backwritten GIRL AND WOMAN, AND CLAWS WITH TEETH ✶ sootstar

Jul 10, 2023

a shoulder bumps her own as she's weaving around the outskirts of the refugees, heading towards some task or another. she could find a way around the unwelcome guests, if she were so inclined, but she prefers to move through them like a snake through the grass. loath as she may be to admit it, some of them are surely useful—or at least entertaining. it's hardly to her tastes to interact with the better part of the cats driven into the swamps, but she is often compelled to do things not to her tastes for the sake of practicality—momentary suffering for eventual success.

"oh," she mews when she swivels on her paws, ready to send a snake-eyed glare to a wayward apprentice. instead, she's met with the surprisingly dimunitive shape of the queen of the moors. ghostpaw's blue-black eyes skate over sootstar's smoky-furred form, smooth in their appraisal. smaller than she had expected, yes, but there's a certain regality to the way she holds herself and a serpentine fire to those sharpened green eyes. a girlish voice chimes out the obvious, "you're sootstar, aren't you? i've heard of you."

a beat, and she adds with low amusement, "though i suppose everyone has." her words are innocuous, forgettable even, but ghostpaw is ever-careful of how she holds herself in this moment. you get only one first impression, and sootstar is one of the leaders, one of the few cats that matter. the apprentice's posture is held tautly, swan-neck curved where feathery spikes of fur curl off its base. dark eyes, blue-black as starless midnight, flick towards fiery green.

"i'm ghostpaw," she finally adds, a hated name. unbeknownst to her, her father has disclosed to sootstar the misfortune, the curse it bears.


  • @SOOTSTAR !! retro to the other clans leaving ofc :-)
  • MHdMCtb.png
    ghostpaw ; apprentice of shadowclan
    x. she/her ; 5 moons ; tags
    x. slender black she-cat with white mask & pants and dark blue-black eyes
    x. played by dejavu
    ghostpaw is the charismatic daughter of starlingheart and granitepelt, her mother's lookalike but without her genuine kindness. a falsified sweet demeanour disguises ghostpaw's hunger for power and listless hatred for most cats she meets.