pafp get up on my grind - missed catch




"it's okay, maplepaw! do not fret, fishing is hard, but you'll get there!"

drenchedpelts words only frustrated the tortie more, a grumble of curses coming from her maw after failing to catch the fish that ended up flopping back into the water. already today was cursed with bad luck, seeming to be petting the slimy skin rather than successfully catching the prey. three missed catches, and drenchedpelt acted like she wasn't failing miserably.

" lets try hooking it with your claw, you're going to get too cold continuously diving into the water." the reddish warrior stated, his voice filled with concern as she pulled free from the river Bank, sopping wet.

"Alright," she mumbled, shaking her heavy pelt of water and sending it in all directions. Already, the other members of the patrol was doing much better than her. but she was only an apprentice. She would learn, she reassured herself, despite the biting feeling of jealousy tugging at her.

// Please wait for @iciclefang <3
Iciclefang quirks a brow as Maplepaw flails uselessly in the water with nothing to show for it for the third time. Her mentor is patient, kind, telling his protégé fishing is difficult and reassuring her she’d get the hang of it. The tortoiseshell has quiet doubts about that. “Did you not fish where you came from?” She asks mildly, her ear flicking. Perhaps a cat not born to the riverlands needed only to acclimate to their environment in order to be good fishers, but StarClan, she sees the uphill battle they all face. If it weren’t for cats like Lichentail and Hazecloud, like Cicadastar himself, who’d hailed from the marshes and fed on rats, Iciclefang would doubt it possible at all for a cat like Maplepaw to ever be a true RiverClanner.

Still, it must, in theory, be possible. She turns away, blue gaze seeking her own apprentice near the water’s edge. “Have you caught anything yet?” She asks in a tone that drips with challenge. If he has no prey beside him, she will eye the empty spot pointedly; if he does have a fish, she will flick her gaze back to the water, as if to say, do it again.

  • ooc: apprentice tag @CICADAPAW
  • image0.jpg
  • Iciclekit . Iciclepaw . Iciclefang, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 20 moons old, ages realistically on the 17th.
    — mentored by Smokestar ; mentoring Cicadapaw ; previously mentored n/a
    — riverclan lead warrior. mudpelt x icesparkle, gen 2.
    — currently mated to Stormywing.
    — penned by Marquette.

    sh tortoiseshell and white she-cat with ice-blue eyes. confident, capable, proud, dry, conceited, condescending, distrustful.

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Ivory claws hold her flopping prey steady just long enough to haul it inland, delivering the bite to keep it still for good. Arching her neck the bicolored molly proceeded to drop her catch beside her further up the bank. Dark brows crinkle with gentle concentration as she attempts to spot another potential fish in the depths but Iciclefang's voice detours her gaze. Looking up she noticed Maplepaw struggling to land a catch, constantly coming up empty handed and there is a pang of empathy that pricks her chest. She can vividly recall her own struggle to acclimate to fishing and swimming despite being born in riverclan. Her shadowclan heritage posed a difficult hurdle at first but Cindershade was hellbent on making sure she overcame the challenge. And in time she did. Thus she had little doubt Maplepaw wouldn't get used to her training. "It helps to time your strike a little bit before the fish is directly in front of you." Sablemist offered encouragingly.
≖≖ riverclan warrior / sixteen moons old / she/her ≖≖

Despite how long it had taken for Ferngill to get the hang of catching fish, he'd eventually managed to get quite good at it. Quite right by now, he supposed... a lead warrior should be able to catch food for his home, that was just logical, wasn't it? But of all the warriors who could have seen Maplepaw struggling, maybe Ferngill was one of the better warriors to have witnessed it. Though his own sister- already present- was one of the more critical.

Fishing could be an uphill battle, even for a born-and-raised Riverclanner like himself; didn't he know it! He mirrored Sablemist's more sympathetic glance, Iciclefang soon occupied by her own apprentice. Nodding after his friend's advice, Ferngill gave a little addendum "And make sure you're scooping... there much easier to catch when you flick 'em onto shore!" A shiny grin, enthusiastic and hopefully encouraging, lit bright upon his face.
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