GIVE & TAKE ⸸ stormpaw

He has been keeping close to Stormpaw just to keep track of her many injuries, though he could not determine exactly what was broken that caused her legs to no longer function he did know that it was not an injury within his skill level to fix. Or any medicine cats really. Sometimes cats broke and there was no plant nor salve that could mend it, but he could make sure nothing else became infected, that her other wounds closed and healed well and that her pain was managed. So when they were traveling he was nearby whichever cats were carrying her at the time but at night he slept alongside whichever cat would humor his shivering and that was normally Hailstorm-the ThunderClanners thick coat was particularly nice to be settled by and he marveled at how a cat named for the cold would be so warm. It reminded him of Little Wolf more and more, having a fondness for the mate she left behind. Or so he thought was the tom. Close enough.
Tonight he is awake, staring at the sky and noting each flickering glimmer present above; the tiny pinprick lights of StarClan constant presence; they had not been abandoned, they had come for Little Wolf and they had not taken Stormpaw. It was a tiny blessing, at least.
Lowering his gaze Magpiepaw noticed the mottled apprentice was also awake and he stands with a stumble and plods over on uneven and swaying steps before settling back down near her and Flamewhisker's sleeping form.
"Are you doing alright? Just awake?" No pain? Nothing aching? He still had herbs but he worried they might not last to Highstones, he didn't want to slow them down by looking but he also didn't want to leave Stormpaw without reprieve from the pain.
"You know, I think you will be alright. I don't move very well either and you seem stronger than me."
If his bumbling had made it this far then the older cat with the more well-defined muscles would manage-so he figured anyways.

  • 71106748_sHwOMVBEMYvXzVS.png
    —⊰⋅ MCA of ShadowClan
    —⊰⋅ He/They
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/a white throat and blue-violet eyes.