camp glad you came ★ resting


It had taken quite a bit of grumbling, but after some persistence she had been granted access outside the den. The bright sunlight stung as she emerged from the darkness of the cave, but the warmth felt nice on her pelt. The wound on her back that crept down to the right side of her shoulder was plastered with strong scented herbs, and even though she was no longer inside the cave, the smell of herbs followed her around like a shadow. She moved carefully, not wanting to disturb the scab that was forming. The last thing she needed was for Berryheart to change his mind and not let her outside the den until she was fully healed! She was certain that she would explode if she had to be that confined.

A particularly sunny patch nearby caught her eye, and she would make her way over to it on three paws. She carried the right paw up off the ground, partially wondering how Sunfreckle did this on the daily...and so efficiently. Right now, she felt as though she would topple over if she limped too fast! Definitely don't do that!

As she arrived at the sunny spot, she would awkwardly shift her way downwards. Her muscles still ached, but thankfully her throat and chest didn't hurt quite as bad as they had before. The warmth on her pelt felt great on her aching body, and she felt herself begin to relax more than she had the past few days. Her gaze scanned the camp, before finally coming to rest on the entrance to the clearing. Sleep was tugging at her mind, but she couldn't sleep...she didn't trust Riverclan to not come barging in for round two. If they least no one would have to be worried about being dragged into the river.

The first few nights after the battle, she couldn't recall her dreams. She had slept so heavily and so much that it had been just blackness. Last night however...she had kept waking up. Each time she closed her eyes, she was flung back into the roaring waters, and tossed around like sand.
"Flamewhisker?" Crowflower's voice was soft and nearly whispered as if she had spoken against her better judgement. Her expression was uncertain, moss green eyes glittering with mixed emotion as she took in the sight of Flame's wound. She couldn't imagine what that felt like, to have another cat's claws rip into her flesh and leave a permanent mark. She shuddered at the thought. Instead, she focused on how lovely it was to see Flamewhisker out and about again. The last time she had seen the red molly was when Crow found her by the river. It was a relief to know that she would be okay. "How are you feeling?" There were a thousand other, better, things Crowflower had wanted to say, but she couldn't figure out which was the best choice, so she settled on the safest question. "I'm glad to see that you're doing better." She smiled nervously. Her inky black fur was disheveled, and she looked worried. Crowflower had never really seen suffering before. She struggled to forget Flamewhisker's face when she found her...fighting to stay awake, but so close to giving up. It didn't feel appropriate to bring it up, so Crowflower decided to curl up beside her in the warm patch of sunlight in companionable silence.​
To think that she had almost lost her mother to a fish-brained RiverClan warrior—the thought filled her with a rage she was unaccustomed to. It was almost frightening. When she came back with Owlear, she had heard only bits and pieces of what her mother had suffered through. That night, Stormpaw said a prayer to StarClan, thanking them for bringing her mother back safely.

Finally there came a day where Flamewhisker was allowed outside. Stormpaw's duties and the need for a peaceful recovery had kept her away too long. The torbico apprentice slowly approached her mother and Crowflower laying together in the sun. She purred and moved forward, attempting to bump her forehead against her mother's.

"I was so scared. I would have killed that RiverClan cat who did that to you! What did they look like?" She demanded, blue eyes sparking with childis revenge.

Pebblepaw had fallen back into his usual distant self after the events of the raid. His mentor losing a life and his already fleeting pride shattered into a thousand shards, it was difficult to stomach being around the clan he'd let down. Large ears still burned at the memory of missing a second attack on his opponent and darn near flying into the river, a shameful display of combat that, though they'd come to expect, they didn't actually want to experience. Sympathy lined the apprentice's weak smile as his gaze mulled over Flamewhisker, a panging in his heart. The Battle for the Sunningrocks, despite the loss, had been worth it. After letting dogs linger there for so long, after making ThunderClan get rid of them, RiverClan had no right to be mad. Those pretty stones had stopped being their land long before the scent markers said otherwise. Content to a gloomy silence, Stormpaw challenged the lilac tom's perspective, recoiling his neck back like a turtle in surprise of his niece's outburst.

Should they really be surprised? This was her mother, had it been the tom's siblings that were lying about in agony, Pebblepaw didn't doubt he would burn any morality he had left to ensure that RiverClan was torched with him. Tentatively, he moved forwards. "Storm, it's ok..." They try to assure their relative, a paw raised to their chest. Kinked tail drooping as guilt washed over him for speaking in Flamewhisker's place, Pebblepaw swallowed a lump in his throat and continued. "We got... what we wanted from RiverClan. Taking their best hunting grounds is the best revenge anyone could ask for." Copper eyes looked to the Lead Warrior for assurance. "Right?"

જ➶ The battle had been something necessary as many said. But sometimes he isn't so sure. His mother is one whom could have been swept away from them because of the Riverclanners. And frankly he doesn't know if he could have been okay if he did lose his mother. Even now as he goes about his own work, feeling aching bruises the large tom wonders when he will see his mother up and about. Turning his gaze his eyes light up upon seeing the limping molly and he abandons his duties to follow after his sister. A smile pulls at his muzzle and he has to agree with his sister. "Yeah! We could have taken them." Eyes alight with anger the tom frowns a little as Pebblepaw comes in to placate. His tail lashes for a moment before he just sighs. "Yeah sure, I guess so."

It was nice to see Flamewhisker sat outside, basking in the warm newleaf sunlight. Such a simple moment, and one that Flycatcher would not have lingered to admire on a regular occasion, had it not been for the recent near death experience she had just had. They had come so close to losing her and Flycatcher was just glad she was here with them still, alive and well, albeit run down from her experience.

He is not the only cat who gathers to say hello to her and see how she is doing. Their children, Crowflower, and Pebblepaw are all here before he arrives. When Stormpaw mentions she would have killed the cat that hurt Flamewhisker, Flycatcher's brows rise in surprise. It is a rare outburst that comes from his daughter, but one that reminds himself of his own emotional outburst on the battle. "Fret not Stormpaw, I gave that frog-brained RiverClanner some scars to remember me by," Flycatcher assured her in a calm tone despite the violent memories that came with his comments. "The battle was long and hard, and though many of us were injured we should consider ourselves fortunate that we did not lose anything else." His green eyes meet his mate's for a moment, looking at her with an expression that added even much more. A look that said if I had lost you I would have lost a part of myself.