GIVE ME CLARITY [✦] thunderclan patrol

SkyClan. Little wWolf has mixed feelings whenever she comes to this border. The line between the clans is a symbol of both life and death to her. It is where she has fallen in love, where she has given birth to her first litter. It was also where she had lost her daughter and it was an invisible wall keeping her from two of her children and the cat she had once called mate.

Despite it all, it is still the same border. It is her that is different. She steps out of the undergrowth with the rest of her patrol in tow, signaling with a flick of her tail for the rest of them to follow. She is not worried about her patrol starting problems. Shiningsun was an amicable warrior and Lightstrike, while he reminded her of her son Burnstorm, was also a respectable member of a ThunderClan. He would not cause problems, she is sure. Still, as she parts the undergrowth and makes her way to the border to mark it she looks behind her shoulder at the rest of the patrol and says "Remember, if we see any SkyClanners be cordial. We aren't here to start problems." it would not do if she had to go to her mother with reports of yet another skirmish between them and SkyClan.



The last time she had seen her mother on patrol, things had ended rather abruptly. Her half-brother had been there and after realising Howlfire was leading the patrol on the opposite side, had stalked off and had been promptly been followed by Little Wolf. To Howlfire's relief, Skypaw is not present on today's patrol, so there would hopefully be less chance of any awkward encounters. "Hello, ThunderClan," Howlfire chirps in greeting, emerging from a small bush on SkyClan's side of the border. She gives a friendly look at each of them, though naturally, her gaze lingers on her mother the longest. She begins to rub her cheek against a bush to mark it. "Is ThunderClan faring well?" She asks.

Mallowlark teetered behind the rest of his patrol, distracted by some faraway racked- there was a bird screeching it's head off somewhere, he could hear it. Screaming, like a head would scream when you snapped it off- probably. If it was supposed to be song- oh, it was awful! What an untalented singer- he didn't know birds could be born with fraying voices like that, too-loud and tuneless. Mallowlark himself, giggle interrupted, could sing better than that!

It ceased, finally- and Mallowlark's ever-unblinking gaze snapped forward in an unnaturally quick movement, smile staunchly staying too-wide when he noticed Howlfire talking to the Thunderclanners. Unaware of the family reunion happening, the ink-footed tom bounded over, inky footsteps surprisingly light. He studied each Thunderclanner intensely, eyes boring too deep into theirs before he, at last, opened his chuckle-stuttering trap. "Did you guys hear that bird?" he asked, thought's all consumed by the novelty of a bird that was bad at singing. It pushed some laughter out, and- oh, as ever was he powerless to stop it!
WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ —————————————————————————————
Dutifully he followed behind Little Wolf, gazing at her seemingly thoughtfully but saying nothing. Be cordial, she said, and Lightstrike sighed. "Yeah," he said simply, sounding less than thrilled. He knew how to play nice, but he wouldn't take their shit.

Sure enough, as he began to dutifully renew the border, the SkyClanners began to crawl out of the pines like ants. Among them was Howlfire, and he couldn't help but think of the angry squabble between siblings that he'd been told of. Her gaze was friendly, and he ultimately decided to keep the comment that rose in his throat to himself.

The black-footed tom, however, he couldn't help the disconcerted look that crossed his face when the SkyClanner's eyes all but bore into his soul. He nearly shuddered. SkyClan is a fucking freak show. "No," he said, words a little too clipped. "You good there, bud?" The hell is wrong with you?

[penned by its_oliverr - ]

Greeneyes is among the pine forest's patrol, mismatched paws heading towards the ThunderClan border with Falconpaw at his side. A snow-splashed face turns to look down at his apprentice, a small smile growing.

"Think back, amigo," he says as they near the border, "Do you remember this scent? Where have you smelled it before?" He hopes the pointed tom will remember, will place it with the small apprentice that spoke to Falconpaw at his first gathering. If not, he can only hope he's able to remember from previous lessons. A face to place ThunderClan's scent with should be more helpful - perhaps he can place it with the patrol approaching on the other side.

Greeneyes bows his head in greeting to Little Wolf, to the rest of her patrol. It's been a while since he's seen Fireflypaw and Howlfire's mother, and he's glad to see she's doing well. The rest of the patrol isn't as familiar as the dark-furred molly is to him, but he greets them all the same.

"Greetings!" he chirps across the way. Howlfire is the one to ask the usual stuff this time around, so Greeneyes gets to work as he listens for the answer, motioning to Falconpaw to get going as well.

Ears strain at Mallowlark's question - one of a bird he must've missed while talking to Falconpaw. He hears nothing but the former WindClanner's laugh now, a ThunderClanner's bewildered concern following. Greeneyes supposes he's gotten used to the night-pawed oddity by now, with how unphased he is by Mallowlark's trill.

// apprentice tag: @falconpaw!
CALLIN' IT QUITS NOW ✧°.☀ ————————————
Falconpaw follows on Greeneyes' paw trail. Slowly, his eyes had stopped casting to the floor of the pine forest, and to his surroundings instead. It had been something he had been working on- eyes forward and body alert. But it was hard, sometimes, especially when Mallowlark was among them. It was hard to ignore the urge to flinch away from strange cats, but he needed to learn that they were his clanmates, not some enemy.

His mentor called him out of his thoughts. Blue eyes shifted towards him. "Smelled it..." His nose lifted to the wind- then to the cats across the border. Smelling distinctly of gorse, and a different tree. Always with broad shoulders and proud stances. "Thunderclan." He murmured softly in response- a glance cast towards Greeneyes to see if his answer was correct, before looking across to the other cats in earnest.

Moments pass, then he was turning to mark the border as well. The young apprentice still glanced over to them from time to time.

[penned by dallas - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ BABY, I'M A WRECK
Blazestar leads Bobbie deftly through the pine grove, his weariness catching up to him. Since the Gathering, his days have been spent in quiet mourning, fretting over the disrepair his Clan has fallen into. But he has learned and learned again—life must go on, no matter who you must leave buried in the past. Now those ranks include Sheepcurl, a warrior he’d proudly served alongside when she’d proved herself on his council, and Mountainheart, whose power and honor had served them well during the WindClan leafbare raid.

ThunderClan,” he warns her as he slips around a particularly stout pine tree. “But I’m sure by now, you know that scent quite well.” He tries for a small smile, though the lilac tabby could likely see through it. “Sounds friendlier than it has been, though. My daughter must not be present.

His daughter—not the one in question, anyway—is not present, but he’s surprised and halts in his tracks when he sees who leads the patrol. Little Wolf converses with Howlfire over the border. For a moment, Blazestar is able to ignore Mallowlark’s unnecessary existence; he waves Bobbie closer with the red-gold tip of his tail, coming to stand beside Greeneyes and his apprentice. “Little Wolf.” His tone is formal, but his eyes are soft and faded when he looks at the mother of his kits. “I hope ThunderClan is doing well… is your family alright? No sickness, I hope?” He swallows, knowing he would not be able to save his kits’ lives just as he had not been able to save his Clanmates’. He had spoken truly—those who fall ill seem to be doomed.

  • @bobbie pseudo-apprentice tag!
  • blaise . blazestar
    — he/him ; leader of skyclan
    — pansexual ; divorced ; single
    — longhaired flame point Ragdoll with blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Mercibun

✿—— in the days since her kits' ceremony, bobbie's quickly become aware of two things: the first, exactly how lucky she is to have landed blazestar as her teacher of sorts. the culture of the clans is something she's unfamiliar with, something she wants to learn more about, and being his pupil has been astonishingly helpful on that front. without the advantage of being raised in the forest, she knows very few of the other clans' cats, and the ragdoll has helped supplement that knowledge more than adequately as she accompanies him on patrols, hunts, training sessions. the second is exactly how stressful leading a clan seems to be, especially in light of this new disease—she's shocked his fur is still golden instead of prematurely white. it's given her a fresh respect for blazestar, orangeblossom, his council; the cats skyclan depends on to keep everything afloat.

the number of moving bodies piling up in dawnglare's den, the number of still ones piling up in graves, is a haunting thought—one that she tries to put out of her mind as she follows the flame-point through the pines, ears twitching at every birdsong and scuffle. she winds after him around a thick trunk of pine, nodding and returning her own smile to his shaky one, trying to cheer him any way she can. the tabby nods, recalling her own awkward trip to the border, and replies, "i'm starting to. they were f-friendly enough when i patrolled here last,"

dipping her head dutifully, she pads closer to his side at the flick of his tail, twitching her own halved one. thunderclan is the only other clan they share a land border with—it would do well to be cordial, diplomatic, especially in light of recent transgressions by more ignorant skyclanners. again she finds herself feeling distinctly awkward as she flanks the leader, a stranger to the twisted and tangled relationships across the clans, the bloody histories. she does not know these cats, know their families, so she merely inclines her head respectfully and mews, taking her cue from blazestar, "greetings. i hope you're all w-well."


  • ooc: ——
  • nothing here, have a nice day :-)
  • 69139399_py669CBh1zLPqxi.png
    — bobbie
    — she/her ; warrior of skyclan ; 40 ☾s
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — chibi by its_oliverr
    — penned by dejavu

Last edited:

Shiningsun didn't need to be reminded to be civil, fortunately he came with plenty onboard. The large tom purred gleefully to himself as he sauntered along with the patrol with his chest puffed out with pride over being alive. As the first of the SkyClanners began to appear he cast them a wave with his bushy tail. "Greetings, SkyClan!" He chirped warmly as he slowed his pace for the sake of holding up a healthy interaction with the other clan. Though he did looked somewhat confused over what Mallowlark was saying. Bird? What bird?

Casting that aside, he then found himself unsure as to what to say about how ThunderClan was faring. The sickness had reached their ranks, they had to deal with an attempted murderer too. It was proving to be a difficult moon, but they would make it through, he was certain of it. "Most of us are well. So... um... how about SkyClan? Are you coping?" There was some genuine concern edging his voice as he looked between the present cats in search of some good news, if any.

Death. Death and sickness and PLAGUE, that is how they are doing. Foxfire watches her clanmates fall one by one and feels nothing.

She should.

And yet through some means, she has blocked the part of her brain that makes her feel anything for anyone. She knows she should be sad, and yet she feels nothing. Perhaps it is a blessing, she remembers the pain and grief she felt when her kits died. That she has found a way to somehow never feel that way again is a miracle. Or perhaps she spent all her....Grief and pain juices in one go, and the brain is just making more.

Regardless of the reason for her emotional stunting, she looks at Thunderclan with the same expression as usual, one of indifference.

"Could be better." She says. "Until we find a cure for this illness, I doubt things will improve......" She continues. Yes, death was coming to claim them all and all they could do was scramble like ants out of line.

Life is just such a struggle, isn't it? Woe.​
"We will find a cure." Fireflypaw speaks up from behind the patrol of cats, feverfew clasped in his jaws tightly as he saunters over on hefty paws. His fur shakes out debris, leaves falling to the grass. He can't be too sure, can't be too sure.. Dawnglare is very wary of this disease, trying so many new things in an attempt to bring success to their study. But none has worked, if only the symptoms to be relieved. He steps forward, eyes sunken with exhaustion. But the smell of his mother is familiar, and all too welcome.

"Ma." He meows softly, lovingly- towards his mother, whom he's missed more than life itself. She is far away now, has a new set of children to watch grow. He's an adult now, isn't he? To crave the company of his mother like some unwelped kit, how pitiful was he? "I hope you've been eating well." I wish I could see you. He thinks to himself, falling silent as he approaches his father's side. His tail taps along his father's flank, before he finally settles in next to him comfortably.

"I also- also.. Hope that ThunderClan has been faring well." Moonwhisper isn't here. Why do I feel.. Relieved? He thinks, confused.​

It would seem to her that the stars are smiling on her today because the first cat to come from the underbrush is none other than her daughter, Howlfire. She is glad to get to see the chocolate colored molly again, as the last time they had met she had needed to comfort her other child, who had run off before Little Wolf had the oppurtunity to ask after Howlfire and her brother. "Greetings" she says, unable to keep the excitement from creeping into the edges of her voice. Before she can say anything else though, other cats are appearing. One strange tom asks if they had heard a bird, then a cat she recognizes as one of Daisyflight's kits calls his own greeting accompanied by what she is certain is his apprentice. And then he is there. She feels like the breath had been knocked out of her at the sight of that familiar golden pelt. It is the same feeling she feels every single time she sees him at the gathering, standing up on that rock with the other leaders. A profound feeling of loss.

"Blazestar" she says with a dip of her head, trying to keep her voice from choking, trying to pretend like this wasn't super embarrassing. There probably wasn't a cat in the forest that didn't know the history that spanned between them and it shows in the awkward way she shuffles her feet. She is saved of having to answer by Shiningsun, who assures them that ThunderClan is well and her attention shifts as another cat emerges after her former mate. It is a cat she recognizes but does not know. She had been on the last patrol with her daughter after all. She says nothing to her or the other SkyClanner who joins them however, feeling desperate to finish speaking and move on. That is, until yet another cat materializes. She had not entirely expected to see her son here too and she feels a strong emotion well in her chest, overtaking the sadness she had felt at seeing Blazestar. "Fireflypaw" she says, breaking out into a smile. "It makes me happy to see you and Howlfire are doing well, I hope you're eating well too." It was still green-leaf so she was hopeful the prey was still good for them as well. "Stay out of trouble you two. And Blazestar..." she fixes her green eyes on him, letting her gaze linger for a few long seconds. "Take care." Her words are strained and it takes everything in her to tear herself away from the border, to offer her kits one last smile before she forces herself to turn away, signaling with her tail for the rest of her patrol to follow.

  • Love
Reactions: Thorny
WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ —————————————————————————————
Other SkyClanners were making their appearances by now, fortunately redirecting Lightstrike's attention away from the wide-eyed wonder, even if his gaze did briefly flicker back before looking away once and for all. Among them were the fluffy tom he recognized as Fireflypaw the medicine cat, and Blazestar himself.

Instinctively the golden tom glanced to Little Wolf, quietly watching the inner turmoil that flashed in her eyes. Part of him felt bad for her, and still did. Part of him held powerful distaste for the SkyClan side of Moonwhisper's family. The cats that had chosen the life of the Clan of kittypets over family, the flame point most of all.

"...Yeah," he eventually said, finally dragging his stare away from the pine-smelling patrol, although in response to whom or what was unknown. Little Wolf finally began to move on and, heeding her gesture, the broad tom followed suit.

[penned by its_oliverr - ]