oneshot GIVE ME A DAY OR TWO — oneshot

White paws sprint through the forest as fast as little legs can take the kit, sides heaving as he strays further and further away from the battlefield.

He wasn't supposed to be there. He never was supposed to be there.

Cosmos had been scared, had been hiding in the bushes. And... And his friends were there. His friends just wanted to see if he was okay.

And then... And then Finch...

The image of his friend sprawled out in a pool of his own blood is burned into his mind, the cries of his brother on loop under an echo of his own brother's words. Go home. Yet another moment permanently etched, preserved for a later nightmare.

He should've never been there in the first place. If it weren't for him... If he'd just listened to Finch, his friend wouldn't be dead. His brother wouldn't have killed his friend.

But, why? Why did he do that? Those... Those were his friends! They weren't doing anything wrong, and... and now....

And now his friend lost his brother. And Cosmos lost his too.

He nears the part of the forest that he calls home. That he and Finch call home. Cosmos doesn't know what will happen next - whether they'll have to leave the forest, or where he'll go if they do. He just knows he doesn't want to be around Finch. Would he kill Cosmos too, if he crosses him the wrong way? His brother would now be an image of his nightmares, not the brave cat he'd always wish to be like. No, Cosmos didn't want to be like Finch anymore, if that meant killing those who didn't deserve it. If it meant hurting anyone.

If being brave meant being anything like Finch, then Cosmos never wanted to be brave.

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