getting some dindin | looking for hunting partners


New member
Jul 16, 2024
જ➶ It's always been a struggle for him to wake up early in the morning. The pale tom drags himself out of his nest and with sleepy soft blues he tries to blink the sleep from his eyes. A soft yawn pulls open his jaws before the snow dyed tom arches his back. " early..." He mutters to himself before he makes his way toward the fresh kill pile. He moves through the meager pile for his breakfast, snuffling before he manages to pick up a small mouse that has seen better days. But at least it is a good enough kill to be eaten. With a happier look to his sleepy demeanor he steps away with it in tow and settles down upon the shaded ground. Stuffing his face to try and help himself wake up faster. He is supposed to be going hunting this morning to bring back prey for the pile. So he needs to be alert and bushy tailed. A brighter smile pulls at his lips as he nibbles on the mouse only to wonder at who will come with him hunting. Surely he will need a couple others to help him along the way.

Goose shifts his attention to those waking up as well and his thick tail sways back and forth with a warm greeting to those he does see. With a light tone he calls out lightly. "Hey, anyone want to go with me on a morning hunt? The pile needs some refreshing." His mouse is almost finished but he doesn't mind waiting for them to finish their morning meal. Afterall a good conversation in the morning is not always a bad thing.
"Missing your soft nest already?" Her jeer is subtle, inflected with bitterness but not outright biting. Redflower slips closer to where the plush white tom stands near the empty fresh-kill pile, her pale yellow eyes wide and innocent. "I'm surprised to see you take the initiative."

The tortoiseshell warrior yawns, displaying a full set of white teeth. Her stretch burns the last of her sleepiness away, leaving adrenaline in its wake. "Well, let's go before we waste anymore daylight. We've got lots of cats who need feeding and who can't hunt for themselves, y'know." Any normal cat would assume Redflower is referring to the queens and kits, but the glimmer in her pale gaze refers to something else.

  • ooc:
  • Redkit . Redpaw . Redflower, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 14 moons old, ages realistically on the 15th.
    — mentored by NPC ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a
    — thunderclan warrior. npc x npc, gen 1.
    — currently mated to n/a.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh tortoiseshell with low white and pale yellow eyes. bright, spiteful, impressionable.

Palefire was simultaneously an early riser and a night owl these days. She didn’t sleep much, as the only thing she found in her dreams were faces from the past. Wrongdoings she’d rather forget. So the lynx-point was already resting in the camp clearing, grooming her paws when she heard Goosewhisper stirring. The call for a hunting patrol was naturally intriguing for the young warrior, given that hunting was generally her greatest strength. She rose to stretch her slender limbs before meandering towards the tom, eyes sharp as she wordlessly motioned with her tail that she would be joining him. A morning stroll through the forest sounded peaceful, and she could do with a bit of peace right now.

At least, it had sounded peaceful, until her ears were assaulted by the grating voice of Redflower. Ever since she’d seen the venomous tortoiseshell cozying up to Skyclaw, spewing words of hate as freely as rain fell from the sky in Newleaf, she’d loathed her. Everything about the other molly rubbed her fur the wrong way, and she rolled her eyes so hard at her stale comments that it was nearly painful. “Do you ever get tired of being so irritating?” She hissed pointedly Redflower, more annoyed by her presence than anything she’d actually said. Stars above, could she never have a break from these insufferable mousebrains that had apparently taken over the clan?

  • 79175764_ro4GJWUVwEZd0z0.png
    PALEFIRE she / her, warrior of thunderclan, 16 moons
    lh lilac lynx point w/ low white and blue eyes.
    currently emotionally withdrawn, all opinions are strictly ic.
    single, padding after skyclaw / npc x npc / sister to bluestride.
    mentor to no one / formerly mentored by nightbird.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted.
    underline and tag when attacking.
    penned by limerence@limericks. on discord, dm for plots.
leafhusk didn’t have the luxury to sleep in, duty always called and she needed to finish the last of adderpaw’s training. any second couldn’t be put to waste, if the boy wanted to graduate on time. she was prepared to go, when goosewhisper’s voice softly rang out. he didn’t look.. fully awake to be running a hunting patrol, but she’ll give him a chance– the fresh-kill pile needed to be restocked. her paws lead her towards the group, but a frown plasters on her face when the tones reach her ears.

she stops for a moment, suddenly unsure about joining. the kittypet slander started to become overstimulating, but she couldn’t leave goosewhisper alone with that. rolling her shoulders, the sepia finishes her stride, flashing a smile to the tom, a wordless agreement to his patrol. redflower’s statement is something she would’ve ignored, unfortunately, because hunting is more important- but palefire speaks up. "save your teeth for the prey," she chides, gaze resting between the young mollies.​
"Can I join 'n, Leafhusk?" Gravely vocals announce the brown tabby's approach, noticeably shaking off slumber and trying not to sneeze during his yawn. Adderpaw had promised himself that he'd wake up easily and well-rested, feeling rejuvenated for the next long day. However, anxious feelings about his impending assessment kept him awake at night and the only way to lull himself to sleep was to completely empty his mind and imagine being in the forest listening to the songbirds sing. It usually worked, probably 60% of the time.

Giving Redflower a judgmental side — eye, the boy rolled his eyes at her ' subtle ' jabs with a rolling shrug of his shoulders. It annoyed Adderpaw the way she manipulated the situation in her favor, trying to seem innocent about her intentions. If you were going to say something, at least be honest instead of beating around the bush. That's how he saw it, at least. He gave a nod in agreement to Leafhusk's advice to Palefire, keeping his mouth shut for the time being. He had nothing to really add to the matter, he just wanted to get some more training in. He glanced at the fresh — kill pile before padding over, grabbing a measly shrew, taking his spot a little downward from the group. He had to keep his gaze focused on the drama that may unfold before him, a slight gleam visible in his eye as he took a bite from his morning meal.

A D D E R P A W ( he/him )​


The way she stays up so late and rises so early, it is a wonder how Badgerstripe summons the energy to get anything done. This morning, she waits patiently in the camp's clearing for patrols to be called out; as always, not particularly close or interacting with her Clanmates.. but notably not brooding today either.

Her voice is quiet as she speaks, as if she wants to be unheard; but at least she's trying today."'Morning," she mumbles towards Goosewhisper as he leaves the den. A late riser, though she doesn't quite attribute it to his origins like some others. A skeptical look is given Redflower's way, but Badgerstripe doesn't jump to the defense of the former kittypet like Palefire does. Instead, she focuses elsewhere, pretending to be distracted by something off in the distance.

Once the lead warrior steps in with her own light chiding, Badgerstripe returns to the present, hoping this is the worst of cutting remarks she'll hear today. "I'll come," the tortoiseshell mews to Goosewhisper while she takes a brief moment to rise from her rest and stretch. She supposes it wouldn't hurt to begin to reconnect to her Clanmates after her talk with Thundergleam.