pafp giving up on you [ joiner ]


New member
Feb 27, 2024
THINK AGAIN IF THAT'S YOUR GOAL — /please wait for @Johnnyflame to post

escaping the wolves in thunderclan's territory had been precarious at best, and outright foolish at worst. thankfully, the two toms had escaped with their hides and four limbs still attached. however, that wasn't the hardest part of the journey. the hardest part had been getting to skyclan itself — katniss had travelled most of his life, but he hadn't travelled this much in one day, and he was too skinny and weak for a journey like this. he only had energy in short bursts, and he kept having to stop and catch his breath. "sorry." he'd said several times over the journey, "i'm trying to keep up."

when johnny finally stopped at the border of what he recognized as skyclan, katniss finally halted and dropped to the ground to lay his head on his paws. he was glad to finally be somewhere that he could just rest. heaving a sigh, he took a deep breath and gave a yawn. "somehow, this trip felt longer than the ones i've taken to this border before.." he admitted — likely due to the minimal breaks. wincing as he looked at his cracked paw pads, he gently lapped at them. "thank you. for leading me, i mean. i was all sorts of turned around." it wasn't easy for him to admit that he'd been a little lost, but.. he felt that it may have been obvious.

  • pure white tom with amber eyes, short fur, various scars
    22 moons old; ages the 14th every month
    homosexual; currently not looking
    son of npc and npc
    formerly a loner; loyal to skyclan
    hard to befriend; tries to keep to himself, extremely distrusting but acts as though he trusts people.
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed oocly, but he may not allow it


Johnny was trying to keep himself from just sprinting back to his own border. After the run in with those wolves the tom was eager to report back to his own clan with his accidental findings, and he felt a bit guilty over the cat struggling to keep up with him. More than once he had to check his speed to make sure the other wasn't left behind, but he felt unnerved nowing those beasts were lurking so close to Skyclans territory. What if another cat ran into them before they made it back?

Eager as he was to return though, the daulight warrior wouldn't abandon his new temporary charge.

"Ah, save your sorrys, lad." Johnny replied with a good natured grin in their direction, "After the day you've had I'm sure your paws are ready to call it quits. We're almost there." he assured them, half wanting to apologize himself for setting such a brutal pace to begin with. Almost- he had cats to keep safe, after all.

"Ah, here we are.." the lead announced as they finally crossed into Skyclan territory. "And if anyones owed a thanks, I'd say it's you. Coulda just stayed up in that tree and let me learn what was creepin' around out there the hard way, but you came down to try and warn me instead." he replied, not willing to take all the credit.

"Might have gotten worse than just this." he said, gesturing to the shallow pair of teethmarks that had managed to graze his flank. It was barely anything thanks to pure luck and reflexes, but accompanied by the stench of the wolf who'd inflicted it, it was an alarming wound to be wearing. "Come on, I'll show you were you can rest up a bit."

OOC- other thread is still be played out but I plan for Johnny to receive a small nip on the flank in it just so he can brag about 'the scar he got fighting a wolf' (even though he, in fact, did not fight a wolf and was running his ass off lmao XD ). Very shallow and superficial cut.

Dogbite, accustomed to the routine of daily patrols, found himself interrupted by an unfamiliar scent that permeated the air. What is that? This was something they had never encountered before and it mingled with far more familiar smells. Pausing in his task of refreshing the border markers, he spotted Johnnyflame in the company of a white feline, a few fox lengths away. While it was not unusual for his clanmate to be patrolling the border, the presence of the unknown cat raised Dogbite's curiosity and a hint of confusion.

With a brisk trot, Dogbite closed the distance between them, leaving behind his unfinished task. Observing the body language of the multi-colored tom, who seemed unperturbed, their initial distrust eased slightly. Great stars they reek! However, his scrunched nose and slow blinking eye betrayed his thoughts as he addressed the pair. Unaware of the injury his clanmate had sustained as his back fur spiked.

"Hey, is everything alright? What happened?" Dogbite's voice carried a note of genuine concern as he glanced between Johnnyflame and the stranger, gaze assessing the situation with vigilance. Standing beside his fellow lead, he remained poised, brows furrowed together as their good eye looked the new cat up and down.

  • ———✧———​
    ✧ LH cinnamon tabby w/high white one blue eye
    ✧ child of npc x npc ; sibling to crescent and bear
    ✧ skyclan lead warrior ; ex-loner
    ✧ 33 moons old ; birthday 07/01
    ✧ AFAB ; nonbinary ; he/they
    ✧ pansexual ; polyromantic ; single
    "speech", thought, attack, powerplay
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric

it was hard to keep up still. he's still not used to the blurred vision in his newly scarred eye but if anyone could help, it would be dogbite, right? he liked dogbite. dogbite was nice, and had always been kind to him. never angry. he doesn't think he would enjoy his presence too much if he wasn't. blinking a few good times, his gaze squinted as he tried to get a better look of the cat that johnnyflame was bringing. what would orangestar say about that, he wonders. his tail gently flicked as he softly bumped against dog bite in greeting before turning to look at the others with a jolt at the smell of blood.

"that smell... what is that? o...other than the blood? what happened?"

he's never smelled a wolf before but there is some vague familarities to dogs. but not enough for him to know that it was wolf, or dog. he doesn't know. he hoped whatever it was, it didn't find its way to skyclan.

The scent of dog was unmistakable in its sharpness, like a quickdraw blade letting sanguine to the surface. It served as a foreboding warning, a sort of knell that told of certain destruction. Rapacious and ravenous, he knew the hound by its slavering fangs and pinprick-light eyes, as though the beast were completely alien to the countenance of the cat. Chrysaliswing saw no humanity in such a driveling creature, for he had only seen them kill and tear and eat. He had heard of dogs having children - puppies, as they were oft called - but the thought seemed almost untrue to him. He simply couldn't comprehend that savage monsters could love as his kind could. The chimaeric tomcat had an encounter with a cur not too long ago, chasing him through the bends and bricks of the winding alleyways. Face twisted and torn in carnal hunger seemed prime to etch itself into his memory. He remembered how fast his heartbeat drummed, as though it fell violently through his ribcage and battered restlessly upon the concrete.

And now, that same scent had followed him like a damned shadow, like it was dogged to pursue him even as he had evaded it by the tips of his whiskers and the points of his talons. He would be lying if he said that the smell hadn't sent a pang of worry through his flame-furled body.

"Did you have a run-in with a dog or something?" Chrysaliswing gruffly mewed as his whiskers twitched to catch upon that pungent smell, intertwined with the metals of blood. The tomcat attempted to hide his own disgust and concern, and he was quite a seasoned actor. Teethmarks grazed against Johnnyflame's flank, like reflections of what could have been grave danger. He figured that the daylight warrior was incredibly lucky to have escaped such a thing. Heterochromatic eyes narrowed as he spotted Katniss, and hawkish gaze always bore some semblance of fiery judgment. "And who is this?" Baritone voice, poisoned with his temperament, rustled as he continued to survey the outsider. The newcomer's white fur had also been tousled and ruffled, and simple conjecture led him to believe that he had also been involved with the scuffle (if it was that). He reserved further judgment, the echoes of his leader's words pounding and wresting his words from his tongue. Any sort of harsh verse could've been inferred from the scowl painted plain on his face, though.

  • OOC:
  • eUVAhNL.png
  • —— CHRYSALISWING / He/They / 22 Moons
    —— Warrior of Skyclan / Mentoring n/a
    —— A long-haired tomcat with chimaeric patterning. His left side is fully black and his right side is black splotched with sunset-orange. He has complete heterochromia, with his right eye being a bright green and his left eye being a glowering yellow.
    —— Abrasive, temperamental, and critical. Approach at your own risk and engage at your own cost. Despite this, he is a hard worker and quick to call out what he finds wrong.
    —— Penned by Tempest. Contact on Discord (naruk4mi) for plots and threads.


Silversmoke was quick to approach the chimera when others assessed that he something had happened, his eyes wide and heart soaring with the familiar feeling of panic. A once-over was offered at a distance, eyes squinting to better focus on the dark fur on Johnnyflame's flank. Copper could be tasted on the air alongside something else. The smell that emanated from the pair was noxious, a dog-like stench that seemed to grow in strength the longer he lingered. Without the darks of the Daylight Warrior's fur stained a wine red and without the mats of crusted blood knotted in his fur (and the fact that he was still walking), Silversmoke relented. Caught too close and bleeding concern, the Lead Warrior's ears suddenly flattened as he recoiled like a cat who couldn't quite admit that it liked the family hound. He grimaced at the stench and, finding he had nothing to say to Johnnyflame, instead turned his head towards the cat that accompanied him.

Nostrils flared once more but could detect nothing past the canine smell, the tabby's tail lashing in irritation. Just who exactly had Johnnyflame brought to their lands? Chrysaliswing asked first, and Silversmoke found no issue with the chimera's temper. A SkyClan warrior had been risked for an absolute stranger, that demanded answers. Silently, his gaze flickered between the pair, waiting impatiently for an explanation as to what happened.



To be completely honest, there hadn't been a whole lot of time for Johnny and Katniss to get to know each other- what with being hunted by wolves and all. After being treed by the mutts and then stalked as they navigated their way precariously through the trees, converstion had mostly been limited to hushed to try and hide their presence. Thus, the bobtail couldn't speak as to what the younger cats intentions were or what kind of character they were in posession of- but they'd find that out soon enough, wouldn't they?

The adreniline still pumping through his veins kept the pain of wound at bay, though even if it hadn't, Johnny doubted it would have been much to worry about. Nothing he hadnt felt before at the paws of the rogues or windclan. Still, he could hear his own heart still echoing in his ears as he stood waiting for Katniss to catch their breath. Normally he wouldn't be so quick to pull a stranger into Skyclan territory, but there was no gaurantee they'd completely lost their pursuers and he had no intention of leaving his clan unaware while he sat pretty waiting on the border for a patrol.

Antsyness was quick to set in, his paws itching to move toward the camp to have a proper patrol sent out, but a quick glance toward the other made it clear they needed a moment. He was just on the verge of ordering them up the nearest tree to wait out his return when a familiar voice called out.

"Dogbite!" Johnny exhaled in relief, bright eyes catching sight of the larger tom before sliding past them to find Drowsypaw, Chrysaliswing, and Silversmoke emerging from farther down the way. His tense stance and conflicted gaze was quick to relax at the sight of them- at lest that was one problem solved.

The questions came quickly after that, from all except one. Gaze flickered toward the large silver tabby, expecting any number of reactions to the situation only to find himself met with an odd look before a flash of downward tilting ears and quick recoil.

He tried not to frown, turning his attention back to the rest of the patrol.

"Whatever they are, they're bigger and smellier than any dogs I've ever seen. We're gonna need extra paws on this border, cats that can stick to the trees." Johnny answered, immediately back to business in giving his report. "Picked the scent up coming over the Thunderclan border north of the Rockpile when one flanked me- thanks to this one though I'm in one piece." he paused to nod toward Katniss. He didn't know what the white toms fate would be from here- that would largely depend on them and the clan.

"He came down from the tree he was in to warn me just in time- got chased onto Thunderclans side and up a tree, but we managed to tree-hop our way back. Lost 'em along the way, but I don't trust it." he added, glancing back over his shoulder in the direction they'd come from.

"Katniss can't go much farther, he needs to rest and I have to report to Orangestar.Whatever is lurking in Thunderclans territory can't be allowed to come here too." he noted as his attention shifted back to the group. He'd never seen animals quite like that. Dogs, for lack of a better word, but... sharper. Almost foxlike- if a fox had been pumped up on steroids to the size of a massive dog. "If your staying out here, be careful." he warned, trying not to let his gaze linger on Silversmoke. He wasn't known to be the best climber, and a vague image of oversized paws struggling to balance on his garden fence quickly morphed into oversized paws struggling to balnce on a treebranch with several snarling pairs of teeth below. "Keep a sentry in the trees to give you a headstrt if you need it."
