker. "I was with Hailstorm and Little Wolf. They're both okay- Hailstorm had.. a cut on his nose." He let the information flow, trying to recall details. "I have cuts on my paws, but Magpiepaw was with us, so they're treated." Batwing finally stopped, looking at the rest of them.

"I'll.. I'll go hunting with you. Are you all okay, though?" Batwing asked, eyes wide as he looked at the grouping of Thunderclanners.

// speaking directly to @Flamewhisker but interacting with @LIGHTSTRIKE . @nightbird @STORMPAW @STORMYWING @LITTLE WOLF @HAILSTORM.
(sorry for all of the pings lol)

Stormywing is a persistent she-cat. When she sets her mind to something, it's difficult to get her to change her views. But days in this deafening darkness has begun to wear down her optimism. Despite the salamanders Smogmaw has been able to catch for them, her stomach growls and complains that it isn't enough. She needs a fat squirrel, or maybe even a rabbit. The very thought of such a meal has her mouth watering. Briefly, the thought crosses her mind...StarClan will have plentiful prey, at least.

And though her legs grow weary, muscles beginning to cry out in pain, she does not falter. For at her shoulder leans a cat who has become something of a friend in these caves, and she'll be damned if she doesn't continue to help her wincing form.

When the light begins to spill into the distant cave, she thinks she may be dreaming at first. Are we going to StarClan? She thinks weakly, for a moment, allowing her head to loll to the side in exhaustion, cheek against Iciclefang's head. Are we dying? But Smogmaw sees it, too. Calls it daylight, and Stormywing's ears perk slightly. What she's seeing is real. They've made it. A sudden, short laugh bursts from her, breathless and disbelieving. "You did it!" She cries out to Smogmaw with excitement, suddenly energized. And when they step out into the sunlight and feel the rays of warmth light up their pelts, she is beaming. "You got us out of there, I can't believe it!" Another adrenaline-filled laugh leaves her as she stops to look around at her companions. She blinks rapidly as her eyes adjust to the light that may as well be the sun itself compared to those caves. How strange that she's been traveling with these cats for days, memorized their voices and scents and the sound of their pawsteps, but hasn't been able to see them until now.

And when her eyes finally find the girl leaning against her, she cannot help but let her grin falter slightly, her breath catching in her throat. Have her eyes always been so blue...? A few long days in the darkness and it almost feels as if she's seeing her with new eyes. A cat she once squabbled with and jeered at now seems...well, much more pleasant to look at, more fun to be around after getting to know her. The tabby blinks again when she thanks her, and the small she-cat is swift to straighten herself and fix her smirk, a shrug rippling her shoulders. "Well, couldn't let ya be left behind," She mews casually.

Her attention is swiftly grabbed by Smogmaw's holler, her head swinging around. Her jaws part in shock - the others are out. A cry of relief leaves her as she takes a few steps forward, only to quickly remember Iciclefang's predicament. She looks back over her shoulder, gaze genuine as she trills, "I'll be right back. I promise," before she gallops off a few long strides to reunite with her clanmates. "So, everyone's okay?!" Her cousin, too? She could cry! She brushes against them all: Flamewhisker, Batwing, Nightbird - she decides to leave Lightstrike to his business, as it's a tad gross.

And before she knows it she is returning to Iciclefang's side as Magpiepaw approaches her to examine. He asks her to clean the wound and she jolts a bit, head cocking to the side as a look of hesitation crosses her features. "Oh, erm. Yeah, sure." She's never exactly had to share tongues with or groom a cat from a different clan. She flicks her eyes up to meet the tortoiseshell warrior's gaze, as if saying, Sorry about this, before leaning down to begin licking at the dried blood and dust that had covered the healing wound.

LAKEMOON — me and the devil, walking side by side.
Guys! Look, light!
The call is a symphony to flattened ears, pressed firmly against her skull to drown out the eerie cave noises that had begun to drive the silver warrior crazy throughout the last… how long had they been trapped in the earth? Days? How far had their journey been drawn out because of this?
Fleeting thoughts and questions, Lakemoon far too busy fixating on their new beacon up ahead. The pace quickens, Lakemoons own heart rate beginning to pound with each step closer they were to freedom, her ears upright as she listens to the sound of rejoice, the others.
The fresh air is brittle, sunlight stinging her eyes, but it is something she could relish in.
Her blinks are rapid, giving her eyes no time to properly adjust before she is looking for familiar pelts of fire and patchwork.
We really need Magpiepaw! Fernpaws voice shouts, and half of the older warriors worry is lifted.
Iciclefangs form trails behind her brother and an injured Thunderclan warrior, and Lakemoons knows the stars would scorn her for her relief that it wasn’t Iciclefang in his predicament.
Weaving through the bodies of cats rushing and staggering, spilling out from their rocky prison, there is dismay sparking in her azure gaze as she approaches, the calico was injured- though not as badly as the tom that had run to gag into the grass. Magpiepaw was already there, and Lakemoon pulls to where Fernpaw is busy chewing vibrant blossoms as to not crowd Iciclefang.
"Fernpaw, are you alright?" She asks. Fernpaw wasn’t the type to hide such vital information, but the tabby molly didn’t want to spare any chances, eyes quickly taking the chance to less than slyly give him a once-over.

//interacting with @FERNPAW

┌─────────────────── ☽【❖】☾ ───────────────────┐
It hadn't seemed real, at first - some sort of cruel trick that Clearheart was playing on them, even if the ShadowClanner didn't seem the sort - when he'd announced an opening up ahead, and even when Luckypaw's own senses had felt the breeze, the lightening in the air, it still didn't seem real. As the others began to perk up, began to pick up their pace towards what just might be the group's saving grace, he has a hard time willing himself to follow them, the aching in his paws and in his tail and in his heart weighing him down until his paws felt heavy as stones. There's hardly anything else in the world he wants more than to be free of these cloistering, unfamiliar tunnels, but by this point he's already convinced himself that they're not getting free - that the journey ends here, with them, crawling along until they slowly lose their strength and their will - and the alternative to that? That they might see the light of day again, might make it out mostly unscathed, not counting the rest of the missing group? That's scary. If he stands under that light and another blow to his family has been dealt, more struck down and sent away never to return, he doesn't know that he can bear it. Of course, as haunting as that thought is, staying in these caves forever is a far worse fate, far scarier, and so as he rounds a bend and the faint sensation of light springs forth, Luckypaw faces it head-on, no faltering or hesitation for once.

Instinctively, as if he were climbing out of a tunnel back home, he shuts his eyes tightly against the bright slices of the sun, and even though it burns even past that, the warmth is welcome, and as he stands there, just as blind as before, he doesn't know whether he's choking back a sob or a purr. He almost doesn't even want to open his eyes, to stay blind to whatever trials they'll have to face in the wake of this disaster, but a distant sound that's eerily and distinctly cat-like causes his eyes to snap open, blinking back against the brightness even as he squints in the direction the voice had come from. Hard as it is to make out, he eventually catches sight of some familiar and some not-so-familiar pelts, other cats beginning to stream out of other crevices, and even if he doesn't immediately spot black and orange and white, this time he can't quite hold back the emotions building up at the sight, a strangled sound of relief escaping him. Even cats from other Clans are better than nothing, as evinced by the strange, tremulous sense of connection that tugged at his heart when he glanced at any of the cats that had been trapped along with him (and oh, how wonderful it was to truly be able to see them!), and so seeing that at least some of the other journeying cats releases a little tension from his shoulders.

Of course, the happiness at seeing other Clan cats is still fleeting, quickly eclipsed by the part of his heart that longs to grab hold of his kin and never let go, and once he feels steady enough not to collapse into a puddle on the ground, he starts to make his way towards the throng of reuniting cats, sparing only one last glance for those that had been with him in the tunnel that had not already gone to greet friends and family of their own. Voices are still flying around him, and each one crushes his hopes a little more when he doesn't hear any that are familiar; Luckypaw would add his to the din, too, if he felt like he could muster up anything that would be heard - if he wasn't so afraid of receiving no greeting back in return, and being met only with joyful cries even as his world fell apart for the second time. Perhaps it was too good to be true to think that both Scorchstreak and Scorchpaw had made it out of the rockslide alive, even if he hasn't encountered anybody looking morose yet; even if he wanted so badly for everything he'd believed these past few days to be proven wrong, it was hard to imagine such a miracle taking place that nobody had been crushed beneath the rocks.

Another burst of cats fills his vision, and he's once again let down when none of them ring particularly familiar, dread building deeper and deeper in his veins. There was already a good amount of cats gathered, and more coming still, but instead of comforting, it's starting to feel crushing, as though he were being buried into this strange mountain anew. "Scorchpaw? Scorchstreak?" His call is quavering, and he feels like shrinking back as he so vividly recalls the last time he'd cried out like this for his sister, but he can't hold himself back from the anxiety that washes over him now. He's wandered close to a decently-sized group now, and as he begins to scan their faces for a hint of familiarity, he forgets himself, tail instinctively lashing in agitation, and Luckypaw lets out a hiss of pain as the throbbing begins anew. It's enough to stop him in his tracks, focusing on breathing even as it doesn't fade away. There are others around injured, too, and even though his scent isn't wreathed in the tang of blood, it gives him pause seeing the black and white form of the medicine cat apprentice - Magpiepaw, he's fairly certain - beginning to take charge. More than anything, he wants Scorchstreak and Scorchpaw, wants them to make everything feel better, but in the light the bend in his tail is even more of a sickening sight to behold, and so he hovers nearby, hoping that Magpiepaw will be able to fix him like the others. He won't stop looking for Scorchpaw and Scorchstreak - he never would, he doesn't think - but it's getting harder and harder to ignore the fresh stabs of pain each movement brings.​
  • OOC: Looking for @SCORCHPAW and @SCORCHSTREAK & hovering awkwardly near @Magpiepaw
  • VGVREdC.png
  • 69355684_l8Wl3AJb3zHJeza.png
    - Luckykit Luckypaw
    - He/him (AFAB)
    - 6 moons (Ages on the 1st)
    - Kit Apprentice of WindClan
    - Small blue tortoiseshell with white spotting & green eyes
    - Art by myself & meghan respectively! <33
    - Minor powerplay allowed!
    - Penned by Hijinks​

The reunion was clumsy, but was anything they'd managed so far perfect? Voices rose and mingled, and Lightstrike beside him shied away from the noise- but Fernpaw was determined not to leave his side, steadfast there even as Magpiepaw instructed him to chew up some herbs. Matched his fur. "Yep, alright," he obliged, glancing to where Stormywing was tending to his sister- she was well cared-for, then. He was surprised Stormywing was not offering to swap, given they'd taken on the aiding of the other one's Clanmate. He wasn't complaining, though. No part of him was in any rush to listen to more of what Iciclefang had to say to him.

Chewing up the herbs as instructed, his expression brightened as soon as he spotted Lakemoon looking toward him, scanning him not-so-subtly. She was just worried for him, he had to tell himself... she didn't pity him, think him a burden to this journey, like his sister did. So long as she didn't start smothering him, Fernpaw would greet her with a smile as bright as ever.

Once he was done with the marigold, the unappetising taste sticking to his mouth like wetted honeycomb. "Yeah, I'm good," he said, breathless for some reason. In truth, he could hardly believe it, that he'd gotten out of there unscathed. It seemed in spite of himself. "Are- are you? Is Mosspaw alright, do you know? Hazecloud, Dovethroat...?"

\ interacting with @Lakemoon . and @Magpiepaw !
penned by pin

✿ | for all the strength she thought her legs had built in past moons, it all seemed to be for naught; in the face of this endless dark journey, they tremble and waver with each hard-won step until she thinks she might collapse there. the image in her mind of her clan restored to health, of her children's smiling and living faces, is all that keeps her numb paws plodding along the jagged ground below, long deadened to the sharpness of rocks underfoot. the pained claws of hunger scraping her belly have dulled into near-nothingness when faced by these dark caves with no fruitful prey to fill it, and exhaustion fills her bones like coagulated blood, thick and unmoving. each step is a simple impulse of thump-scrape as opposed to the purposeful strides with which she had set out, every last whisker of energy gone to fixing the faces of her clan in her mind.

dull eyes barely take notice of smogmaw's sudden clarity of voice, and at first she passes over the trickle of daylight as though it were a trick of the mind. but then—a double take and her gaze sharpens and shines, fixing tightly on that single rivulet of glowing sunshine. the blood rushes back into every vein and she pushes forward through the fatigue weighing down her mind towards the glow, watching as for the first time in days her world becomes rich with color, voices given a face as her groupmates no doubt tail smogmaw's harried strides.

"we're out! we're really out!" she cries in unabashed joy, pushing after her group into the wealth of color, smell, sound that had all been lost to her. the blinding glare of the outside world stings her reborn eyes and bobbie screws them up shut, though the world rushes past her in other ways. the wind tousling her ear-fur, the clean scent of air and snow (snow?) and freedom. hobbling like an elder, she finally peels her eyes wide despite the needling sensation of the glare of sun and snow; her doe-legged stride has given way to a bent-backed lurch and her fluffy pelt is dingy with dust, but that does little to inhibit her glee.

smogmaw's cry seems to beckon forth a veritable flood of cats, all of them basking in the forgotten glory of color and light. lost in the fresh joys of survival, bobbie merely sits on a chilly patch of rock and watches with a mind dulled by darkness as their group reunites. lightstrike lurches off to the side, gagging; fernpaw summons the much-needed magpiepaw, iciclefang and stormywing emerge too. a tawny riverclanner stammers incredulously as magpiepaw begins to treat the injured, and his request brings her back from her haze of gratitude.

"i'll get extra, just in case," bobbie chimes, though on her sore paws the smoke-furred thunderclanner is already on her way back with a clump of soaked moss. still, she trails her original path and soaks another wad of the stuff in the cold, clear runoff before heading back. by the time she returns on chilled paws, the crowd has swollen with even more dust-drenched cats; a ginger thunderclanner assembles a hunting party (a lead warrior, if she remembers right, and clearly for good reason). duskpool (looking unwell, as per usual, but they had a healer along for a reason), a brown shadowclanner and an ashen riverclanner, many more cats.

"orangeblossom!" the tabby calls, winding her way through the clumps of cats towards the deputy, her ivory pelt soaked in dust like the rest of them. her heart swells gratefully to see the ginger-and-white deputy safe, and once she's gotten herself oriented, she joins orangeblossom in glancing about for the clanmates not yet accounted for. a sidelong glance at the busy scene near magpiepaw and she nods an agreement, offering, "i'll join you all, if you'll have me. no doubt everyone's hungry after nothing but dust and lizards in there...."

she shudders, recalling the meager and scaly prey, and glances at orangeblossom once more, mewing, "have you seen any of our clanmates besides duskpool?" she nods to his slumped form with surprisingly mild anxiety, offering a hesitant smile to the deputy as she adds, "i'm glad you made it out okay—stars only know where we would all be without you."


  • OOC: interacting with @Magpiepaw @Flamewhisker & @orangeblossom
  • 69139508_1sAITfLOTccefSa.png
    x she / her ; 40 moons.
    x mother to lupinepaw, crowpaw, & drowsypaw.
    x a small, pretty lilac tabby with a red collar & sage-green eyes ; sweet, sociable, and somewhat naive to certain aspects of clan life.
    x currently in an era of self-assessment and trying to figure out exactly who she wants to be.
Last edited:
  • Love
Reactions: Orangestar
He stepped out after Batwing, Magpiepaw, and Honeyjaw unable to help but squint at the sudden brightness of the sun but there's a massive stupid grin present on his maw. They had lived! They were alive! He takes in a deep breath happy to take in the air that wasn't filled with dust and no longer feeling crowded together with his group within the cave, he would not miss it at all. This he knew very well and he bumped shoulders gently with Batwing before grinning at his clanmates unable to help but cringe a little when he sees Lightstrike from a distance, he watches his friend break away from their group to join their clanmates and he would be soon to follow... His warm amber eyes turn to glance over at Little Wolf and immediately felt his heart swell with so many emotions, the warmth and flushed feeling returning to his ears and face.

He steps forward to press his forehead to hers and offers a soft purr, he missed seeing her and he's overjoyed that she's safe. Alive and well. Hailstorm parts from Little Wolf nodding his head to the rest of their clanmates and takes the lead, a tired smile present on his maw as he looks at everyone there and he breathes out finally "Thank Starclan that you're all out of there and well... I I that will be the last time we take a trip through the caves though," He would much rather try swimming in the river than experience that again.

/ interacting w/all thunderclanners & @LITTLE WOLF

  • 5_by_caviesh_dg4bkw8.png
    ✦ 47 moons old
    ✦ thunderclan warrior
    ✦ bisexual demiromantic; single
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ✦ semi-difficult in combat; relies on strength and his burly build
    ✦ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✦ penned by bosstaurus