Nov 12, 2022
If there was one thing he wanted to pass on to their apprentice its the ability to defend yourself in any situation. He doesn't like being 'entrusted' with such a small little thing but over time, no matter how hard specter wished him away, the boy had slightly grown on him (not that he'd ever admit this). Today will mark one of the first training sessions that Eerie has their full attention, standing in the shadows of the pine trees with a neutral expression. He had shown Eerie a move, waiting for him to mimic it before he sucked in a sharp breath and padded over.

"You're going too high with it, kid. I'll show you again and this time you'll pounce on me instead." Specter immediately crouches before lunging forwards with his paws outstretched. When he lands he remains crouched, ears flattened before he rises once more to stare the kid down. "When you lunge and strike at someone, they typically expect you to rise to your full height after you land to hit them again. By doing this they are more likely to falter in their moves as they adjust to you. This gives you time to go once more." he clears his throat, lashing his tail. "But remember what I said earlier: battling is a living thing. Each move needs to be tweaked in the moment and your mind must remain sharp and attentive. Do not let anything distract you." he walks a fair bit away, remaining upright as he draws in another deep breath. "We're going to mock battle. We're not going to use our claws this time but that does not mean I will go easy." in his mind Specter falters, if his apprentice wasn't able to defend himself then he had failed as a mentor. "You do the first move. Once we finish, I will walk you through everything once more and tell you what you need improvement on." honestly he thinks this is the most they'd ever talked in their life. Normally they were quiet and listened, it was quite the weird change to have someone listen to them instead.


Mimicry. It's something Eeriepaw likes to do - likes to copy the silly movements some of the other ShadowClanners do; the way they walk, sometimes the way they talk - but it isn't something the ink-furred apprentice is too good at. Limbs too long and paws he, unfortunately, has yet to grow into, leave his movements clumsy - off in comparison to those he mimics.

Battle training is no different, he learns. Eeriepaw can mimic Spectermask's movements as best as he can, but it never seems to be correct. Too high, too low. His mentor wants his movements perfected.

He leaps once more, tries to land the way his mentor has been showing him. Again and again, it's never right. He stumbles forward on his landing, a frustrated sound escaping him.

Eeriepaw doesn't get why this is so important, this necessity for perfection that Spectermask has. He does not see the need to fight; does not see the need for his fun in copying others to be turned into lessons, diminished into boredom. Eeriepaw's mind must remain sharp and attentive, as Spectermask says, but the tom doesn't see the reason to stay focused on such an unfun practice, no matter what they tell him.

If he can't get it right, then what's the point?

"I hate this," the spindly tom mutters. It's perhaps the most words he's said at once, and it's spent on his hatred for battle training. One more go is needed from his mentor, one with Spectermask as the target, rather. A mock battle. One that will also call for precision from his clumsy limbs. Eeriepaw sighs, tail flicking behind him as he returns to his starting point. Might as well get it over with.

He waits for Spectermask to be ready, before leaping forward - as he'd been shown - once more, paws outstretched in aim of his snow-faced mentor.
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