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Gonna bay for the blood
May 11, 2024

Apprentices were a concept that Shrike understood but didn’t get, training was important and they understood that but what actually went into training one? Was it like what they were doing with Nectarsong or did they have to do even more work since they were younger? They presumed that was the case and yet they still found themself seeking out the nearest apprentice they could in attempts to find some answers. The sun was starting to lower, highlighting a late afternoon on its way to being evening, the camp bathed in the harsh red toned hues of the setting sun. Everyone should be well and truly be returning and tiring for the day, unless they were unfortunately tasked with a dusk patrol that is.

The white pelt of Snowpaw was what caught their eye, they saw him around a lot. Always working hard, a little too hard in their opinion but maybe that was normal for an apprentice? That was the whole point of them seeking out an apprentice and questioning them about the goings on. Ever the bundle of energy they bound towards him, a small smile on their maw.

“Snowpaw! You’ve been an apprentice for a while right?” They understood that apprentices were named at six moons, since they had seen Leechkit come forth and be named leechpaw. Then it ended around twelve moons, at least to their understanding. Snowpaw looked older than a newer apprentice, this factored into their assumption that he would know a thing or two compared to if they asked someone younger. “You seem just like the cat to ask about this! Apprentices. What do you do?” It was a general question, perhaps a little too broad. They seemed to take that into consideration as they stood there with their tail swishing in contemplation.

“Could you show me anything that you’ve learnt? Anything cool anyways.” They felt like they were at a disadvantage at times. Joining from an outsider, especially as an adult had its drawbacks. They couldn’t seem to wrap their head around all these rules and ShadowClan specific techniques that came with training. Maybe it would be different, maybe they could comprehend these issues if they heard it from someone who was also learning.

  • OOC. @Snowpaw.
  • Shrike│Bio
    They / Them, Loner , 28 moons {ages on the 1st},
    A long haired black feline with low white spotting and hazel eyes.
    Jagged x NPC
    Speech, #ad744a, thoughts, attacking
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Juice ↛ @/ouijeejuice on discord, feel free to dm for plots.