camp GIVE EM A GRIN // eating


Asshole With A Heart of Gold
Sep 20, 2022
The tom huffed quietly to himself as he arrived back in camp after being shown around the territory. It was a lot to absorb, more than what he had expected. New landscapes, new faces, new routines... new food. Talon had his teeth bared as he examined the freshkill pile after trailing his way over to it, and in that moment he honestly missed the garbage he had used to pillage from the bins behind twoleg takeaways. It had been flavours and smells he had grown used to, even if it had been less than healthy for him. Adjusting to a raw prey diet was going to take a bit of getting used to, but he wouldn't back down from the challenge.

After plucking a woodpecker from the pile he then secluded himself near a seemingly quiet section of the camp. Which happened to be by the nursery, which was rarely quiet in truth. So whatever peace was occurring at that moment was likely to be short-lived. "I'll give the clanners some credit, they're hard working sods." He remarked to himself as he began to pluck the feathers from the bird's body.
❪ TAGS ❫ — This scene is reminiscent of a couple of moons ago; Slate, a newly joined former rogue, taking a pick from the fresh-kill pile and relishing in a newfound supply of food. He had been given dirty looks and even yelled at for feeling entitled to taking a piece. Now, moons later, Slate was integrated into the clan. It felt odd to be standing on the opposite end of the situation.

Slate looks upon the former outsider with narrowed eyes, his gaze lingering as vague memories surface in his brain. The Twolegplace patrol, the one where they had been looking for Howlpaw. This cat had been there. He'd joined SkyClan in his absence, it seemed. "I know you. You came from the city." Slate addresses Talon, finally announcing his presence.

He nearly makes a comment on how Talon should hunt for the clan first before taking his share, but he doesn't want to risk sounding like Silversmoke. Who was to say that he hadn't hunted earlier? Instead, he opts for another question,
"Why have you joined SkyClan?" He feels odd... dutiful, almost. Protective. Slate had lived as a rogue for nearly his entire life; he was aware of how selfish their motives were. Hell, even he acted out of his own interests still. However, his experience in the shelter sparked a renowned sense of purpose and desire to try to do better. If not for SkyClan, then for his littermate. Any outsiders who wished to join solely for the purpose of leeching off of the fresh-kill pile and freeloading would be swiftly dealt with and he'd make certain of it.

Jinn had just returned back to camp after having joined some other warriors who had showed him around. They had all been rather talkative asking him countless questions from where he came from and how he had ended up here. Jinn had done his best to answer all of their questions while smiling at them all, giving each one of them his never ending attention. He had done his best to answer all of their questions and as he was crowded when stepping into camp Jinn let out a soft chuckle when one of them had said some joke which apperantly were suppose to be funny. Jinn's attention started to dirft away from the group to take a moment to look around at his own surroundings. To think he would end up finding Talon back there all by himself which didn't suprise him.

JInn would pardon himself from the group before departing from it and was on his way over when he saw another cat approaching his black furred friend. His smile stayed wondering if this was going to be the day Talon made a new friend. That was something he didn't wish to miss out seeing. " So this is where you have decided to hide yourself with your new friend. " he would hum, not thinking hiding outside of the nursery den was the best of ideas if wanting to be alone. Who knows maybe Talon was secretly waiting for a kit to come running out and adopt them as their new friend. Jinn chuckled to himself at the idea. Yes, he would actually like to see that.

He would give a polite nod to Slate as a greeting who happend to be Talons new 'friend' to his previous statement before he decided to take a seat beside Talon before his attention remained focused on the grey tom who had decided to be so kind to approach his antisocial friend. " And you?. What're your story with skyclan?." Jinn decided to ask the question back with a kind smile. It was not fair for just one of them to answer it right?.

Talon paused in his stripping of the bird in order to look up at Slate, spitting feathers out all the while. Oh, he recognised this one. "Yeah, it's me. It's been a while, clanner. Did ya ever find that kid?" On his own side of things he had genuinely tried looking but he had found nothing, just more disappeared cats from the neighbourhoods. SkyClan hadn't been alone in their plight, but when you lived near twolegs what could you expect? It was why he had his rules, and perhaps why his hunger for the wilds had grown stronger. Anything to help him leave behind the concrete jungle.

"Why did I join? Well, that's for me to know and for you to-..." Before he could finish speaking Jinn made an appearance and it rendered the black furred tom silent. His green hues watched the elegant tom as if caught up in a trance, though when Jinn sat next to him he was finally able to blink himself free from the spell. "Hello Jinn. And new friend? Don't tell me that you're feeling jealous?" He teased lightly with a chuckle before he leaned his head down so he could work on ripping the bird into two pieces. Once it was cleanly split he then nudged a half towards Jinn whilst keeping the other piece for himself. Glancing back up at Slate he then gave a shrug of his shoulders. "The city is pretty shitty, so we decided to try this livin' wild thing."

Mourka never would have pegged Slate as being a clan-cat type, but...hell, maybe there's a chance for anything. Pissed off alleycat turned pissed off warrior. The only thing he was missing was the name—Mourka wonders if it's just a matter of time.

All nonchalant musings. Ultimately, Mourka's stint in SkyClan will be temporary, so he's just trying to amuse himself while he's here. Talon and Jinn are doing the same, it seems. Or maybe they're each another Slate in the making. He has to hand it to the forest cats, at least—their grub is a whole lot better than any back alley garbage dump by far.

He tries to recall if he's met either Talon or Jinn out on the streets. Chances are that he has. Mourka's not exactly the best with faces.

"Kid..?" Mourka mumbles to Slate once he's padded over. Did SkyClan lose a kid early on? It would explain their franticness about everything...though perhaps no more than the frequent kidnapping of various other cats.

"Hey, welcome to the wild life then, stranger. It sure is a blast," Mourka says to Talon, grinning at a joke that only he really understands. "Can't say I blame you. Seems like the whole city's floodin' into these woods." At his core, though, Mourka's an alleycat through and through. Tromping through the forest is a fun game in the meantime, but city life's all he really knows how to do. He just wouldn't be good at anything else in the long run.​