private GILDED SWORDS ( moonshadow )


sinking, swimming, dying, diving.
Oct 12, 2022
She doesn’t know whats going on between Hyacinth and Moon. In fact, she genuinely thought Miss Moon was really cool! She had watched her and her son spar and ever since then she had been hooked on getting on the shadows good side. Or even just being noticed by her. That’d be cool. Hyacinth never said anything bad about Moon but Spirit is no dummy, she can see the way they look at each other, thinly veiled pools of sadness.

Today she was determined to get to the bottom of it. She did not return to camp with a scrawny little baby bird this time, rather showing up empty pawed in terms of prey BUT she did find some really pretty leaves that Moon could stick in her tail. Holly leaves or something, she didn’t know and didn’t care to remember, just knew that it’d be absolutely badass adorning someone.

Moon isn’t too hard to spot in the white-covered camp, she sticks out like a beacon of ink. Spirit moves with a purpose, nearly gagging out the leaves as she places them at Moons paws. "I got you something, Miss Moon!" she cheers, trying to get her attention. "Sorry its not a bird… i’m not very great at hunting yet." the last part is an embarrassed whisper.

Oh! She had almost forgotten what she was here to do. "Are you okay?" she blinks up at her with a determined scrunch of her brows. Moon was the mother of her friend and friend of her mentor and she didn’t want her to hurt any longer.

// @Moonshadow
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—————————————【 She/Her | Windclan warrior | 32 Moons 】——————————
To most, it would appear as if the molly was sleeping sitting up. Her plume-like tail was curled elegantly around her paws and her eyes were closed, slow and measured breaths that pushed through her nose to create pillows of breath that drifted up into the exposed sky.

Paw steps would alert her to someone approaching and she slowly opened her eyes to spot Hyacinths' apprentice, Spiritpaw making their way over. Her eyes would open fully when the apprentice dropped leaves at her paws. Her ear would flick lightly as Spiritpaw spoke and the warriors' expression would soften ever so slightly, "A good huntress is merely one who tries her best, little one. The cold days make it difficult for even those of us who are seasoned."

The young she-cats next question was one that brought a light of surprise to Moonshadows' dark sapphire gaze and she appeared thoughtful for a moment as she read the young one's face. "My apologies, small one." Her tone was lightly guarded, more from confusion then anything else and the former princess would twitch her tail tip, "I do not know in what context you speak. I feel perfectly fine healthwise."

[penned by Zaeya].
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AWW YEA, Moon was proud of her, aw fuck yea! She speaks about winter being harsh on even the older cats and she blinks thoughtfully… Huh… I mean, it made sense, totally made sense because if she couldn’t catch anything then neither could the warriors- haha, yea.. Theres a flash of a grimace on her face as she bites her lip, flicking an ear.

And then Moon apologizes and she blinks in confusion. Her head tilts. Perhaps she had gotten the wrong idea? She frowns deeply, in her mind a roaring battle of do I continue or let it go anf Spirit chose to continue. "Are you sure…? Uhm…" she trails off. Hyacinth had been such a big role model to her that she almost doesn’t want to ask what she did. "Did she hurt you? She looks at you all sad. I pretend not to see it." her voice turns to a hushed whisper, eyes wide as she stares at the shadow. Growing up in an abusive environment led her to learn the emotions of others, learn when someone was in a good mood or a bad mood. "I can beat her up for you." she grins, back to her totally normal self. Spirit had not once been able to overcome Hyacinth in battle training but surely it was the thought that counted! Her mentor was really good at a lot of things and she just wants to see Hyacinth happy and Moon happy too.


—————————————【 She/Her | Windclan warrior | 32 Moons 】——————————
Moonshadow would watch and listen as Spiritpaw insisted, and the apprentices' offer to beat up Hyacinth would pull one of her rare genuine smiles onto her maw. A fluffy tail would move to lightly touch Spiritpaws' side as she chuckled lightly and meowed softly, "Perhaps one day I will honor that offer, but not tonight."

Moonshadow looks thoughtful for a moment more, before her ears flatten ever so slightly and she looks down at the leaves she had been gifted. Her alabaster paw reaches out and begins to sort through them, as if the action itself was a ploy to buy time before she meowed calmly, "Hurt, yes. But not in a physical sense." Her dark sapphires dart to Spiritpaw again, as if weighing whether to tell this young one about the tension between the two warriors before continuing, "I loved her once, but she was not ready. Right one at the wrong time, as they say."

She works on placing some of the leaves in her flank fur alongside her blue jay feather, and then she lifts another to place it within Spiritpaw's fur as well so that they matched, "Hyacinthbreath is a dear friend to me, but a friend is all they must be from now on. Too many mistakes were made by both of us to ever have a quiet life together. I only wish she would forgive herself in the same way I have forgiven her."

[penned by Zaeya].
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