Mar 17, 2024

Two souls find connection despite the hatred of their clans thanks to the burning of the moorlands and Smokestar's kindness for allowing Windclan injured to recoop in the Beech Copse. Slateheart takes interest in Troutsnout's kindness towards the injured despite the glares and dislike from other Riverclanners, and these two find companionship in how familiar they are. These two become friends that quickly grow over the moons with occassional meetings at the bridge under the midnight sky until the twolegs came flooding in Riverclan territory during the start of Newleaf with multiple kidnappings and more. While the two caught up after Windclan claimed their injured and returned to restore the moors, twolegs snuck up and captured the unsuspecting warriors.

Slateheart and Troutsnout are kept in a camper seperate from other captured Riverclanners and find comfort in each other's presence. A horrifying situation where nothing is familiar and never knowing if they'll see their homes once more, these two bond over their time spent together. When hope feels lost and they would never see their loved ones again - Lichenstar and her clan lure a bear into scaring the twolegs off and freeing the captured clanners with the help of kittypets (with some joining the clan after). The two say their goodbyes after Lichenstar gives the 'go to' card to Slateheart and he returns back to Windclan. Due to his absence, he doesn't visit until Windclan decides to trespass in attempt of hunting leading to the death of their lead warrior.

Slateheart feels immense guilt for betraying Troutsnout's trust and doesn't see her for the entirety of the moon, believing that she felt nothing for him and his feelings were just a lie. Little did he know, Troutsnout had been injured badly and stuck in the medicine den until the end of the moon from a rogue attack that lead to her siblings and her being injured. The constant guilt of feeling she lacks to protect her loved ones, she seeks the wisdomship of Lichenstar who accepts her offer to rename her - which she becomes Gladefrost. Lichenstar appoints her two apprentices, which she takes to the gathering and meets Slateheart, who was a new lead warrior of Windclan.

Lost feelings stir and a hurt Slateheart comes off cold until realizing that everything was a misunderstanding - she had never forgotten him. They meet the next day and catch up on old times until Dimmingsun stumbles upon them. An emboldened Gladefrost confesses her selfish love to Slateheart, which allows him to get out without consequences, yet she knew he felt the same for her. These two kindred spirits meet once more and confess their love and become mates and leading to Gladefrost becoming pregnant where she discusses names with him on her third week of pregnancy.

Gladefrost lives in selfish guilt for her love and knows it was a mistake, but she would make the same mistake again if given the choice. As her pregnancy moves forth, she confesses her mistake to her sibling which leaves them angry but accepting as she is happy for once. The Riverclanner seeks out her mate as the kittens are coming closer and things take a sudden turn as labor hits her with things taking a sharp turn for the worst...

  • This litter is not first come first served! Apps will be open until 09.30.2024, and the chosen applicants will be named here with the kittens being born on the first of October.
  • The form for these applications is up to the roleplayers. Please, at least include their name, gender, appearance, and the basics of personality or concept/plots.
  • There will be a tragedy plot which the chosen applicants will be notified when chosen.
  • Please stick to the naming themes in the respective tabs and genetics listed below.
  • Please specify which litter you are applying for in your application! If you prefer for the ic decision, please include that in the application. These kittens will be split apart at birth with two going Windclan and two going Riverclan.
  • Kits will be introduced at two moons old (aging realistically every 1st). The kittens will be introduced in their perspective threads depending on if they go to Riverclan or Windclan.
  • While there is no set activity requirement, kits are expected to maintain at least casual activity, enough to remain on the census. Two months of inactivity without notice will result in rehoming.
  • Characters should not die or permanently leave Riverclan / Windclan until the age of 12 moons, unless a plot is discussed prior to Ixora or I.
  • If you plan for your kit to be born with (or develop) a disability, write them respectfully and research diligently.
  • Riverclan kittens will be nursed by another Riverclan queen but Robinheart will carry a familial role with them as their Godmother/Aunt. Windclan kittens will be under the care of Slateheart.

Sire: SH black w/ low white (carrying longhair, chocolate, dilute)
Dam: LH chocolate rosette tabby w/ low white (carrying solid, dilute)
Kits can be black, black tabby, chocolate, chocolate tabby, blue, blue tabby, lilac, or lilac tabby

Kits can be shorthaired or longhaired.
Kits can have no white, low white, or high white.
Kits without white can have any realistic eye color besides blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color.
Tabbies will be rosette tabbies.
Shorthaired kits will carry longhair; black-based kits will carry chocolate; tabbies will carry solid; non-dilute kits may or may not carry dilute.

Slateheart is gen 2 | Gladefrost is gen 1 | Kits will be gen 3

note: bonus points for the bolded names, moon and ash.

— For Gladefrost: meadow, moon, valley, snow, ice
— For Loved Ones: flower, bloom, blossom (Lilypaw); ash, cinder, coal, dust (Ashpaw); stone, flint, marble + any legal grey-ish minerals (Gravelsnap/family theme); sweet, soft, warm, silver (Adelaide & Silverfoot)
— After WindClan: breeze, heather, gorse, bramble, gust, hare, rabbit, bunny, running [Non-listed WindClan-esque names in this category are fine!]

Census and Council Names except for bolded names (moon and ash).
RiverClan names as their connection to RiverClan will be kept as secret as possible.
Negative Connotation: soot, granite, duskclan prefixes
after riverclan ... stream, reed, ripple, rain, lake, minnow, chub, trout, dace, loach, grayling, lamprey, salmon, barbel, bream, carp, perch, smelt, eel, catfish, pike, cloud, wave, dew, bay, frost, drizzle, blizzard, wet

for slateheart ... moon, storm, night, beech, gale, flint

for friends + family ... cardinal, song, finch, bird, cherry [robinheart] warbler, cypress, dusk, briar[magpiepaw] mallow, mouse, speckle, daisy [frecklepaw] flutter, chive, hope, heron [foxtail] dawn, morning, berry [moonbeam] apple, clover, duck [shellpaw] blue, gorse, hail [lichenstar] lark, feather, fly [minnowfang] frog, stoat, spark [newtthroat]

for appearance ... blue, lilac, black, silver [colors] and other prefixes that may reflect your character

after flowers + fruit ... bloom-, blossom-, daisy-, dandelion-, flax-, flower-, furze-, gorse-, heather-, holly-, lily-, mallow-, marigold-, mistle-, nectar-, parsley-, petal-, primrose-, rose-, sage-, tansy-, tulip-, violet-, yarrow- [flowers] juniper-, olive-, pear-, plum-, rye-[crops + fruits]

avoid windclan based names as their relation to windclan will be kept as secret as possible.
— soot-based names, census names (unless inactive or rare suffix), or having kit jr of someone close to them.
slot one: reserved​

slot two​

slot three​

slot four​
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aunt track but also

Mallowkit OR Specklekit; named after Frecklepaw
twin to "mousekit", torn apart at birth (aka will go to whichever clan the other kit doesn't)
near identical at birth, bears only a single white marking different to tell them apart; once eyes are opened it will be noticable that they do not share their twins bicolored eyes but instead a shade of bright gold that resembles neither of their parents

lilac rosette tabby w white
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just an extra note for windclan kittens to keep in mind when making plots: for their safety and well-being (in slate's eyes) they may be vaguely told about their mother, like her qualities and what she looked like, but their riverclan heritage will be kept hidden from them as well as any knowledge that they have family across the border. the general public will realistically know their mother was not from windclan, and plots may be built off that, but they will not be icly specified as half-riverclan!
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I don't need another charact- tracking

- bloomkit or blossomkit
- leave it up to IC to decide if rc or wc
- chocolate?? tabby with high white and blue eyes
- to be continued for when i have my phone notes on me ghjk
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MARBLEKIT — Marble; for Gravelsnap, Kit; for denoting rank

⤹ Cisgendered Feminine ( she/her )
— unknown (lesbian) ⋆ mono ⋆ hard to romance
⤹ from Windclan Kitten
— no previous affiliations
⤹ 2 moons ⋆ ages every 1st ⋆ creation date
⪼ penned by wolfie

APPEARANCE — a short haired chocolate rosette tabby with high white and blue eyes.
⤹ carrying lh, dilute and solid

Standing at only 6 inches tall fully grown, Marblekit is very small and had a lithe shaped body. She has long legs ans small paws, great for running but she also a spitting image of her mother. She has shorter fur but it's the same color of chocolate as her mother. Though white covers most of her fur pattern and leaves behind only the top of her head, her back and her entire tail. Otherwise she is fully white and also had a small chocolate paw on the right head side of her body. Marblekit also has the same exact eye color of Gladefrosts, a soft cerulean shade of blue.

MENTALITY — mbti, ❝ the xxx❞ ⋆ Ravenclaw ⋆ etc
⤹ extra information
positive traits: Loyal, Ambitious
neutral traits: Stubborn, Outspoken
negative traits: Ruthless, Manipulative

Marblekit is known for her rather selfish and snooty nature. She turns her nose up to Non-Windclanners, she thinks theyre the best clan ever! Marblekit can be rather ruthless with her words and has no regard for others. Shes a little princess in a way and will use tears or claws to get what she wants when she wants it. Marblekit, however, is fiercely loyal to Windclan and will lay down her life for the clan. Shes also a helpless romantic, falling easily and quickly for others of the feminine variety but she’s also prone to moving on or finding someone new just as quickly. Shes fleeting and flakey with her feelings, making false promises often and never following through on her end of deals.

RELATIONS & INTERACTIONS — Slateheart x Gladefrost
⤹ littermate to TBD
— other kin
⤹ friends with who
— admires who ⋆ likes who
⤹ enemies with who
— dislikes who ⋆ loathes who

Marblekit views the other clans in a weaker light, that they are not as close to Starclan as Windclan are and the like. ⋆ She trusts only her family easily, everyone else she distrustful of and sees as a pawn in a game
⤹ physical health [ 100% ] | mental health [ 100% ]
— will start fights | will not flee | will not show mercy
excels tunneling, fighting, stamina ⋆ poor at hunting, climbing, swimming
— sounds like Rarity My Little Pony ⋆ smells like fresh heather and honey

⤹ plot 1 .
— plot 1 impact
⤹ plot 2 .
— plot 2 impact
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breezekit is a small, short, sleek-furred she-cat with warm amber eyes. she is the smallest of her litter, and will remain at a smaller size than her siblings into adulthood. once old enough to groom her fur independently, she will take extra time and care to keep her fur looking clean and presentable. arguably, her fur and eyes are her best features, and she will come to take great pride in her appearance as she grows older, although she is prideful of her looks, she doesn't allow it to cloud her judgement or rule her life. she has naturally rounder features that set her apart from her relatives and many of her clanmates.

- curious / loving / bubbly / positive / innocent
- stubborn / childish / naive / defiant

as a child, gorsekit will naturally be a bubbly curious, positive and outgoing individual. she'll find herself naturally being inquisitive about the world around her, and will be interested in learning anything and everything she can. often times, she can be found listening to stories alongside the elders, begging apprentices to teach her things they've learned in training, or even begging warriors to teach her something as well. should she fall ill, she might express some interest in what is being done to her only for the sake of learning something new. she will rarely show any negative emotions (such as crying or anger) for long, quickly moving on from any upsetting incident and returning to being the sunlight in the storm. she will retain her innocence to the harsh realities and cruelties that lie outside the camp well past her adolescent moons.

into her apprenticeship, gorsekit will still maintain her childhood personality, however, it will be clouded by the harsh realities of being assigned a tunneler mentor rather than a moor runner mentor. she will begin to act out, disobeying orders from her mentor and father, hoping that she can work to change sunstar's mind about her apprenticeship as a tunneler. naturally, this will not work out in her favor, and the consequences for her actions will eventually work their magic. during this time, she may potentially even hang out with the "wrong crowd" and allow them to influence her rebellious stage. eventually, after a period of time acting out and exhibiting an increase in negative behavior and personality traits (bullying, sneaking out, lying, fighting etc) she will accept her fate and begin to take her training as a tunneler seriously, eventually reverting back to her sunlight in the storm personality.

into adulthood, gorsekit will still remain a positive and outgoing individual who is loyal and dedicated to her clan. pending potential plot points around this stage of life, gorsekit may experience another personality crisis as life events cause her world to tumble upside down. overall, she will still be a sunshine type character. mothering and mentoring are major personality staples during her adulthood, and she has fully matured and aims to not be the negative side of herself that was unleashed in her apprenticeship.

as an elder, she will likely become more easy going, slowly reverting to a less talkative state and becoming more content. she will still be a sunshine type elder (think clan grandmother) and will still work as long as possible even when the leader advises/orders her not to work to help the clan. her full maturity and personality will have become well rounded by this point, allowing her to be more aware of the type of personality she has. regardless, she will still have negative reflections of personality as all cats do, especially in her geriatric age.

  • potentially the smallest && youngest of the litter?
  • would be naturally oblivious to any mentions/hinting of being half-clan in the future (such as at gatherings since previously mentioned there wouldn’t be ic mention of being half-clan)
  • will grow up as being extremely loyal and dedicated to windclan ; if she does discover her half-clan heritage it would cone when she is an older apprentice/new warrior and become severely affected by this and struggle with a sense of loyalty ; may sneak away at night & take advantage of gatherings to get to know her siblings and learn about rc
  • would naturally be assigned as a “tunneler” apprentice due to her small size ; would be devastated by the news and would struggle to come to terms with being a tunneler ; plots to center around her feelings of resentment and “failure” to become a moor runner ; may have her grow close to a moor runner or moor runner apprentice and mention hopes of them becoming her mentor in the future ; may also show a change in personality/behavior centering around her distaste for her new role ; will later come to be proud of her role and following in her father’s paw-steps ; would want to be a mentor for tunneler apprentices feeling the same as she did when apprenticed
  • may struggle with anxiety beginning in her apprenticeship
  • would aim to have a close relationship with windclan relatives and friends ; would likely seek out a maternal figure due to the lack of her mother in her life
  • will naturally grow up to be more oblivious and “always happy”
  • takes pride in her appearance ; keeps her pelt clean and shiny
  • voice claim (apprentice - adulthood) ; either kida (atlantis) , esmerelda (the hunchback of notre-dame) , captain amelia (treasure planet) or chel (the road to el dorado) will pin down later on!
  • "speech" / hexcode: #A2999E
  • created on ; 09.02.24
  • backup prefixes ; gale, hare, cinder, soft
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" you did not mean to be cruel. that does not mean you were kind. "

the spitting image of her father. or, perhaps, the inverse of him. moonkit will grow from a smudge of a kitten to a tall, proud creature—and surely it will be no surprise where her lineage lies. a cacophony of coal-dark and silvery, starlit white stretched across a wiry lean frame. she'd have been a moor runner, had she been taken to windclan. instead, she will have to fold gangly legs and too-long fur into the river, and try to learn to swim. her fur is mostly white, save for a single hindleg, her tail, and the expanse of her round face. the pattern isn't of beautiful design. she's all patchwork, taken apart and stitched together again.

slateheart haunts her, from the curve of her shoulders to the cut of her jaw. but her mother survives in her eyes: a clear, stillwater blue.

blunt, abrasive, and too rough. moonkit is not destined to be a loud kitten, but she will be an opinionated one. stubbornness comes as easy as breathing, especially when it comes to something she thinks isn't fair. but when complaining doesn't work, resentment will have to suffice.

even kinder emotions will be ham-fisted. affection is displayed through ear-cuffings and insults. she is clunky, heavy-handed, unaware. someone will have to teach her to be genuine; to dull the harsh blade of bullheadedness within her. not an impossible task—moonkit, like all children, is malleable to her surroundings. and will those surroundings be forgiving? will they be patient? or will her worst traits fester and bleed and burn over time, consuming what could have been?

  • Notes
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done for rn.... may add more later/closer to the 30th

ALT ;; meadow, frost, etc

Valleykit is almost graceful- long fur the billows with the wind, glossy from their heritage with a soft expression normally affixed on their square face, of which comes from their father. The only flaw you may be able to pick out is the single ear bent on their right side, but it's minimal at best from mite-damage. Two eyes, mismatched in color, are affixed on their soft expressioned-face framed by long, nearly wavy fur. It's evident at first glance that they aren't totally Windclan in blood. Blue and yellow eye peer at you inquisitively.

They aren't very tall- being a mix of Windclan and Riverclan has left them smaller then average cat size, and as much, their smaller frame will fit perfectly in the tunnels- ears just barely too big to stand tall whilst they prowl through. Long fur, tangled with three notable colors, will unfortunately tangle and catch dust far easier then some. Valleykit will take great care in making their appearance at the very least smooth, if not clean, in the downtime they have. Sharing tongues is a relief for them.

Three notable colors wind across muzzle, body, paws and tail- lilac rosettes scatter over their shoulders and down their front legs- then back down their hips and casting like a cloak over their tail. White follows next, blending in across their muzzle and left side of their face, the underside of their front legs and belly, right rear leg and underside of their tail. A tuft of white fur settles across their face and over their eyes. Chocolate is the final color that splatters them- much like mud in this sense, on their left ear, left eye, under their right. Three of four paws are 'dipped' in this chocolate, with their rear left leg 'dipped' up to their haunches.

KIT - SOFT-SPOKEN, CONFIDENT, SECRETIVE, FRIENDLY. As a kit, they're still a hint naïve- the world is wrapped in pastel colors and ash, soft against the recovering moorland. They are paw-fed and cherished by all for simply existing- or are they? It will be no secret they are only part-Windclanner, and as such, any resistance or negativity is met with a 'kill-them-with-kindness' approach. A smile, they'll take the pushback in step and grace, tip their head and part ways. They are confident and think quick on their paws, but keep any truths about themselves well.. to themselves.

APPRENTICE - SOFT-SPOKEN, CONFIDENT, SECRETIVE, FRIENDLY, PROTECTIVE. Much of the kit hood personality will carry into their apprentice life- they are good at political relations, saving face and avoiding fights. Much of what will develop here is their protective nature. Any danger to their sibling or their parent is often met with a very out-of-character, and violent, reaction. This will extend to what other friends or family they have to speak of in time, as well. They still speak in a melodic and soft tone otherwise, keeping their feelings secretive and use their confidence to hide that front.

WARRIOR - ???. While I normally have a better grasp on characters, Valleykit feels elusive- it feels like plenty will happen during their apprentice that I cannot predict where they may fall after apprenticeship. This isn't based on a plot I'm already forming- Valleykit just feels that difficult to nail down one specific way. This part of their personality is highly dependent on a number of things- will they ever figure out who their mother was? What of Slateheart? What of their sibling, or their siblings in Riverclan? However, it's predictable that they won't change too much from their apprentice traits.

NOTE // I may change pronouns personality up while I roleplay. I tend to find grooves for characters, and find it more enjoyable to roleplay them in a certain manner. This is loose, but I will be following it to a point.

  • FEAR // FEAR OF INTIMACY - They fear connection to others is something that will plague them for most of their life. They cannot make connections- and never know why they fear it.
  • FEAR // LOSING FAMILY - They've already lost their mother, who they can't remember at all- that hurts enough. They cannot loose their sibling or Slateheart. It may just destroy them.
  • FEAR // EATING CARRION - They're going to be picky about their food- they won't accept it from just anyone. I'm thinking on having a thread in late kithood where they accidentally get a mouthful of bad food, and they carry it with them for their life.
  • INSPRIATION // THEIR FAMILY - As worried as they are about losing their family, they are equally inspired by them. They make a point to better themselves so they can continue to do right by them- and by extension, Windclan.
  • INSPRIATION // THEIR POTENTIAL - Whilst inspired by their family, there will come a day where they realize they are just as full-of-potential as their sibling. They cannot, and will not, let it go to waste.
  • INSPRIATION // WINDCLAN - While their loyalty may lie to their soul first, then family, Windclan does come third- it is their home. They wish to see Windclan flourish as the stories told to them by elders once said.
  • 'WILDERFLOWER AND BARLEY' - HOZIER, ALLISON RUSSEL // 'Springtime in the country, Each time I'm shocked by the light' ; 'Everything in my vision, Departure, and death,'
  • 'GOOD LUCK, BABE!' - CHAPPELL ROAN // 'When you wake up next to him in the middle of the night, With your head in your hands, you're nothing more than his wife, And when you think about me all those years ago, You're standing face to face with "I told you so,"'
  • IMAGERY // Wildflower, barely, yellows and blues, the lightest of dawn colors, the richest of the greens in the moor.
  • CARRION // Late in kithood, they'll accidentally eat a piece of expired prey. This will make them very picky about their food and who gives it to them. Trust is difficult around food, and often they will squint at prey not caught by them. This may end up tangoing with the code.
  • LACK OF LOVE // Valleykit will struggle with connections to other cats- and as such, they'll feel a lack of urge, crush, or love for most cats. I'm thinking this will likely make them very demiromantic, and very monogamous, later in life- but we shall see.
  • FAMILY? // Valleykit will come to understand in time that they are not fully Windclan- so they stick to their sibling like glue, to Slateheart like less sticky glue. Slateheart is keeping who their mother is from them, and while Valleykit will come to understand the importance in that (protection, protection,) it may seperate Valleykit slowly from Slateheart. (Going more indepth on this one specifically, I'd like to imagine as Valleykit gets older they seperate slowly from their father, but still have a very deep love for him.
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tracking rc kit, looks better on computer

sweet, heron, hope.

⠀⠀ᴋɪᴛ ᴏғ ʀɪᴠᴇʀᴄʟᴀɴ | sʟᴀᴛᴇʜᴇᴀʀᴛ x ɢʟᴀᴅᴇғʀᴏsᴛ | 00 ᴍᴏᴏɴs ✦ AGAB | pro/nouns⠀⠀

LILAC/CHOCOLATE TABBY CHIMERA⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Gladefrost traits X Slateheart traits
Moonkit is born a loud creature, a trait that will only show itself during their newborn moons; their 'worm' stage. Multi-colored fur, the lighter of which shines silvery under a moonlit glow; none of their father's blackened pelt shows itself in the kitten — from him, they can only see Slateheart with the way Moonkit's fur stands at the edges, spike-like and wild ( and maybe with the way they look like they would fit in nicely among WindClan's moorland ).

Long-legged but graceful, Moonkit takes mostly after their mother with glossy long fur perfect for swimming in RiverClan's pristine waters. Muscles hide beneath their coating and they have especially strong back legs. And to add even more to the oddness of their entire figure, Moonkit is born with heterochromatic eyes ( either gold/blue or green/blue ), the right reminiscent of the river that courses through their territory, while the left is akin to the blazing sun.
Funnily, and perhaps ironically enough, they have a heart marking on their left cheek; perhaps fate laughing in the face of the star-crossed lovers.​

" The inexplicable charisma of the rival
You said 'Describe for me the hairstyle of the devil'


moves on​
enneagram: XwX
mbti: XXXX
moral alignment chaotic neutral
tarot cards: number. name
aesthetics: thing, thing, thing
temperament: thing
instinctual variant: sx, so, sp

●●●● patience
●●●●● empathy
●●●●● honesty
●●●●  humor
●●●● ambition
●●●●●  volatility
●●●●● spirituality
●●●●●  happiness
●●●●●    warmth

Curabitur ut elit nisi. Nullam et massa dui. Donec porttitor tempor elit in cursus. Donec consectetur nunc nec urna pulvinar hendrerit. Ut scelerisque augue at posuere pharetra. Proin a felis vel augue ultrices pharetra. Quisque neque sapien, tincidunt eu ligula et, hendrerit luctus leo. Etiam semper nibh et elit posuere rhoncus. Maecenas auctor convallis purus, vitae efficitur metus finibus ut. Quisque sit amet congue libero.

Curabitur maximus venenatis nibh, ac dapibus urna auctor eget. Donec nec erat varius, feugiat mi nec, mattis lorem. Phasellus non elit lorem. Nullam ut felis quis mi tempor ultrices. In at ligula at ante egestas pulvinar. Praesent ullamcorper consequat lacinia. Fusce elementum urna eu mi commodo, commodo porttitor nisi malesuada. Aenean orci massa, pretium sit amet condimentum in, vulputate quis mi. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. In feugiat placerat justo quis dignissim. Duis commodo consectetur nisl vitae consequat. Mauris at orci non ante imperdiet euismod eu et nisl. Integer nec feugiat nunc.

Morbi id mattis ipsum, a dapibus ligula. Mauris tristique quam quis risus laoreet ultricies id nec dui. Fusce eu massa ac lorem condimentum sollicitudin. Sed gravida nulla eu egestas bibendum. Aenean egestas turpis ornare lacus consectetur pharetra. In ipsum ligula, efficitur non dui eu, pretium congue diam. In facilisis at enim sit amet laoreet. Donec ullamcorper sollicitudin dolor, id viverra ligula gravida sed. Vivamus quis lorem commodo ex vehicula interdum. Pellentesque quis est enim. Praesent tristique tristique purus sed mollis. Morbi scelerisque enim id velit tincidunt, ac vestibulum odio interdum. Sed eleifend, odio at commodo bibendum, ligula tortor tincidunt eros, id efficitur sem eros sed massa. Donec ac ullamcorper risus. Morbi accumsan in tortor sed bibendum.​

positive: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
neutral: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
negative: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
hidden: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

fears. ── Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque quis arcu lobortis, accumsan ipsum et, dignissim arcu. Duis porttitor leo enim, eu aliquam augue pulvinar quis. Nunc imperdiet orci at.
ambitions. ── Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque quis arcu lobortis, accumsan ipsum et, dignissim arcu. Duis porttitor leo enim, eu aliquam augue pulvinar quis. Nunc imperdiet orci at.
morals. ── Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque quis arcu lobortis, accumsan ipsum et, dignissim arcu. Duis porttitor leo enim, eu aliquam augue pulvinar quis. Nunc imperdiet orci at.



  • 88152344_SJRHmoj59uoj1QO.png
I became a villain in pursuit of your dream.
I threw away my humanity for an ideal that I couldn't understand.
But I don't regret it. To 'regret' is to imply that I could done anything else.
I never told you, but the truth is, I wasn't capable of ever becoming human in the first place.
So in the end, you are always —​
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thoughtful tracking

STORMKIT ; alternatives
gender: cisgender female, she/they ; comfortable with feminine and neutral terms.
orientation: lesbian (closeted)
allegiance: riverclan preferred, but happy to accept a windclan slot.
status: casual, but ideally hoping she'll stick. may be rehomed with name & design if readopted.

description: "a black-and-blue she-cat with blue eyes."
─ stormkit is a cat of rippling pelt colours and greyscale rosettes. swirls of dark fur paint her form, as if the river's shadows themselves have taken precedence over a normal rosetted tabby. she has white patches on her face, throat, front paws, belly and tail. she is lean like a windclanner (perhaps gladefrost's mate was a barn cat?) but with the glossy fur that tells of distinct riverclan blood (which means slateheart's mate, surely, must have marshland heritage). deep, judgemental blue eyes return a steady stare, calculating, waiting.
genetics: chimera. sh black solid w/ low white & sh blue tabby w/ low white. hypothetical offspring would take sh blue tabby w/ low white (carry lh, chocolate, solid)

personality: attentive, / independent, curious / ruthless, holier-than-thou.
─ stormkit, for most of her characterisation, will remain quiet and calculating. from the moment she learns how to lie, she finds herself a chronic thief of other cats' trinkets: not to have and keep, but to take and know that she could take it if she wanted to. it comes back to power: the power she can exert, and the power that no others can have over her. respectful of authority, so long as they keep off her tail. stormkit develops a ruthless streak as she grows, though will forever be unlikely to reach with her claws first. her interest lies in watching others tangle themselves in her web, after all; the subjects of her ire, should she have her way, would find themselves in exceptionally unlucky circumstances.
─ is?j / 8w7 / neutral evil / misc

plot ideas:
─ skills
─ forms an unwavering loyalty to her clan's leader.
─ the mystery of stormkit's other parent will always be of great interest to her. likely to press for more information, taking frustration in gladefrost's secrecy or slateheart's roundabout answers. keeps a mental checklist of every single thing she's told about them, waits to see if the story changes, presses her claws deeper into any discrepancy she finds. i do not intend, currently, for her to ever discover her other parent, but if the cards fall into place then i'd love for that to happen :3
─ i do intend to explore comphet with this character, and for her to eventually discover that her interest lies in she-cats. currently, the plan is for her to be set up by her parents (with good intentions) with a tom around her age. the two have been friends for most of their lives, and trust each other, but stormpelt (example name, likely as a young warrior) finds herself finding no love for him outside of platonic affection. meanwhile, a crush on a she-cat in their cohort develops...
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loving all these apps so far + we're enjoying reading all of these apps and watching them come together ! <3

putting my kitten down below for anyone who wishes to read up on the sibling >

MOUSEKIT alternatively: sweetkit, softkit, tulipkit, blossomkit

mousekit is the splitting image of slateheart and gladefrost with more leaning similarities to her mother. a softer hue of her mother's chocolate coat, ranging of soft lilacs with rosettes and stripes designing her small figure. soft waves of texture find themself embracing her coat after a fine grooming and having her father's scruffy appearance in the morning when she awakes with bedhead.


persona notes: timid + scared of others besides family, very organized and interested in knowledge (can be bit of a nerd), overly skittish and sensitive to noise that lessens as she grows older. will ramble about things that others seem uninterested in before she realizes that she's talking to someone else and scurries off. sticks to her family like glue and will often hide under their feet with her small figure as she attempts to hide herself and be small as possible. hates attention on her and gets very flustered when she's complimented. far from her mother + father's personality and is a crybaby, overly sensitive to a lot of things.
[ + ] light-hearted, humorous, optimistic, curious
𓇼 clout chaser, loves any type of attention
𓇼 loves to sneak out, causes trouble often
𓇼 spacey, may ignore people on accident​
[ / ] chatty, sassy, independent, bold, easy-going
𓇼 clout chaser, loves any type of attention
𓇼 loves to sneak out, causes trouble often
𓇼 spacey, may ignore people on accident​
[ — ] temperamental, troublemaker, manipulative
𓇼 clout chaser, loves any type of attention
𓇼 loves to sneak out, causes trouble often
𓇼 spacey, may ignore people on accident​


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ough oh no. track..... tempted.....

marigoldkit, morningkit / trans male
chocolate tabby, yellow eyes
riverclan preferred but windclan works as well!
*puts jaskier from the witcher + anders and alistair from dragon age into a blender and turns it on* and that's his personality, i'll elaborate later
vc is joey batey as jaskier
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