Listen now. Listen, lest you doom yourselves.” To his followers, he explains, voice projected above the whipping of the trees, Leaf-bare was as cruel today as it was on early over. More paws would not mean more bounty, no. Never did he struggle to carry what was his. The issue was finding anything beneath the frost. Finding was nuanced, and he could hardly trust these few to do anything but rummage Her earth like barbarians. To Fireflypaw, he turns his head. “Especially you, lend your eyes and your ears, yes.

They tread along the river, in search of those golden blooms he terribly lacked. Their uses were many, and yet, they seemed fragile indeed. “Today we search for marigold; blooms borne from the traitorous sun” These words, he spits, though he knows it is a necessary evil. Harm the Mother, heal the mites. His tail ghosts light across the frost-ladder ground; grass that sparkles, frost and dew.

They can hear you, even if you cannot see them.” Hissed whisper, he side-eyes the few that followed him. Twitch of the whiskers. Not within earshot, not yetTheir egos surpass their acidic forms, speak kindly to them, and they will reveal themselves to you.

At last, he properly turns to face this sorry lot; hard-headed silver and mottled faces, all the like. None of them were so good as talkers, from what he has observed. Interesting, surely it would be. Their failure would only be their own loss. “Give it a try, won’t you?

[ btw I rolled for 10 Marigold and he got none LMAOOOOOO ; @Fireflypaw @SILVERSMOKE @CHRYSALISPAW @PERCHPAW ]

He could see now why the clan was so uneasy around their medicine cat. Following his directions had been like trying to follow a fly - pointless, utterly pointless. Less and less the spotted tabby trusted that Dawnglare knew what he was doing, but with a gaggle of apprentices as his only company, it was an opinion that was left to brew silently in the forefront of Silver's mind. His ears twitch as Dawnglare utters his next task, to find a flower born from the light. He looked up to the sky, perhaps offering a silent prayer to StarClan before assessing where the sun was. He catches the corner of its glare after a while, grimacing at how weak it appeared compared to greenleaf. Making more decisions about Dawnglare, Silversmoke tilted his head downwards once more, catching the very moment the patrol was asked to... talk... to the plants. Eyes blink incredulously, unsure if he'd heard the cinnamon tom right, but an exchanged glance with his apprentice (regardless of what Chrys was thinking) all but confirmed it to the pale tabby. He let out a sigh. "Alright." Excluding the perpetrator, Silversmoke was the oldest among them, he had to set a good example of following orders - even if said orders made him want to chew his own tongue off.

Closing his eyes so he could pretend to walk with some dignity, the warrior edged closer to the river, hoping to feel a difference in the earth beneath the frost. It was the only way he knew how to search for plants, this wasn't a job best suited for the tabby, but with his inferior performances on the last few patrols, he didn't know if he entirely blamed Orangeblossom for subjecting him to this abject terror. "Oh earth beneath me. Bless us with your divine soil and spring forth a new generation of flowers so we may provide good health to our home." With that, black claws scraped off the top layer of rhyme, revealing nothing but frosted grasses and miserable dirt beneath. Silversmoke's nostrils flared as a vexed snort escaped them. For just a second he imagined it would've worked, at least he would get to thank Dawnglare for reminding him never to get his hopes up again. Disappointed, he looked towards the medicine cat for answers. The other tom was supposed to know about this sort of thing, what justifications did he have for the failure of the maine coon's monotonous orison?

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He was shaking like a leaf so much that it was a miracle he even could stand up on his legs as he walked on his unsteady legs after the others. Even his teeth was shaking that was how scared he was thinking for sure this was it and Dawnglare was going to bring them all to his secret hideout there he would sacrifice them all to his god. Perchpaw really wished that Bearheart could be here right now at least he was big enough to cover and hide behind, to use as a shield against his reaper.

Dawnglare made no sense in what he was saying, asking them to talk with plants. Perchpaw wondered if he obeyed the medicine cat might spare his life?. Too uncertain about this or even dare try in case he would upset the plant and with already million of ways thought out on how today could go wrong the anxious tom decided to hide behind Silversmoke who already had started with the ritual. Nothing happend though and Perchpaw was wondering the same thing as Silversmoke only that he had an idea to why... "M-maybe...they are sl-sleeping..." he whispered out as soft like a feathers. He figured that maybe plants needed sleep too sometimes.

"Never sleeping.. Only hiding. Mercy prote~cts them." Fireflypaw's sing-song tone reverberates in his chest as he brushes up against Dawnglare's side, smiling up at his mentor. Perchpaw seemed like he was going to quake out of his pelt, and Silversmoke was praying to the ground as if the plants would sprout at his paws like a blessing. Fireflypaw snorts softly, eyes guarded against the harsh light for the moment- though blurry as it was, he could see the slush of mud around him- sinking into his paws with a squelch at every step.

The high priest demands his attention, and Fireflypaw happily grants it- no complaints from him. Though, it seems their luck isn't the best...

"What is this herb that you are looking for?" They can hear you, even if you cannot see them. His bottom lip scrunches up in confusion then, the seal point grumbling under his breath a soft hymn of prayer. Deep and rumbling, echoing a vibrato in his chest. Sprouting grass beneath ice, and yet no flowers. Curious, curious. "What do we do if they're all hiding away?"

Great Starclan, does this guy ever shut the hell up?

Arrogant gait trailed just behind his silver-pelted mentor, bouncing like a bird bobbing upon suave springs of breeze's breath, a flighty and staccato beat that danced upon the rot and ruin that winter had left in its wake. His movements were cervine, deer-like in the way that it was self-assured yet sparing. Keen ears twitched at every imperfect noise that the forest crowed back, as though it bayed back at the cats that had lived in it for all their lives, a somber howl of lupine cadence. Well, Chrysalispaw had gotten used to the woodland song, but herbs could not sing back. That made it frustrating for the adolescent, to rely upon instinct instead of the instructions that tailed the hunt. Today, the territory seemed to croon in a low-lilted lullaby, if not interrupted by the prattling medicine cat and his delusions of grandeur. He didn't like the silence, anyhow. It made his own monologue too blustering, a fury of winds that could only be tamed by the storm of errant conversation.

He glanced briefly at Silversmoke as he followed along with Dawnglare's instructions, shooting the others a glare carved in snake-fanged venom, jewels cast in terribly sharp lights. Like the sharpened blade and the bared tooth, glimmers showed themselves only when they had something of ire to behold. "... I'm not doing that." The boy plainly stated with an edge of acerbic defiance, for most of his words proved laden in acid, as though it coated his maw and hooked upon his tongue. It was better than being a gum-mouthed sheep, he figured. At least he could bite back in the face of opposition, most of which he created. He peeled through the snowmelt and weeds with deft paws, grimacing at how the cold clawed at calloused yet still-smooth pads, though that didn't stop him from letting discontent spread wide through gaunt features. Still, he found nothing of substance - at least, to him, since he didn't know what he should be looking for in the first place. "Maybe they all died because of leaf-bare." And then we can go back home.