backwritten ghosting | bluewish


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Jan 8, 2023
They had passed in their sleep, curled together, a couple days ago. Irispaw doesn't feel anything but numb, stupid. The cats that they had birthed them, that had been so loving, so supportive... They were gone, just like that. They had praised Irispaw once, for being an exceptional huntress when leaves were still green and she had been proud, happy, and now all she feels is sad when the memory resurfaces. She hadn't been good enough because they ended up perishing due to the hunger, skinny and bones. She... does not remember the last time she had caught something, consistently coming back empty-handed. She feels much akin to a failure.

But they had gone happy. With each other. Mom and dad, they truly loved one another, had never argued in front of the siblings, had vowed themselves to each other. Perhaps thats what makes her strong enough to not break down crying besides Bluepaw.

"Do you think they're watching over us? Like the other ancestors?" shaky voice finally speaks, peels herself away from her thoughts in her head, away from the star filled sky of dusk blues. Its hard to think of them as one of those tiny pinpricks but it brings a semblance of comfort as she pushes herself further in to his side. "We're... Gonna become warriors soon." how many more days? A quarter moon at most, surely. She hasn't kept track since they had found them perished in their nests. "Do you think they're still proud of us?"
// @Bluewish
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It felt like a bad nightmare. Like one of the nightmares were it had multiple dreams in one horrible, tangled mess. It was half expected to wake up any moment and be greeted by warm fur, an warmer smile and a scent that would be cherished until the very last. There was pressure into a cream-colored side as Irispaw pushed herself closer, and a blue-shaded tail wrapped around the small femme. Was this what their legacy would lead them? Curled up in a nest, skin and bone, without even so much as a goodbye?

Never again would he hear Lilyshades' voice, or see Scarletmists' seal pointed fur. It was just them now. Irispaw and himself, the last of the family and the fear of loosing his sister also settled into his chest. What if they were next? What if things happened and he wasn't able to save her? The young blue point looked over to the chimera point of his sister, and gave a soft sigh before laying his head down onto his paws.

It had only been a few days yet it felt like minutes, seconds even, since their disocvery. It couldn't be real though could it? That seemed to be a vicious circle in his mind as it went back to that, to it being a nightmare or something worse than that. Lilyshade and Scarletmist were all that Bluepaw and Irispaw had in the clan, the whole reason they were they in Shadowclan, and now they just- vanished. Well not vnaished, but left them in silence. How could they have let themselves starve? How could they just leave them? Why didn't they take better care? How come Bluepaw had failed to bring home food day in and day out?

Bluepaw shook his head vigorously and looked to his sister as she spoke up, her voice meek and soft, asking if they were watching over them like the other Starclan cats. To be honest, he didn't know. Was Starclan real even? But there was a small part of him that hoped for it. Hoped that they were in fact watching over them from above, "I don't know, I hope so," He finally managed to utter a few words though they were croaky. Tears danced at the edges of his vision and he rubbed a paw across a pale blue eye.

"We are gona be warriors' soon, huh?" He sounded bitter, like they had only a few days before their ceremony and their parents had to pass away. Why couldn't they have stuck around at least until then? "I think they'd be proud of us, maybe they'll visit us in our dreams like they do with Starlingheart," Bluepaw gave a small shrug at the thought, it was a fruitless hope but it was all he had to cling onto.


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