Mar 7, 2023
    ↪ DARTER; homage to the anhinga bird. WING; for her light-heartedness & speed.​
    Female, she/her
    ↪ Bisexual - single​
    30 moons, ages on the 1st
    RiverClan, warrior [drypaw]
    Formerly of the Marsh Group
    A she-cat with alluring monochromatic fur and green eyes.
    ↪ Gorgeous long, sleek fur covers Darterwing from head to toe, her unique beauty is the first many will note upon laying eyes on her. Blue fur covers the majority of her body though splashes of white commonly make their appearance, only completely sparring her hindlegs and tail. Raven-feather black coats her ears, tail, and her most favorite feature of all; the long and flowy fur tuft that travels from forehead to the root of her neck. It's an unusual mane she has been crowned with, but it is her greatest pride and joy, many may say her best feature.

    Eyes of deep green are often narrowed flirtatiously. Beneath her gaze sits bags permanently embed in her skin regardless of how much beauty sleep she gets, a grave insecurity for Darterwing. Though unbeknownst to her it only adds to the matured look of beauty she works so hard for. The splash of color to her face comes in with her pink pigmented nose. Wiry and twisted whiskers stem from her muzzle.

    Darterwing often carries herself with little introversion, she always seems to be taking up as much room as her body possibly can while retaining grace and dignity. Despite this she's shockingly easy to approach and lacks both intimidating features and stance. though one may quiver in her presence if they fear pretty ladies.
    Smells of thrush and faintly of fish
    Sounds like Ying from RSS
    ↪ link to toyhouse!​
    POSITIVE TRAITS: Resourceful, charming, meticulous, obedient, amiable, forgiving, adventurous
    NEUTRAL TRAITS: Flirtatious, free-wheeling, particular, composed, quixotic
    NEGATIVE TRAITS: Finicky, radical, noncommital, convulted, grandiose, self-pitying, dishonest, compulsive
    Suffers from aquaphobia
    NPC x NPC
    ↪ Litter-mate to 2 NPC sisters. Older sister to Catfishpaw​
    Mates with no one
    ↪ No offspring​
    Currently mentoring no one
    ↪ mentored Ravenpaw
    DISLIKES: SkyClan, ThunderClan, ShadowClan
    HATES: WindClan
    A moderate opponent in battle, will tend to match the energy of her opponent the best she can
    Will rarely start physical fights, may verbally bicker and poke the fire. Merciful and will kill as an ABSOLUTE last resort.
    ↪ STRENGTH: ★★☆☆☆
    ↪ DEXTERITY: ★★★★★
    ↪ SPEED: ★★★★☆
    ↪ STEALTH: ★★★☆☆
    ↪ SWIMMING: ☆☆☆☆☆
    ↪ HUNTING: ★★★★★​
    what are they like mentally when interacting?
    a conversationalist? a grump? easy to talk to or not?
    ↪ STRATEGY: ★☆☆☆☆
    ↪ PERCEPTION: ★☆☆☆☆
    ↪ MEMORY: ★☆☆☆☆
    ↪ HEALING: ★☆☆☆☆
    ↪ WISDOM: ★☆☆☆☆
    ↪ MOTIVATION: ★☆☆☆☆​
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