GHOST CITY — hunting patrol

Things had not been right, not for the past couple of weeks at least. It felt like her life was spiraling out of control and there was nothing the ebony colored she cat could do to stop it. Two of her kits had left to be with their father, to live in Sky Clan, and while she respected their decisions their absence left a hole in her heart that she finds cannot be filled.

Her daughter, Howlpaw particularly left a big gap in her life. Flamewhisker, acting in her mothers place, had told her to lead a hunting patrol, to take whoever she felt like taking and she finds herself turning to the apprentices den, summer green eyes searching for a familiar brown and cream pelt and face falling when she remembers, she is not here. Not anymore.

Dejected she turns to the two nearest clanmates to her vicinity. Burningspirit and Spotflare. She had not talked to either cat much but she supposed they were good enough company. Not like she’s in the mood to talk much anyways. "Would you two care to join me on my hunting patrol? " she asks, a light smile that doesn’t quite reach her eyes tugging at the corners of her lips. A weak attempt at appearing like all the hardships have not affected her in the slightest.

When they agree she would head out of the camp with the two in tow, black tail disappearing through the gorse tunnel.

@Burningspirit @Spotflare

Spotflare had long since lost hope in these 'hunting patrols' that Howling Wind ordered out, often preferring to leave camp and hunt by himself. Less cats, less chance of scaring the little prey left away, he supposed. Eventually, though, he grew accustomed to the patrols and ways of the clans, though it was still strange to him. How many more border skirmishes and deaths would it take for clans to realize these skirmishes were only getting more cats unnecessarily killed? One was enough, and he couldn't begin to imagine what might be happening between the rest of the clans.

To answer Little Wolf's question, though, Spotflare gives a small sigh and nods. "Might as well. Hopefully we'll have better luck today."
He didn't know Little Wolf much, either, but he had a faint idea of her situation and he sympathized with her. She lost both Howlpaw and Morningpaw, didn't she?