camp give the people silence ☁︎ DISSENT

Camp has grown quiet with her patrols strung throughout the winding streams and grasslands, but there was in particular a cluster of pelts together that Hazecloud expected to see gone quite some time ago. The blue smoke approached them quietly, her agitation hard to hide behind her flicking tail as she heard their conversation continue, not even winding down as she came closer.

They went on as if she weren't even there, and she loudly cleared her throat to interrupt. "You two are supposed to take Valepaw out while Redpath's busy today. Can you get to that, please?" Hazecloud kept her voice stern but an otherwise gentle demand.

  • @Catfishleap @Hazewish @valepaw ➶ pls wait until at least two of those tagged have responded! :D

  • 73582445_EEfwz37mLUqnNP7.png
    —⊰⋅ Deputy of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ She/Her
    —⊰⋅ LH blue smoke with green eyes.


Catfishleap was getting better, in terms of disrespecting the cats in charge of her. Long gone were the days of sneaking out under the moon and stars, giggling and hoping that Smokethroat didn't catch her and Hazepaw. That was many moons ago now though, Cicadastar was gone and so was Smokestar. There were new cats trying to wield authority over the clan and at least this time she wasn't breaking rules, just dragging paws.

She and Hazewish had been tasked with taking out Redpath's apprentice, the thought had been amusing to the silver torbie. One it felt like a test to see if she was ready for an apprentice, she hadn't been selected to have one yet, likely due to the reputation of her youth. But, also since Redpath had been her mentor as well, it had only been for a few moons before Pikesplash took over but still, Redpath saved her from an otter. That last fact had really got her dwelling in the past and soon her intentions to get out of camp with Valepaw and Hazewish turned into a conversation that was not to be had on the move.

Catfishleap recalled training sessions she had with Redpath and pointing out the otter scars, then the topic was just the entirity of her apprenticeship as well as Hazewish's, the two were practically attached at the tail for the majority of their youth. If Valepaw was interested or not Catfishleap wasn't too concerned she was having far too much fun regaling.

"And then I was like just a whiskers length away from sticking to the tree, like SO close! But, I just couldn't hold on quite right. It's a good thing I'm not a SkyClan cat, cause Pikesplash was having a rough time teaching me to climb trees. I still ca-" her mouth snaps shut when Hazecloud's throat is cleared behind her. Her ears go flat as she looks to the sun, it's a lot higher than it was supposed to be. Her head turns to Hazecloud and a familiar feeling washes over her, a well rehearsed bit is at the tip of her tongue, excuses and coverups. It was at one point second nature, and maybe is even now, she has to practically bite her tongue to stop herself from speaking.

For once in her life she doesn't know what to say. Her mouth contines to open and close trying to find something, anything besides what she would have rattled off as a red-handed apprentice. Yet nothing comes.


It’s not that Hazewish is particularly insolent. They don’t go out of their way to be disrespectful to figures of authority; most of the time they are perfectly content following orders and going on patrols, especially now that they are a warrior and able to come and go as they please, exploring as much of the territory as their schedule allows. But sometimes they act before or in spite of orders; and sometimes they get to their given assignment late, because they had something more interesting to do first.

Like now: they have to take Valepaw out with Catfishleap today (still so strange to deal with apprentices; they hardly feel like a warrior themself), but would rather finish reminiscing with her first. So long as the apprentice doesn’t ask them to leave right now they figure they’re fine; after all, they’ll get to it eventually. They always do.

So when Hazecloud interrupts them to ask that they do it now, Hazewish isn’t particularly moved: it’s not like they were doing anything they shouldn’t. It’s been a while since they were apprentices to be caught red-pawed. They nod dutifully, to show they haven’t forgotten, and jerk their head towards the sun: ”Time,” they reassured. It wouldn't be nightfall for a while yet, after all. Plenty of time to take Valepaw on a low-stake patrol. If the deputy wants them to do it quick, then fine: they could go just after this one story.

Turning back to Catfish, Haze gestured with her tail, meaning for her to finish her anecdote properly before they left, expecting Hazecloud to leave them to it.

He'd always known Hazecloud as a kind figure, someone loyal- during the journey she'd been an asset, but above it all a friend. Ferngill considered her one of his closest, now- he trust she placed in him to look after her kits, to loop him into the gossip, too, felt like an honour. He wasn't used to cats giving her the cold shoulder- looking past her with an involved frostiness, insulated as Catfishleap and Hazewish were. As he watched the new deputy's order fall flat, a visible wince twisted the ginger tom's face. He chewed on the inside of his cheek, debating with whether or not to intervene ... and decided, yeah, he probably should. Helping a friend out, right?

"Come on, guys." He looked between Hazewish and Catfishleap, a guilty light in his eyes. Oh, he didn't like putting his foot down really ... the risk of making enemies within his own Clan, especially with cats like these two (whom he did, genuinely, like), made discomfort coil around his sromach like weaving reeds. "You can multitask, can't you?" Talk, and take Valepaw out? That was some sort of compromise, truly ...
penned by pin
⸙͎。˚⋆ ⍋ ѧѦ ѧ⍋ ⸙͎。˚⋆

He's more than content to waste his day away if Redpath is busy... he doesn't have to go pretend he's interested in learning to swim nor wander a patrol that'll doubtlessly see unfriendly faces on the other side... No guarding the camp entrance tonight either. Some proper freedom, befitting a boy his age and skill level.. He did not need a babysitter anymore and even if he did, he'd rather have a say in who that might-

His frustration is boiled to its peak near instantly, the declaration of his name echoing like a gunshot through the clearing. The fur on his shoulders stands on end as he opts to stand up and wander over- if she's going to invoke him, he would hear what slander the witch is keen on sharing with everyone. Hazewish and Catfishleap seem just as annoyed? or surprised? as maybe he is, to be bossed around on this day like it is some great urgency they leave this instant. Who cares if they go right now or at sundown? If anything, sundown means he doesn't have to cook in the hot sun while doing hard work too.

"I'm not in any hurry," he announces defiantly, feeling assured by the concise answer of 'time' to indicate that there are many more hours left in the day to get work done in. His ears flick towards Catfishleap, who seems dumbfounded to have been interrupted at all- wasn't she hammering on about something leading up to this? Hazewish certainly seems invested.

Ferngill's appearance is a disappointment, if only because the boy's surprised the sun-shine tom cares so much to defend Hazecloud of all cats. He frowns, plainly enough for anyone to see, "She didn't say we had to go now." His insistence is stubborn but not so harsh towards Ferngill as it his retort towards the deputy had been, as if unwilling to really fight the tabby on it much furhter.​
Several pairs of green and yellow rest on her at the intrusion, and she is shocked to see them reflect a mixture of disdain and even protest. But it is not solely said in there eyes, some had the gall to find voice in their protest!

Catfishleap is in frozen silence, as if she caught the molly choking down a carp before a kit. Hazewish is dismissive in her order, a single-word etched against the authority of Hazecloud's voice. Time, of course the day was still young, but time was crucial to act on in greenleaf! How could they not understand, how could they reject her order?

"Thank you, Ferngill." She said with an exasperation sigh, feeling her temper rise with a heated exhale. "You don't make that decision." Her voice is far more clipped with Valepaw, as his rebellious attitude towards her was rooted far before she became deputy, before she had ever stepped into the nursery.

"As long as your name lacks a 'star, I decide if you're in a hurry or not. All of you, off your tails and out." Hazecloud took a step around as if to herd them forward, unsure how else to will them into listening.


  • 73582445_EEfwz37mLUqnNP7.png
    —⊰⋅ Deputy of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ She/Her
    —⊰⋅ LH blue smoke with green eyes.