get your head out of the sky ♕ lessons

. ° ✦ This isn't a structure of training he has ever had before, but the chocolate tom would suppose he could not expect every apprentice's training to be the same. Shroudedpaw had appeared rather uninterested in the group training some of the warriors had put together, and so Bravepaw had taken it upon himself to sit beside the new apprentice and talk.

However, Shroudedpaw didn't appear very interested in anything Bravepaw tried to bring up. Bravepaw had heard the other tom was keen on receiving Thundergleam as his mentor, so he would expect the apprentice would need some time ebfore properly warming up to Mousenose.

"Well, learning hunting and fighting isn't the only thing about being an apprentice." Bravepaw led after some failed attempts to make Shroudedpaw excited. "My name is Bravepaw, and I thought that meant I already knew what being brave really was. But my old mentor Sunfreckle, and my father, Batwing, showed true bravery. What a true, honorable ThunderClanner means. What's your idea of honor, Shroudedpaw?"
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:@shroudedpaw but no need to wait!
    A Longhaired chocolate tabby with a white locket and deep blue eyes. Very thick coat that has started to grow into long, wispy curls. Developing into an awkward stage of kitten uglies as the rest of his body grows and changes. Severe scars from owl talons stretch across his shoulders and another that starts from his back down his left thigh.
Howlingstar pads silently through the camp, ears flicking in an attempt to pick up the conversations going on around her. With tensions so high lately between a few groups of cats, she wants to try to nip things in the bud, if she can. Roaringpaw overhearing Skyclaw made it clear to her that things need to be better; there can't be this...venom, coursing through their ranks. Green eyes settle on Bravepaw, however, as she overhears his attempt to engage in conversation with Shroudedpaw. She pauses momentarily in her steps before changing course towards them, her chin tilted upward and her stride dignified. The stout she-cat then settles herself nearby while keeping her attention on the pair of apprentices.

"A very good question, Bravepaw," She mews gently, her eyes lingering on Batwing's son for a moment, clearly impressed. His words hold wisdom beyond his moons. An honorable ThunderClanner isn't just a cat who can hunt and fight, but one who shows courage in the face of adversity and who is loyal to their clanmates. And above all, they must respect the Warrior Code. Turning her verdant gaze to Shroudedpaw, she regards him expectantly, wondering what his answer will be.
Twilightkit doesn't normally follow the paws of her grandmother around. Nightbird certainly, Raccoonstripe if he leaves any space to do so - her siblings absolutely. But too-many tales of Howlingstar being busy have stopped the child early from being underfoot when she can be elsewhere and just as happy. All that said, she had taken initiative and wanted to try and share a meal with her grandmother - an idea squandered by what seemed to her to be an impromptu quiz prodded by Bravepaw to... Shroudedpaw.

Not entirely upset by the interruption, the kitten sidles in close to Howlingstar. There's an answer to this question, just as there are to... well, all questions. But she's more curious to know what Shroudedpaw thinks the answer will be. They used to be denmates, a mere moon or so ago, so Twilightkit wonders if he ever got off that bum log of his. Or - if he's still as mild-mannered and quiet as he's always been.​
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Despite his initial skepticism, Shroudedpaw's really come around to Mousenose.. as much as a cat like him could. She wasn't awful - she talked a lot, sometimes too much, and seemed far too friendly to the other Clans for his liking. But she wasn't pushy, and she looked past his prickly behaviors.

She still wasn't Thundergleam, though. Shroudedpaw would never know how it feels to be star-kissed under Mousenose's guidance, and was no closer to discovering the truth of his purpose than he had been when he was born.

So, despite things being overall okay, the boy still sulks. A group training was organized, one he felt obligated to attend to (no thanks to Mousenose's badgering) despite being entirely uninterested in the other apprentices. As the other mentors inform and instruct, Shroudedpaw's grey eyes travel everywhere but there. To the treetops beyond camp, to a butterfly fluttering lazily nearby. Even the nonstop chattering in his ear drowns out by the buzz of insects and the irritated noise within his own head.

At some point, for some reason, Shroudedpaw snaps back to reality - and Bravepaw is still talking to him. " What did you say? " he mumbles, finally turning to look at the older apprentice next to him. Something about.. fighting and hunting, and now he's talking about honor. He's heard a thing or two from Mousenose, but never really put his own thoughts to it.

Shroudedpaw would shrug off Bravepaw's questioning, which sounds like that something that should have come from a superior rather than his denmate, if not for the pairs of eyes on him - one belonging to Howlingstar. He stifles a sigh, then presses his tongue to the roof of his mouth as he searches his own mind for an answer. He quickly finds that he is stumped, though - unable to think past the fighting and hunting that Bravepaw already mentioned as not being the source of honor.

" I - ugh - I don't know, " the tom response finally, audibly frustrated - with himself for not being able to think up a clever or wise answer, and with Bravepaw for asking it in the first place. " If it's not hunting or fighting.. isn't that all we do? " Like - he could say keeping his Clan safe and happy, but doesn't that ultimately lead back to hunting and fighting anyway? Or, defending his territory - but that is also fighting. At this point, he almost anticipates a cheesy answer like.. making friends and holding paws, or something.

SHROUDEDPAW ( he/him )​

( ooc ) mentor tag @MOUSENOSE ! ic opinions<3

Bravepaw and Softpaw had been apprentices together for what seemed like forever, and although they didn't talk much, Softpaw found that she shared a certain kinship with the tom - he was silly, immature at times, but deep down he truly did have the heart and soul of a true ThunderClanner. She had to wonder if that was hereditary, with how great of warriors Leopardtongue and Batwing had been - did that mean that she wasn't ever going to measure up to him in that regard?

Bravepaw is asking Shroudedpaw was he thinks honor can be defined as, and the depth behind the question surprises Softpaw, but it also gives her something to think about as Howlingstar approaches the apprentices, granddaughter at her heels. What is honor, after all? Being brave of course bleeds into it, but that isn't what honor is, Softpaw thinks.

"Perhaps it's the sum of everything," she proposes vaguely, quieting for another moment before expanding on the thought, "Courageousness, duty, love - it's a lot of concepts rolled into one."

Her gaze remains steadily on Shroudedpaw as he struggles with his answer. His frustration becomes quite clear to her; why, she wonders, is he finding it so hard to find a decent answer? The question of honor, so fundamental to the essence of being a ThunderClan warrior, clearly doesn't come so easily to him. As she wraps her tail lovingly around Twilightkit at her side, she cocks her head at the tom. "It's alright, Shroudedpaw," The tabby says gently, her tone softening as she leans closer. "Understanding honor isn't always so straightforward, especially at such a young age. Bravepaw is right, though - there is far more to it than just 'hunting and fighting.' Though of course, those things are important to being a warrior, too," She adds with a chuckle.

She looks around at the gathered apprentices, eyes glancing over Bravepaw and Softpaw. "Softpaw is right - honor is many things. It is about bravery. Integrity. Loyalty. It's about a respect for others and for the Warrior Code. It's about standing up for what's right, even when it's difficult, and doing your duty to the clan with sincerity." Kind green eyes settle back on Shroudedpaw as her ears flick forward. "Does that make sense?"
. ° ✦ Bravepaw beamed at Howlingstar's praise, the warmth of pride blooming in his chest. He hadn't expected her to take much notice to their conversation, always assuming she is far busier with more important things a leader must provide for, and so her attention is welcomed.

Shroudedpaw found struggle in finding an answer, but Bravepaw doesn't appear anything less of patient. Hunting and fighting is all a kit thinks of in the nursery, watching apprentices come and go with prey between their jaws and the occasional cuts and scrapes from skirmishes and spars. This is something subjective, something that a warrior may believe is already embedded beneath their coat before truly wondering... is it?

Softpaw's idea isn't too off the nose; the sum of a warriors expectations involved to act honorably, but not all warriors committed to their duties with that intention.

Howlingstar's wisdom is cut in clear crystal, and with a smile the boy nodded quickly.

"Batwing told me of the Great Battle. How, after so many cats felled to anger and revenge, their spirits rose to condemn it. That we needed to divide, but not stay isolated. The forest is meant for five Clans, and sometimes we have to put our want for vengeance and hate aside to do what is right for the forest." That was why SkyClan contniued to aid ThunderClan despite all the stealing, and why ThunderClan housed WindClan during the yellowcough outbreaks despite the things Sootstar had done.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
    A Longhaired chocolate tabby with a white locket and deep blue eyes. Very thick coat that has started to grow into long, wispy curls. Developing into an awkward stage of kitten uglies as the rest of his body grows and changes. Severe scars from owl talons stretch across his shoulders and another that starts from his back down his left thigh.
*+:。.。 What made a cat a true Thunderclanner?

Wrathpaw listened from the outskirts, a hunger mounting in his belly that couldn't be satiated with food. He recalls the legend of Batwing and Sunfreckle, but ultimately finds himself more so focusing on the implication that bravery only came in death. Amber left scorched and dull he squeezes his eyes at the memory. To die for your clan was to be brave, an honorable member of Thunderclan. Pebblestep had died afraid...did that confirm, then, that he was a kitty-pet through and through? The ache in his stomach mounted at the thought, his throat constricting. He shares in Shroudedpaw's confusion, finding it harder and harder to define the truth in true-bloodedness.

Shifting his weight on his feet, he turns hollowed blue eyes on Softpaw. A part of him is desperate to argue with her, suddenly. Courage, duty, love - Wrathpaw had all of that, so he had to be a true member of this clan. Did Pebblestep? A sun torn of its light, empty rocks barren and cold Starclan, he wants to scream!

He almost does so when Howlingstar speaks. He'd been high alert of her presence this whole time, but wandering back and forth between standing at attention and drowning in your mindscape lends to a bit of distractibility. The reminder of her existence here, the truth he's sure reads clear in his empty blues, has him back on edge. It doesn't help that she, too, describes a perfect Thunderclanner like any of those traits are enough to forgive...marigolds left withered, abandoned by a paw that carelessly crushed their shinning petals

"But...but what about the times when you have to?" Wrathpaw asks, voice gravelly, eyes on his paws, "when resources are low or...or an enemy cat, an outsider, mistreats one of it not courageous anymore to defend our clan from danger? " is protecting his clan from kitty-pets and jerks and prey thieves and..and copper eyes and copper eyes and - is that not still brave? Is that not honorable, and loving and dutiful?

    DMAB— He/Him
    9 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Brother to Lovelight, Joywing, Laughblossom || Pridepaw, Merrypaw
    Thunderclan — Kit
    Mentored by Wildheart

    Physically mediocre | mentally easy
    Attack in bold #4a59ff
    injuries: None currently