- May 31, 2023
- 250
- 89
- 28
It is nearly moon-high when Scorchstorm finds her sibling alone.
She has tracked their scent beyond WindClan's territory; well beyond it, now, but not so deep into unclaimed lands that she could not reach the heather tunnel before sunrise. Already, though, the landscape has changed. There are no thick swaths of rushes, no red-tipped grasses or pink bursts of heather; it is wide and open and plain, but it is so barren, as if the earth itself has fallen ill. The brown grasses quiver in the wind. Dust skates across the flat horizon. Clouds conspire overhead to dull the color of it all even further, aiding the midnight darkness in its work until even the flaming orange hues of her pelt are pallid as dead flesh.
She still does not know where DuskClan's camp lies. She and Rumblerain dance on an impossibly lonely stage. Her tongue falls into plié; her heart stands in arabesque; her mind does a series of pirouettes en pointe, spinning through different avenues of conversation. Conversation. Would their exchange of words really be so civil? Would she be able to beg them home and maintain dignity? Would she be able to beg them home at all? She has already buried the cat they once were, but that grave had been little more than an aspiration — an aspiration to apathy. Part of her thinks it would be so, so much easier to forget that they were ever siblings. It would be so much easier to fight them if they had not grown up together (although Frostwind seems to disagree), it would be so much easier to chase them away if she did not want so badly to reclaim them as her sibling. If she did not care for Rumblerain, she would not be here now.
She is about to call to them, but Rumblerain beats her to it. Her masked sibling rounds on her, their ice-chip eyes embedding themselves into her pelt like shrapnel. Scorchstorm steps slowly out of her meager brush of cover, dual-toned hues burning as she awaits her littermate's greeting.
She has tracked their scent beyond WindClan's territory; well beyond it, now, but not so deep into unclaimed lands that she could not reach the heather tunnel before sunrise. Already, though, the landscape has changed. There are no thick swaths of rushes, no red-tipped grasses or pink bursts of heather; it is wide and open and plain, but it is so barren, as if the earth itself has fallen ill. The brown grasses quiver in the wind. Dust skates across the flat horizon. Clouds conspire overhead to dull the color of it all even further, aiding the midnight darkness in its work until even the flaming orange hues of her pelt are pallid as dead flesh.
She still does not know where DuskClan's camp lies. She and Rumblerain dance on an impossibly lonely stage. Her tongue falls into plié; her heart stands in arabesque; her mind does a series of pirouettes en pointe, spinning through different avenues of conversation. Conversation. Would their exchange of words really be so civil? Would she be able to beg them home and maintain dignity? Would she be able to beg them home at all? She has already buried the cat they once were, but that grave had been little more than an aspiration — an aspiration to apathy. Part of her thinks it would be so, so much easier to forget that they were ever siblings. It would be so much easier to fight them if they had not grown up together (although Frostwind seems to disagree), it would be so much easier to chase them away if she did not want so badly to reclaim them as her sibling. If she did not care for Rumblerain, she would not be here now.
She is about to call to them, but Rumblerain beats her to it. Her masked sibling rounds on her, their ice-chip eyes embedding themselves into her pelt like shrapnel. Scorchstorm steps slowly out of her meager brush of cover, dual-toned hues burning as she awaits her littermate's greeting.

SCORCHSTORM —— lead warrior of windclan, mentored by sunstar & badgermoon . scorchstreak x badgermoon . littermate to rumblerain, frostwind, and luckypaw ✦ penned by meghan
✦ a broad-shouldered tortoiseshell with low white and dual-toned amber eyes. extremely loyal to sunstar and her family, and enjoys a deep connection to the moorlands
✦ demigirl / she they pronouns / lesbian / 18 moons & ages every 1st
✦ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
—— will start fights / will not flee / may show mercy. fights honorably and with great ferocity. can tank a few hits, but is not the sturdiest cat in windclan. starts fights with the intention of finishing them permanently, but will not aim to maim or kill obviously young cats
✦ "speech", thoughts, all opinions are in character
✦ full biography — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse