GIRL, INTERRUPTED ⊹₊° spiderpaw

❀‿ Lupinepaw had gotten worse before she got better. Yellowcough was a foe of many faces, pulling some into the dark, churning tide of death within days of grabbing hold of them but seeming to only loosely hold a grip on others. It was only a few sunsets after the cure-seeking party left the forest when Lupinepaw's spirit skated close enough to the veil to feel its star-washed presence. Her body worked feverishly to fight its infection, but in this dream, she only felt that odd, tranquil sense of wholeness.

She's in the pine forest, she thinks. Here the trees seem to go on forever into the abyss above, and the ground beneath is soft, cool, and starry. Lupinepaw does not mind this dream, the crisp, fragrant air is a much-needed escape from her sickbed in Skyclan's stuffy sick ward, even if said escape was only fantasy. She wanders aimlessly for a few foxlengths before realizing that she is not as alone as she thought she was.

"Spiderpaw...?" She mews at the dainty black and white figure ahead of her. Lupinepaw was surprised she had recognized her, it seemed like it had been ages since she'd last seen her... She remembered that she was only a meek little kit, still attached to her mother and siblings when Spiderpaw had...

"WAIT, am I in Starclan?!" Lupinepaw gave a shrill gasp, tears already springing up toward wavering jade pools of panic. Did the lungwort not work on her? Was Dawnglare's last dose of the herb faulty, or useless? Or was she simply too weak to fight off the infection even with the help of the cure... and she wasted medicine that could have gone to someone strong enough to recover? And what about everyone she was leaving in Skyclan? She'd promised Cherrypaw that she would help take care of her siblings while she was away... Something in her chest tore at the thought of it, was she really fated to only have spent one moon as her friend? Wasn't there so much more she was supposed to do? And what about her family, would Bobbie have to return home to one less child waiting for her, and one more tragedy for her to grieve?

"B-but ... I don't wanna die yet!!!"

  • OOC: @spiderpaw ✧ (consider this backwritten <3)
  • lupine_fullbodyy.png
  • lupinekit . lupinepaw
    — trans she/her. 5mo apprentice of skyclan
    — ??? ; single
    — tall, long-haired black smoke with low white and green eyes
    — smells like sweet lupine flowers and young pine needles
    "speech", thoughts, attack
    — icon by saturnid, fullbody and chibi by nya
    — penned by eezy

🕷 | another visitor for her, huh? spiderpaw pauses mid-lick in her grooming of her heavy tail, wide pale eyes settling on lupinepaw's newly arrived form. not exactly the picture of the might and wisdom of starclan, but then again, had she ever been? she regards lupinepaw with some pity; while the other she-cat's pelt is fluffy and fragrant here in starclan, spiderpaw has glimpsed the snotty, tangled messes that lie in skyclan's sickbeds through the pools of starclan. detaching her mouth from the fluff of her smoky tail, she mews, "hey, lupinepaw."

as has become typical, the other apprentice immediately starts wailing about how she doesn't wanna die yet. flowercloud had done a similar thing and spiderpaw tips her head easily back to let loose a stream of lilting giggles, rather inappropriate for the situation, then looks back at lupinepaw's wobbly jade eyes. "you're in starclan, yeah," she nods, voice a soothing drawl, and clarifies, "but you're not dead, silly. for some reason, all these cats who almost die of—what is it? bluecough? whatever, it don't matter. point is, you ain't dead, don't ask me why, i don't know."

"now that's over with, let's make the conversation a little less depressing, huh?" the smoke stands and stretches, padding closer to lupinepaw's similarly colored form. she takes a new seat and remarks obviously, "you look like my little twin! like my sister from another mother, huh?" she pokes the other she-cat with one white-dipped paw, adding, "i wish my mom was as cool as yours is, though. by the way—are she and blazestar, like, together together? all the watching i do from up here hasn't told me shit."


  • ooc:
  • 69141413_KOKgyQqH984UIl1.png
    x she / her ; 9 moons forever.
    x formerly an apprentice of skyclan, mentored by pigeonsong.
    x a slender, leggy black smoke & white cat with pale blue eyes, accessorized with moths and flowers ; carried a bitterness in life that has developed into girlish sarcasm.
    x relatively at peace in starclan, her various issues held in life having eased somewhat.
❀‿ "... Huh..?" Lupinepaw mewed lamely as Spiderpaw met her wail with a bell-tinkling laugh. No, 'silly', she wasn't dead—at least not yet. "Yellowcough..." She corrected quietly when she mistakenly guessed the name of the illness, though the other girl moved on as if it was irrelevant—it was, she would suppose, at least to their current conversation.

Lupinepaw sat down with a furrowed brow, feeling all dizzy and discombobulated. "You really don't know...?" she murmured. Lupinepaw was hardly an expert in the matter of Starclan or faith in general, but she thought that passed cats were supposed to be imbued with some sort of higher wisdom about the fate of the clans. Spiderpaw, for better or for worse, seemed to be just like her.

Spiderpaw came to sit down at her side, remarking on lightening Lupinepaw's admittedly dreary mood. A smile graced her lips when she prodded at her side and commented on their similar looks, "We do look similar, huh... You'd be the pretty sister, of course." She purred at her companion. It was true, Spiderpaw was beautiful in a way that her child self did not fully recognize when they had been in the same clan, angular and eye-catching. Perhaps the starry, ethereal quality of now residing in Starclan added to this.

Lupinepaw was left flustered yet again when she asked whether Bobbie and Blazestar were 'together-together'. Her mother's increasing closeness with the Skyclan leader was something she spent her kithood blissfully ignoring, but became harder to ignore as time went on. The childish part of her was upset at the prospect of the tom courting Bobbie, the kitten in her bristled at having to share her mother's affection with some guy who took up all her time. On the other paw, she knew Bobbie deserved to be with someone who cared for her—though Blazestar had plenty to care for already, being responsible for the entire clan and whatnot. But she digressed... "Uhh... I actually don't know anything about that either. But, uhm, I like, can totally ask her about it when I see her again."

She felt... weird, but not awful about this whole thing. Spiderpaw was successful in distracting her from her own mortality, at least. Lupinepaw was still unsure of why Spiderpaw had been sent to speak with her, but she was grateful for the comfort. She looked at her paws, watching the star-glistening flowers beneath her, "You know... Cherrypaw and I like to weave flowers into our fur, the way you taught us as kits." Jade met glimmering blue as she smiled once more, "We'll make sure to teach the new kittens how to, too." She thought of Howlfire's kittens that would arrive in the nursery soon and wondered if they'd enjoy it the way she and her friend held it dear. Either way, she thought Spiderpaw would appreciate that her artistry would not be forgotten so soon.

  • OOC:
  • lupine_fullbodyy.png
  • lupinekit . lupinepaw
    — trans she/her. 5mo apprentice of skyclan
    — ??? ; single
    — tall, long-haired black smoke with low white and green eyes
    — smells like sweet lupine flowers and young pine needles
    "speech", thoughts, attack
    — icon by saturnid, fullbody and chibi by nya
    — penned by eezy