Despite the fact that Snakeblink was his friend, he wanted to be respectful of the lead warrior's time. For all his flaws, Snakeblink has stood by him. That is why he remains in camp, allowing Snakeblink to do whatever it is he desires. He spots his daughter not too far, and decides to pad over to her. Perhaps it is wrong of him to keep approaching her, knowing that everyone could make assumptions of their relationship. He's sure that the other warriors while not being told explicitly, have noticed that Pikesplash clings to Snakeblink more than usual. It's as if he is unable to be away from the brown tabby. As for Splashpaw... They don't share a resemblance from first glance, that is what his mate has told him as well. Had Bonepaw decided to join the clan, it would be more obvious. After all, Ferndance has told him their son looked the most like him.

His clan can speak ill of him till the end of time. As a former kittypet who had joined Riverclan, some still look down upon him for it. Those who did not know of his origins looked down on him because of his lack of spine. Unlike most warriors of Riverclan, he was not a fighter. He would stutter and tremble. Very not warrior like, but he did carry out his duties. Even if many within the clan scorned him. Moonbeam doesn't want to talk or even look at him, which is fine. It does sting yes, but what could he do? All he can hope is that she would treat him if he required it.

I should stop thinking about that. He smiles at Splashpaw, "How's Riverclan so far? Is there any fish you like in particular?" What does Shadowclan have to eat again? It's difficult to remember. The time when all the clans ended up in Shadowclan. Chilledstar only let them hunt in one place, but he can't say he remembered what he ate. What he can remember most is the tension between 4 clans in one area. Not to mention that patrols having clans from each clan trying to catch something to feed everyone.

// @splashpaw for you and this is fish bingo sturgeon
Splashpaw's culture shock all but ended; once she feels like she's getting the hang of something, a new difficulty arises and she must tackle it with the same gusto. First it was assimilating into RiverClan - and then it became the twoleg issue, and now... well, maybe the first two major issues had not been resolved. It just feels better to say that they have been.

She supposes if she were any more terse, she would not have liked that Pikesplash invested time into her. But the fact of the matter is that she came all this way for him. To join RiverClan with the intention of being beside her water-loving family, only to brush them aside... sounds like a waste of time and effort. The opposite is in fact the truth - she enjoys that he seeks her out, asks her questions, keeps the conversation between them open and curious. Even now, it's only about what she's been eating, but she's happy that he's asked at all.

"I'm... still getting used to having fish to eat at all," she tells her father after flicking her ear as a greeting. She doesn't detail the struggles with food in ShadowClan, for although she's moved she will not spread negativity over her former home. "I sure felt silly, coming here without knowing that there are different kinds!" Splashpaw tries a laugh, and then asks, "You're named after one, right? A... pike, that's a fish?"