pafp GIVE PEACE A CHANCE — name talk

✿—— she's taking a rare break from her new warrior duties, sitting in camp with a mouse at her paws to make conversation and rest her aching shoulders. the tabby isn't used to warriorhood, doesn't have the muscles primed for work like to many of her clanmates, do—she's felt the effects of hard work in her legs and back, in her bark-scraped pawpads. for now, though, she's content to rest, occasionally taking bites of the prey as she chats with lucywing, one of the various daylight warriors with their strange yet appealing names. she doesn't think she would take one herself—for one thing, though it's only been a few moons, she can't imagine returning to her housefolk now; can't imagine giving up this new life. for another, she doesn't want to receive a warrior name easily; she wants it to be earned, deserved, the same as their apprentices who work for moons to receive the honor.

"your name is so interesting, though," she counters the black-and-white she-cat with a dip of her head, one rounded ear flicking with polite interest. she shuffles white-tipped paws around the mouse, trying to ease the soreness resting in her muscles, adding, "i think the daylight warriors, a-and those like myself, make skyclan more interesting. it's nice to see so many different pelts, and so many different names," lucywing asks her a question, one eyebrow raised, and the warrior shifts on her paws again and replies simply, "i don't want to take a warrior name yet."

  • ooc: this thread is public after two posts! please wait for @SILVERSMOKE to respond once, and for me to respond again <3
  • 68403446_KpQyDZrn5ORVKjb.png
  • ❀ bobbie — for her kithood love of bobby pins
    she/her ; cisgender female — skyclan — queen — 40 ☾s
    —— smells like sweet lavender & tea leaves ; sounds like sansa stark ; speech in #D64933, thoughts in #B1C797
    —— peaceful / healing powerplay permitted ; attacks/contact in underline ; won’t start fights ; will flee ; will show mercy ; won't kill or maim
    —— pansexual panromantic monogamist, divorced, not looking ; open to friendships, enemies, casual interactions, plotting ; not open to unplanned romance & unplanned battles
    penned by dejavudesklamp9 on discord for plots
  • shhh don't look here (battle info will go here at some point)


Being stuck in camp with the Daylight Warriors felt like some sort of subtle punishment for his outburst at the last council meeting. Their conversations felt like gnats biting his ears as he walked past, keen on minding his own business now that he had his own apprentice to train again. With Bobbie's comments still playing on repeat as well, he found himself with little to say to the tabby. It seemed that in such a short space of time, she had become a favourite in Blazestar's eyes and, after daring him to defect to WindClan, he struggled to see why. On and on, he racked his head for answers that didn't come, barely even paying attention to the malnourished vole he placed onto the fresh kill pile. Snaking back towards the camp entrance, a black-tipped ear twitched as he picked up some more of the Daylight Warrior's conversation - StarClan, were they still talking about their names? They weren't badges of honour, his own was one that brought nothing but shame whenever he dwelled on it.

He closed his eyes and scoffed quietly - there was no point in being interesting if you were dead, a likely fate if the Daylight Warriors didn't begin taking clan life seriously. Silversmoke didn't think he could count how many battles they'd missed because of their lifestyle, nor how many had abandoned SkyClan during times of hardship. "Unsure if SkyClan is right for you?" His mouth moved before his brain did, silver-tipped chest puffed out in defence of his own statement. He didn't think Bobbie would be keen to leave SkyClan, not when her whole life now revolved around the place. Well- actually, most of her life. Indecision still clung to her identity whether she recognised it or not, a similar problem to Slate, only the Lead Warrior sincerely doubted a Twoleg would've given him a title that had any basis in reality. Slate was a rock, a bobbie was... a chance to go back to the way things were before the clans, an undecided loyalty. The Lead Warrior stepped closer, leaning down to address the former Queen on a (slightly) more even level. "It's hardly respectful to ignore tradition by keeping your name the way it is." What he meant was, 'If you don't want to adhere to our traditions, then you might as well become a kittypet again,', only he wanted less of a reminder that his last interaction with her had wound him up.

✿—— her conversation with lucywing is interrupted—not an uncommon occurence, and not one she would normally mind; the tabby always welcomes new cats, new faces. except it's silversmoke of all cats, who she can't say she particularly wants the input of, particularly on the often-touchy subject of kittypet names. her conversation with the other shecat had been pleasant until now, discussing the vast differences between their clan's cats and their names, occasionally recounting memories of kittypet life—lighthearted ones, of course. does he hate to see cats being happy? she wonders idly, then chastises herself for the thought; she doesn't have to like him, but she can at least respect him, for starclan's sake. heeding her thoughts, she offers him a somewhat begrudging dip of the head in respect, turning sage-leaf eyes on him.

"of course not," she replies on instinct, words leaving her jaws before she really thinks of it, but it's true; she wouldn't leave skyclan now, not for all the prey in the forest. perhaps moons ago, pregnant and unsure, she'd contemplated it, but certainly not now. his past remarks on kittypets leave a twinge of displeasure in her mind, and she watches him with guarded eyes, hoping he won't start another fight. luckily for her, his tone is blunt but not openly cruel, leaning down in a way that makes her feel slightly belittled. his tone is decent enough; she doesn't find his words to be the same. the implication nearly offends her, that she's choosing to ignore clan tradition rather than respect it, that she'd prefer kittypet life again.

"i said i didn't want to take one yet," she counters as politely as she can manage, flicking one rounded ear with the soft click of pins, tone firm. the tabby warrior pauses, considers, explains, "i just don't want to receive one now, just because i've left the n-nursery. your clanborn apprentices train for moons to deserve the honor of their warrior names, they don't just have it handed to them. i want to earn mine too, without having it ... having it given to me without doing anything to deserve it. i still want one, but i want it when i've t-truly earned it, be that in two moons or two hundred." she shuts her mouth tightly, surprised at herself, and eyes the lead warror nervously. was this going to end the same as their last "conversation"?

  • ooc: ——
  • ❀ bobbie — for her kithood love of bobby pins
    she/her ; cisgender female — skyclan — queen — 40 ☾s
    —— smells like sweet lavender & tea leaves ; sounds like sansa stark ; speech in #D64933, thoughts in #B1C797
    —— peaceful / healing powerplay permitted ; attacks/contact in underline ; won’t start fights ; will flee ; will show mercy ; won't kill or maim
    —— pansexual panromantic monogamist, divorced, not looking ; open to friendships, enemies, casual interactions, plotting ; not open to unplanned romance & unplanned battles
    penned by dejavudesklamp9 on discord for plots
  • shhh don't look here (battle info will go here at some point)


Curiosity caused Silversmoke to arc his head further forwards, catching her gaze for just a second and feeling tense at its scrutiny. Hurt feelings in favour of accepting truth had caused admonishment before and, this time, he wasn't interested in another argument. Then, she explained herself, talking about how it wouldn't be fair to ask a name for herself when others had worked for it. His nostrils flared for a moment, wanting to argue that raising the clan's children warranted earning a title just as much as defending and fighting did, but it didn't feel like his place to speak on such matters. "I see." A slither of time passed where he saw Bobbie as he had done all those moons ago, a being that'd earned his muted respect through her rank. Only it felt stronger now, perhaps because he knew her name would not be given to her based on connections alone. Blue and green eyes looked out towards the camp entrance, a stalwart frown replacing the dour one that often seemed present when dealing with collared cats - neutrality, the kindest thing he could offer as he considered how to handle knowing about this new aspect of the tabby.

Praise felt acrid on his tongue as he dared to try and speak it, so bitter that his entire face almost curled in disgust again to protect his hesitation from becoming a weakness. He inhaled deeply and gave a dismissive lash of his tail. "I suspect many in your position would've been happy not to put the effort in." Favouritism ran deeply within his own mind and the minds of others, he didn't doubt there were many who'd be swayed by a smile and kind words, just as he was swayed by the promise that others wouldn't rely on such things to get ahead. Silversmoke reclined on his haunches, calm in spite of the madly twitching ears and restless paws that begged him not to fall into brooding with company present. "And who is it that decides if you have truly earned it?" The question was not as open as he worded it, within the clan there were only two choices: Blazestar, or Bobbie herself. Who could be trusted more to have a verdict on her worth? Had it been himself, it would've been an easy answer: worth seemed truly earned in his own world when he could best anyone in the clan.