private girls and their curls // runningrain


sootspritespark & 44 moons & demi-girl & she/they & skyclan daylight warrior

Its far from the first time sootspritespark has strayed from skyclans territory, her paws carrying her through the familiar woods and out into fourtrees. Its nice, the sense of freedom she gleans from the serenity of the unclaimed strip of territory - once upon a time, the woods had been hers theirs but now it only holds fading memories of a time that could've been but wasn't. Eyes flit past familiar branches, remembers dark curls entangled with shiny silver - and the she turns away. They past is the past, and while it still tastes bitter, she doesn't regret. Can't, not when she looks at her kits and sees what her choices have given her with starclans blessings.

Instead the molly hums, round frame bobbing as she travels further along, exploring - taking in the warm scent of newleaf. Pollen lingers in the air, and a faint memory surfaces. Hadn't windclan said something about flower? Or at least, her clanmates claimed them to have been decked in the things, last they'd seen of them at the gathering She hadn't gone of course, but she'd never known her fellow skyclanners to lie, at least not about something so silly.

Her curiosity gets the best of her in the end - only a moments hesitation before she turns towards the fields - determined to see this supposedly beautiful sight with her own two eyes. And truly, it doesn't disappoint - a rainbow of wildflowers dace upon the moorlands, and for the first time in her life she wonders if perhaps she should've taken the offer... It' only a passing thought though - she'd never give her twolegs up, not for all the wildflowers or open starry skies in the world. Still, she hums in contentment, short figure sitting down beneath the shade of a lone tree to enjoy the view - and the cooling breeze - if only for a moment.

She hardly expects to get caught, soaking in sights and scents and sounds that don't belong to her.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'


// @Runningrain
Newleaf had birthed much life to the clans and perhaps her favorite aspect of the ordeal would be the abundance of flowers everywhere. The tall woman had been on a venture of the moors, the wind bristling through her coat as orange eyes close━ favoring the embrace of the wind. She savors the moment of isolation from her clan and the bliss of nature that they were oh so blessed with before her tangerine gaze flickers open once more. For once, the logical female wasn't applying tactics to her life and enjoying it for the moment of freedom that she had. An unfamiliar scent tickles her nose causing her to shift her gaze with her fictional eyebrows furrowing, was it Duskclan?

The scent was undistinguishable hidden beneath the floral scent that flooded her senses and the overload of pollen. Runningrain slowly observes her surroundings as she spots a dark figure in the distant as she makes her way forth to the stranger underneath a rare sole tree. Long leg carried her slowly towards the distant figure that slowly grew in scent with a tingling scent of kittypet and Skyclan slowly making sense to her as she got closer by the minute. They look small in comparison to her and was quite difficult to spot from afar if her intuition didn't tickle to investigate her suspicions. "Enjoying the sights?"

Her voice is silky and flows off the tongue which compliments her tall and slender appearance, her coat a gentle cream hue that allow for her vibrant tangerine colored eyes to stand out. Her long tail sways back in forth as her stance shows neither a concern of hostility nor caution as she stands a little off from the raven colored female. What had brought her to Windclan territory?

"speech", thoughts, attacking