camp & girls chase boys. intro

Nov 22, 2022

Mama told her she was a little too forward but she didn't know how else to be, if she wasn't honest then how was anyone to know her intentions? If she wasn't loud then how was she to be heard? If she wasn't at the front of a crowd then how would she be seen? Well, Mama may have gotten papa but she lost him just as quick so maybe she wasn't all that smart either if you asked her! Be quiet, calm down, stop being so loud, stupid-stupid-stupid! She wasn't going to change for anyone and if they didn't like it then tough! Poppypaw was going to be happier than her mama was, she was going to get a good mate one day and they were going to have more kits than her mama did which was just one but maybe a hundred was a good number on its own! She was always known for overachieving anyways! The red and white molly sat sulking in the camp because she had been scolded once more for her mouth and

Mama said she and papa were meant to be, that it was love at first sight or something like that. Not like it lasted forever anyways. What did love at first sight mean anyways? Did she have to look harder? Poppypaw turned around and scanned the camp for any cat, turning her nose up at the gross grownups. Where had all the apprentices gone? Out on patrol? Without her? She'd KILL THEM!

Another apprentice entered the camp and she turned with the sound of a million paparazzi camera's going off at once. Perfect.
She spotted her first victim and began her wild dash in their direction, prepared to speak to them about her desire for a boyfriend or girlfriend with all the subtly and nuance of a carefully composed speech, "Gimme a kiss!" Or she was going to scream at them and boss them around!

ashpaw was on her way back through the camp. a simple walk she had taken. the molly had tried to hunt around the edges of shadowclan's heart, not yet wanting to stretch past it alone. she moved with her head down, an attempt to draw no attention.

it suddenly seemed like she would not be successful. all of a sudden a blur of red and white was racing towards her. was she being attacked? had they changed their mind on letting her stay here? the former rogue froze with wide eyes locked on poppypaw. she braced for an attack, but it never came.

all she got was the other apprentice demanding something. a kiss? what was going on. she thought some of these cats had lost their mind when they spoke about cats in the stars, but now she was sure of it. "i'm sorry?" was all she was able to get out, confusion written clearly across her face.


Excuse him, what?!. Claypaw had been trying to eat a frog when Poppypaw had stormed over to Ashpaw, one of their new clanmate!. His jaw got left open as he stared at his denmate with awe. She was so straight forward!, and bold!. He wished he could be more like her. He wonderd how Frogpaw or Brookpaw would react if he run up to them like Poppypaw did claiming a kiss from them!. Standing up, the folded eared apprentice would quickly made himself over to the two potential future mates, or maybe this was Poppypaw's way of making friends?. He had no real clue what went on in that red and white she-cats head but he admired her boldness.

" That's Poppypaw's way of welcoming you to shadowclan." he tried to be an good clanmate to save the day, to help Ashpaw out from that awkward request. He was sure Poppypaw not literally meant that...right?. He would choose to believe so. He would smile to them, not planning to say anything else until Poppypaw had. He was quite curious over what her response would be. [/color]


Ashpaw was pretty, Ashpaw had a silky gray coat that looked like if you made a cat out of smoke and glass, she wouldn't be against having Ashpaw as her cat wife! The red and white apprentice sat back on her haunches, raised her paws to either side of her own face to squish her own cheeks together, "You know! A smooch! Smackeroo! Big wet one right on the mouth!" Did the other apprentice not know what a kiss was, how silly! They didn't teach rogues anything important out there did they? Then again Poppypaw didn't learn how to kiss from anyone, she just saw cats doing it and it was cute and she wanted someone to smooch also! Maybe hold paws, maybe go stargazing together, you know-all that gross mushy romantic stuff! It would be horrible and she was real excited for it one day!

And there was Claypaw, completely ruining her moment by trying to make it sound like she was just being friendly or something! "You HAD your chance, Claypaw! Ashpaw was here first! And I'm not welcoming her to ShadowClan, I want a KISS!" She just said that-she just said she wanted a kiss! How could you mess that up, Claypaw! Get it together, man! She had half a mind to beat him up in front of Ashpaw to show just how good a mate she'd be and how strong and cool she was; except maybe Ashpaw didn't like violence? Maybe this relationship wasn't going to work out then cause Poppypaw solved most her problems by beating them up! Maybe she should make sure before asking for that kiss again, "Hey would you be bothered if I made Claypaw eat dirt?"


The woman's face was partially screwed up as she witnessed Poppypaw demanding a kiss from Ashpaw. Simply to say it was off putting and she isn't sure how to deal with the situation. Pale colored paws cross over one another as she watches Ashpaw and her confusion before there is a blunt but excited response and then Claypaw is there attempting to quell whatever this whole thing was. Frankly she is partially confused on where all the other adults were and if she should do anything about it. Let them be mids? Her muzzle scrunches as she debates before the question of making Claypaw eat dirt comes up. With a rough sigh she shifts slightly to stand up, stretching her long-legged form before stepping over. "As...exciting as that may seem to be for you, no, you can not make Claypaw eat dirt, Poppy."

There is a mild sense of humor in her voice before she glances to Ashpaw. "And kisses are better tried for when you are older. Enjoy your younger moons. Alright?" Frankly she can't really speak about kisses. She's never had one, never grown close to anyone. Odd but true.
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Flickerfire watches the exchange with bemusement. Poppypaw is out of her damn mind, she's sure of it, but there's nothing new there really. Girl's been weird as hell since Flickerfire has known her. She almost feels pity for Ashpaw, looking like a deer caught in the glaring eyes of an oncoming monster on a deserted Thunderpath. "I'm sorry?"

The lead warrior snorts at Claypaw attempting to make Poppypaw look less like a fool, but it was all for naught. The ginger and white apprentice is determined to make sure everyone knows what a weirdo she is. Bonejaw tells them kisses are for grown-ups and to enjoy being young while they can.

Flickerfire looks at Bonejaw teasingly and says, "Bonejaw, what would you know about kisses? Is there some lucky cat we don't know about?" She offers the medicine cat a cheeky grin.

- ,,

Casually the medicine cat turns her attention to Flicker and really she isn't expecting that question to be directed at her of all cats. It takes her a moment to process the question, face falling into calmness as she does think it through. But suddenly a particular cat's face comes across her mind, a fleeting moment of a tug at her heart. But then the woman makes such an uncouth face, so ugly and disgusted as if she had smelled a skunk that crossed right in front of her. Her ears pull back to her skull and she shakes her head before quickly blurting out hastily. "No, of course not! That's silly to even think about." Her tone is a snap like a whip as she turns her head away. Stupid, stupid. She bares down on her own teeth, grinding them together

Pfft!, Poppypaw for sure wasn't shy when it came to demanding what she wanted!. She really wanted to kiss Ashpaw that badly huh?. Honestly, how much he wanted to kiss Shimmerpaw,Brookpaw and Frogpaw he wanted to save it until he become an warrior first!. Once he had climbed to that stage he would be ready for the next step!. Until then he needed to focus on his apprentice duties...that and daydreaming about his guy crushes. He would giggle, founding this quite amusing. However he instantly stopt when the attention was on him. To late for a kiss, huh?. Claypaw would just grin. " Heh, thats fine! i dont kiss girls!." he would inform proudly, giggling at the idea. He guess not everyone in this clan knew he was gay.

But then it turned out Poppypaw was upset at him or something. He really had got under her skin in someway!, because all of the suddenly she wanted to throw dirt down his throat!. " Wwh-what?!, hold on Poppy!. why?!. Please show mercy to me!. Dirt is my worst enemy!." he decided to play along, faking to be paniced and at the molly's mercy!.

Bonejaw, being the angel she was, thier beloved medicine cat stept in to save his stomach from a dirt diet!. Claypaw would turn his attention to her, blinking and gave her an much appreciated smile. His savior!. He nodded his head in agreement with her, hoping that was enough for Poppypaw to change her mind.

But then come Flickerfire, and oh boy was he excited to found out if thier medicine cat had a love interest. Claypaw was quick to stare at them and when he caught her reaction a smile would slip up on his lips. So there was someone she liked, huh?. To think even thier medicine cat had someone dear to her heart. Claypaw was eager to ask more, to pry but he knew better so keept quiet, but on the inside he so badly wanted to know. Ghaaaa, this was so frustrating!. Couldn't she just tell them!.

siltpaw | 06 months | female | she/her | physically easy | mentally easy | attack in bold #ddadaf

A quiet snort of amusement and a glint in her eyes the only sign that she finds the situation amusing, she tips her head to the side, glancing between ashpaw and poppypaw briefly before her gaze lowers once more as though the ground is the most interesting thing in the world. "I think kissing sounds... nice. If it's the right cat." it's probably the most she's said in moons but it seems that poppy's verboseness is contagious. She doesn't think there will ever be a 'right cat' for her, but the thought is nice. Her mother had told such wonderous tales about her own romance, about the father she'd never met. She wants to have something like that someday she thinks.


All this talk about kissing and eating dirt was making the young girl's head spin. In a way, she is jealous of Poppypaw, the red-furred apprentice is so sure of herself, so confident and bold whereas Starlingpaw was timid and always worried about what others thought of her. What was it like to live your life like that, she wondered, so unbothered about what everyone around you was thinking of?

She looks to Stiltcloud and blinks at her statement, that kissing someone would not be bad if it was the right cat. Inwardly, she worries that she will never find "the one" but she is young, she has time. But still, did she even know a cat that she would not mind sharing a kiss with? She genuinely does not know, her young brain too undeveloped to grasp quite a concept. She had a few friends who came to mind, but they were just friends! Kissing them would be silly. "Wh-wha-what what is what is k-kiiii-kiiiiiiising l-like?" she asks, her words directed at Poppypaw.

"Your life is SPARED THIS TIME, CLAYPAW! I will not show you the same MERCY AGAIN!" Poppypaw's fur frizzed out, poofed up around her as she glared at the other apprentice, saved only by the medicine cat arriving and though she did not exactly respect authority it was hard to argue with Bonejaw's calm and tactful manner of speaking. Spoke a lot of sense, that lady! Real smart cat! Knew plants and stuff! Poppypaw would respect her or she had planned to, until she heard Flickerfire's teasing and a gasp escaped her maw upon the revelation that not all the older cats had ever gotten a smooch.

"Has BONEJAW NEVER GOTTEN A KISS? WHY! You're super pretty! I bet you'd have a line to kiss you! I don't, mama says I'm 'obnoxious'-whatever that means! I think it means 'unkissable' or something, but I'll show her!" The red and white apprentice gave a laugh, shrill and cackling before she wiggled in place and propped a paw up under her chin in thoughtful contemplation to Siltpaw's commentary and Starlingpaw's immediate question after, "I have no idea! I ain't never gotten a kiss before! Is that the sound of one of you VOLUNTEERING?!" She was standing again, tail up and preparing a pounce.

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