pafp get up again -- questions

On an overcast morning after the patrols had been sent out, the little seal point makes their way over towards the medicine den. The little tunnel that leads into the Clan's healing home has always weirded Rumblekit out. When the rest of camp lies open to the sky and to StarClan, why is the one meant to be closest to their ancestors the only one hidden away? They catch sight of movement within the gorse walls, oversized ears pricking up with interest, and decide to swallow their dislike of the tunnel in favour of the prize at the other end: Wolfsong, still a largely unknown factor to Rumblekit, but now WindClan's primary healer and therefore someone that they've determined that they should be asking questions of now that they're big and strong and almost an apprentice.

"Excuse me, Wolfsong ..." Their tone is genuine, open, as they flick blue eyes over the golden-furred tom as he turns to face his little visitor. Their memory of Vulturemask is fading quickly, but even then, Wolfsong is as different as could be from his predecessor. Rumblekit swallows their nerves, ears twitching backwards, and taps their front paws nervously on the ground. "Why were you picked to be medicine cat? Do you like the den so far? Can I help sort something? Badgermoon says we'll be apprentices soon but I don't know if I - if we're - ready for that, um, were you an apprentice once? Did it make you nervous?" Out of breath, Rumblekit pauses to replenish their air supply, completely unaware that they'd been rambling random queries.

  • // please wait for @WOLFSONG
  • rumblekit_lines_by_urka.png
    rumblekit, tags.
    — they/them, windclan kitten
    — scorchstreak x badgermoon
    — attack in #a1cad7. entirely unexperienced. will flee.
    — fullbody lines by urka on th.
    — penned by mercibun
── .∘°°∘. ── At the entrance, quiet paws disturb the soil, though Wolfsong does not immediately turn to face whoever has chosen to duck inside today. If they are grievously wounded, there would surely have been a great commotion stirred by camp, given the medicine den is not accessible from anywhere else. So he is confident enough to continue tugging dirt from freshly-picked herbs, ears turned slightly to listen for the approaching steps. When his visitor speaks, he does face them— and realizes it is Rumblekit, already taller than Wolfsong remembers them being not so long ago.

They seem physically unharmed, if a bit apprehensive, and he tilts his gold-furred head, silently questioning. They must take it for permission and leap into a series of questions that Wolfsong categorizes like he would WindClan's herb stocks. "Easy, Badgerchild," he says with amusement deepening his rasp and crinkling his eye. "Hastiness often slows more than it quickens." Taking several steps forward, he sits in the sand and backtracks through their questions. "Vulturemask taught me much while he was with us. I do not know why— perhaps he knew I was curious, or he was worried for his siblings' safety. Sootstar knew this, and knew WindClan would need the wound-wisdom passed onto me." He hums, raising a paw to scratch his chin. What was it they asked next? Or after that? The den, I think. "It is different than running the moors. More similar to your mother's tunnels, but less narrow, I imagine. And I would need to speak to your parents first— you're soon to be an apprentice, and you will have much to do."

Something else. was related, wasn't it? He sees Scorchkit asking if his mother was a warrior in WindClan, and their final questions slip back into place. Ah, yes. They do not know how great a stranger I was to WindClan. "Not in the same way you will be," he says, smiling at the kit again, resembling Badgermoon much more in coloring. "I had many mentors for different skills, and I was..." Angry, grieving, determined to prove myself. "Frightened. I did not want to fail— no one does, truly, but mistakes are not so terrible. You will make them, as I have, and you will grow beyond them."
  • ★★★☆☆ WOUNDS: You're (mostly) in safe paws. You'll know if he's less experienced if he asks for your permission to try a treatment. No wound can scare him away from knowledge. — ★★★☆☆ INFECTION: He can prevent most infections. If you feel feverish, let him know— he'll hum thoughtfully over herbs and sniff your wound before saying, "With your blessing..."
  • ★☆☆☆☆ ACHES & PAINS: If you complain to him of pain, he'll ask where. If it's a headache, you'll likely feel a bit better. For anything else, "Try this, if you'd like, and tell me how you feel." — ★☆☆☆☆ BROKEN BONES: At best. he can ask you to remain lying down in the den. He may try to distract you with conversation while he considers what herb to feed you.
  • ★★★★★ TRAVELING HERBS: Going somewhere? No worries; Wolfsong knows just what you need to stay hale and healthy during your journey. The rest is up to you. — ☆☆☆☆☆ KITTING: He doesn't remember what it was like to be born. Coincidentally, that is the extent of his familiarity with kitting. At least he won't leave you without moral support.
  • ★☆☆☆☆ POISONS: It's best if you avoid eating anything unfamiliar to you— it's probably just as unfamiliar to Wolfsong. The best he can do is offer you yarrow and sit with you. — ★★☆☆☆ ILLNESS: If it's white or greencough, you'll likely recover. Otherwise, prepare for odd concoctions and the usual request that you consent to a little trial-and-error.
"Are you nervous, Rumblekit?" comes Sedgepaw's idle query, rising up from the maw of the medicine den before being smothered within the knotted gorse walls. He does not want to come back to the medicine den so much as he needs to—the scars along his throat have started to ache with his return to activity, spurring his nerves to kick up and for his paws to lead him to the refuge of Wolfsong's domain. Though someone else—smaller and more curious—has started to pelt Wolfsong with questions before he got the chance.

Regardless, Rumblekits presence is a distraction from his rising anxieties, and Sedgepaw leans nonchalantly at the den's opening so as to seem like he just happened to be passing by. A smile slants across his young face, eyes crinkling. "You shouldn't be. You'll have a great mentor, and the territory outside of camp is way more fun." He tries to be reassuring, even if he does come across as a bit blasé. However, a thought seems to cross him, and Sedgepaw sobers considerably. He closes his eyes and dips his head theatrically. " get stuck with Snakepaw after his warrior ceremony," he croaks, tone more fit for a ghost story around a campfire than this offhanded conversation. Dramatically, he lashes a paw to his chest and adds with mock seriousness: "If it does happen, I'll pray for you."​
  • Haha
Reactions: mercibun

The alabaster tom has seen many cats in the medic's position come and go, first Honeytwist and then Dandelionwish and now Vulturemask. If he had a little less sense he would say the position was cursed. But he knows better. It is not the rank that is to blame but WindClan itself. This environment was anything but nourishing or receptive to those who had a gentler sense about them. it is a lesson he had learned quickly, one he had tried his best to adapt to. He had to if he wanted to stay and keep those he cared for safe.

Rumblekit is one of the deputies kits, he knows. They would grow up to be as tough as the stone underfoot, just like Sedgepaw was no doubt being taught. Wolfson's advice is wise and though Heavy Snow does not mean to eavesdrop it is difficult not to in such close quarters. He lets out an amused snort at the apprentices comment. Snakepaw was a warrior with a prickly personality and a barbed tongue, an apprentice under his tutelage was certain to get an ear-full on a daily basis. "Whoever your mentor ends up being I am certain you all will become wonderful warriors that will make WindClan proud" he says because it is what he is supposed to. Badgermoon was a good cat, noble and brave. There is no doubt in his mind his kits have potential to be the same, despite the hardships the moor would no doubt throw upon them.

All of Scorchstreak’s kits have massive potential to be fine, strong warriors. They share the deputy’s blood as well as her own ferocity—Weaselclaw thinks few unions could produce heartier kits. Rumblekit is no exception, their inquisitive nature having led them to Wolfsong’s den so they could pepper the new medicine cat with questions. Weaselclaw shares an amused glance with both Sedgepaw and Heavy Snow.

There’s nothing to be nervous about,” he agrees. “If you’re a moor runner, you’ll soon know the blast of the wind in your fur and the thrill of guarding our borders.” He sits, his tail thrumming against the ground. He remembers giving his own kits this same talk—nostalgia and a small amount of fondness colors his tone. “One day, you may even fight side by side with your father.” He wants to say, or your mother, but Scorchstreak is a tunneler whose primarily beneath the earth—and if Rumblekit follows in their mother’s paw prints, Weaselclaw has little to say about that destiny.

  • weasel . weaselclaw
    — he/him ; lead warrior of windclan
    — heterosexual ; taken by Sootstar
    — short-haired chocolate tabby with white and blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Oliver
Though they had yet to become apprentices, Badgermoon was already deeply and irrevocably proud of he and Scorchstreak's children. He had thought they were the finest things in the world as soon as they had been born, and this conviction had only deepened as the moons rolled by. Nothing less than love shone in the bicolor tom's yellow eyes as he watched Rumblekit venture into the lion's den - rather more lionlike now that Wolfsong held the role, he had to admit, what with all that golden fur. Unable to withhold his curiosity, Badgermoon relinquished his soft patch of grass and edged towards the little gathering, white-tipped ears pricking to catch as much conversation as he could.

His child accosted their medicine cat with a volley of questions - to be expected, knowing Rumblekit - and a grin appeared on the deputy's face as he came to stand near Weaselclaw. "Trust me, my raindrop, you will bring joy to your Clanmates and fear to your enemies."

With nothing better to do, Luckykit notes Rumblekit's progress across camp with little interest until he realizes they're making for Wolfsong's den. Was something wrong? They hadn't looked hurt or upset just a moment ago, but he doesn't know why else they'd seek out the new medicine cat out of the blue. Concern painting his features, he tails after his sibling, hesitating only at the threshold of the den. Never has he actually been all the way inside before, having only approached it once before to listen to Houndthistle's stories, though it can't be that bad, he tells himself. Especially since it's Wolfsong's now, he thinks - while he'd held little of his own opinion on Vulturemask, he knows that Scorchstreak much prefers their new medicine cat, and so he finds himself inclined to agree. Poking his head in first to allow his eyes a moment to adjust, the rest of him soon follows, slipping in just in time to hear the last bit of what he's certain is a steady stream of questions from Rumblekit. As Wolfsong begins to answer, Luckykit directs more attention to looking around, taking in the den and the various familiar faces chiming in with their own advice.

Of Wolfsong's words, the last ones stick the most heavily in his mind, standing out amidst similar advice. Sedgepaw and Weaselclaw, they both assure his sibling they have nothing to be nervous about regarding their upcoming apprenticeship, Heavy Snow and Badgermoon offering promises of greatness in turn, but Wolfsong is the only one who admits to any sort of fear, which catches Luckykit's attention. Perhaps fear isn't the most apt term for what he feels when thinking of his upcoming apprenticeship, but then again, what is feeling nervous if not being afraid? It's not enough to convince him fully that there's nothing to fear about apprenticeship - after all, it's hard enough to believe that such an imposing cat as Wolfsong was ever truly nervous about something like that. Still, though, something settles within him long enough to ask the other question he'd been thinking of. "How come you had more than one mentor? What kind of skills did they teach you that one cat didn't know?" Did something happen to his first mentor? And then his second one, too? Surely Wolfsong isn't talking about learning how to be a moor runner and a tunneler, right? Otherwise, he can't think of any skills that would need multiple mentors, especially considering Luckykit's pretty sure he didn't know much about healing until recently and, as such, wouldn't have needed training in it.
Rumblekit tucks Wolfsong's advice close to their heart, where more memories would one day join it. They do a double take when they see Luckykit out of the corner of their eye, surprised to see their brother has followed them in, but they're happy to have him close at paw as he peppers Wolfsong with more questions. But another voice causes Rumblekit to whirl, pale eyes alighting on Sedgepaw and ear-tips warming with horror from the idle query.

"No!" Rumblekit protests to Sedgepaw, lying entirely and obviously in the way their dark-tipped ears flatten with embarrassment, chin retreating to their chest. They're not just nervous but absolutely terrified. They shudder comically at the thought of being assigned Snakepaw after his naming this moon; word around camp was he'd already passed his assessment and would be receiving his warrior name as soon as Sootstar was able. But she wouldn't inflict him on an apprentice right away ... right?

Heavy Snow's encouragement bolsters them a little; they aren't close at all but the odd-eyed warrior is a constant among their Clan, and they trust his judgement. He knows so much stuff, so surely he's right about this too! Weaselclaw and Badgermoon's encouragements are much more openly welcomed, shoulders lifting and chest puffing with quiet pride at the way they believe in them. Joy to your Clanmates and fear to your enemies ... fighting side-by-side with your father. They like the sound of that.

Rumblekit turns their expectant gaze on Weaselclaw next, latching on to one of his examples. "What's it like guarding the borders? How far away are they? Do you see other cats out there?"

  • rumblekit_lines_by_urka.png
    rumblekit, tags.
    — they/them, windclan kitten
    — scorchstreak x badgermoon
    — attack in #a1cad7. entirely unexperienced. will flee.
    — fullbody lines by urka on th.
    — penned by mercibun
Weaselclaw listens to Rumblekit’s question with a nod. “Being a moor runner is a great honor.” His eyes are half-lidded; in his mind he feels the gales smashing against his thin pelt, the heather crumbling beneath his paws as he lopes over the hills. “Guarding the borders from other Clans and outsiders is an important job—almost as important as feeding the Clan.” He eyes the pale kit solemnly. “We do see other cats. We see ThunderClan, RiverClan, and ShadowClan almost every day. And we’ve got to be diligent. We don’t want rogues invading our territory, either.” He grits his teeth, thinking of Tigerfrost and Vulturemask’s deaths. Rogues were proving to be a bigger threat than even the most hostile of their neighboring Clans.

  • weasel . weaselclaw
    — he/him ; lead warrior of windclan
    — heterosexual ; taken by Sootstar
    — short-haired chocolate tabby with white and blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Oliver