pafp glass half empty glass half full // being silly

Dec 1, 2022
oddkit | 05 months | agender | they/them/it/its | physically easy | mentally medium | attack in bold #ffdb58
Oddpaw has always been fascinated y the unknown - especially when it comes to the inner working of life and the word around them. Today, it seems the creature has roped another into it's mischievous schemes - a break given by mentors meant to eat their lunch has turned into a rather strange sight instead. Round eyes stare up at crappiepaw from it's place in the water, watching until it is certain they are ready to start counting, and then it is gone - diving down, cheeks puffed up and paws settling upon the rocky riverbed. The figure of fire and ice rocks and bobs slowly with the currents, as eyes follow the fishes - and it remains there, even as it's lungs begin to burn. The view is mesmerizing form down here, though it makes their amber eyes sting, and they almost don't want to leave. But they have to leave eventually, and soon enough they are swimming back upwards with a heaving gasp. A bright grin on its face it turns it's focus back onto their clanmate - "Oddpaw is back! How long! How long!"

// please wait for @CRAPPIEPAW

Crappiepaw is beginning to grow concerned about the child. It has been underwater for a long time—the calico apprentice is keeping count—and they are beginning to think that perhaps they should dive in after it. The orange and white form of Oddpaw ripples with the water’s movement, and bright green eyes hardly blink as they watch it hold its breath. Crappiepaw wonders whether this is truly a better use of their time than eating their lunch, but they do enjoy counting. And they could not say no to Oddpaw. They just worry for the safety of the younger apprentice.

"Oh," they say in a sharp exhale when the child’s head pops back above the waterline. Thank goodness it is okay. "I counted sixty-four heartbeats. That is longer than I can hold my breath." They offer Oddpaw a small smile, as encouraging as possible. They do not particularly want the younger apprentice to try such a dangerous trick again, but they also think that holding one’s breath is an important skill to have in a place such as RiverClan. And Oddpaw looks so excited—Crappiepaw cannot possibly squash their happiness right now.
[ my my, cold hearted child ]

Claws meant to grapple scales and fin hook on the edges of a warm rock his small body is able to curl across lazily. He peers to the duo of apprentices, one disappearing beneath the dancing surface. It’s a mildly alarming time, so the blonde turns on his belly on the rock and it jabs him in the ribs but his focus is unbroken on the scene until Oddpaw’s head pops back out like an otter. Their smile infectious, for one spreads on his own.

" that was as long as a warrior, I’m surprised you’re not a fish now " Dogteeth cheerily calls, sliding off the granite and splashing into the cold water. " but… uh, careful down there for too long. If a rock heavier than you shifts and catches your paw… it’s dangerous " he didn’t want to scare them, said with a smile.

" did you two want to go against eachother? … I could keep count and- help if it’s needed. " he offers, churning with webbed blonde toes till he’s floating on his back with a splay of twisted fur bobbing on the surface.

  • — Dogteeth PINTEREST
    — twenty-eight moons
    2023 VOICE & ACCENT
    — warrior of Riverclan
    — gay | crushing on n/a
    — small curly-furred blonde and tan tom with blue eyes.
    — very gentle voice and laugh
    — deals a nasty bite
    BIOGRAPHY——— ✧
  • 0yQlsKL.png

Lichentail was certain that children these days were on the fast track to joining StarClan. They took so much joy in stupid dares, contests of useless proportion, tried to assert themselves as brave by being reckless and- Oh... that kind of sounded like Ripplesnap too actually. Flicking an ear in amusement at her own realization, the molly stared in a half attentive state as Dogteeth offered his assistance. It seemed he was also worried about the implication of staying underwater too long.

Blinking out of her haze, the warrior's gaze traveled to Crappiepaw who seemed less than impressed by the current showboating or maybe that was a frown of concern? Not nearly as practiced a swimmer, maybe? Lichen didn't much care for swimming either despite her ability to do so without much struggle. It was just uncomfortable... it was just a necessity for work.

"You aren't going to at least try, Crappiepaw," she asked, raising a brow slightly as if to suggest playing along might be the better route for the two. A harmless competition might encourage the younger apprentice to actually beat their idol fair and square...​
The calico looks up when an older cat plops into the water to make his way closer to them—hazel eyes fly wide in a moment of mild panic. Are they about to be chastised for allowing the younger apprentice to participate in such a pointless activity? However, the blonde-furred warrior calls out to them with a voice dripping in cheer, complimenting Oddpaw’s performance. Then the handsome older cat asks whether they would like to compete. "I can try," they murmur to Dogteeth, their voice low and unsure.

To Lichentail, though, he shrugs. The blue-pointed cat’s question is likely meant to rile him up, to evoke some kind of reaction. But perhaps it is genuine curiosity, and Crappiepaw flicks a dappled ear toward them. "I have enough trouble breathing above water." But they cannot lie; their curiosity is piqued. They turn upon the younger apprentice once more, a smile settling upon their muzzle. "What do you say, Oddpaw? Do you want to try to not drown ourselves?"
[ my my, cold hearted child ]

Hazecloud had enough of the heat to have her lounge in the shallower parts of the river, the surface just hardly meeting her chest as she leaned against the warm stone. Not too far from where Dogteeth stood. She kept one eye on Oddpaw and Crappiepaw, assuming the apprentices were goofing off and doing something, not that they shouldn't do, but maybe would be best to have a warrior present for. To her it just seemed like harmless fun, the danger of accidental drowning being the only issue. At least there was herself, Dogteeth, and Lichentail present.

"My bets on you, Crappiepaw!" Hazecloud cheered from her lounging. "Don't worry, none of us will let you two get hurt. Dogteeth will judge the pair of you fair in square."
oddkit | 05 months | agender | they/them/it/its | physically easy | mentally medium | attack in bold #ffdb58
Rocking back and forth from where they have swam back to the shallows, the creature practically preens at the time that crappiepaw gives - and the words that fall from the warriors lips only has them bobbing their head eagerly. Strange thing they here, always eager to test new things out - always up for such a challenge. "Again! Again!" they cheer, before pausing - "But we gotta' be quiet while we not-drown," they add, repeating back words they'd memorized upon their last venture into the shallows. It wades back over, short legs churning water easily as they wait for some sort of signal from dogteeth that they can start. They aren't interested in winning - they simply want to do it again. (The fuzzy-burny floating feeling was fun!)

Hazecloud has far too much faith in them, the calico apprentice understands. Her support and belief in them does feel nice, though; they have not often had someone so blatantly support them. With that, they narrow their eyes, looking to the younger feline. Oddpaw is their rival, their competition to beat. Of course, it says that they need to be quiet, and though Crappiepaw does not understand he still agrees to do so. "Yes, yes, of course. We would hate to disrupt the others while we not-drown," he acquiesces, glancing over to the trio of older cats.

They slip into the water upon silent paws, frowning slightly at the idea of what they are about to do. But they must do it, if not to appease Oddpaw then to prove that they can do it. Paddling stiffly in the water, the calico nods once. "I am ready." He looks to the warriors once more, fern-green eyes wide with—not panic, but concern. Oddpaw had just stayed beneath the water for a while, and Crappiepaw worries that the younger apprentice may be unable to surface after another attempt.
[ my my, cold hearted child ]
It is a fair enough argument to make but one she finds to be more of an excuse than a justified cause. Flicking her ear in a dismissal of the complaint about breathing, she decides to herself that RiverClanners have to be good at holding their breath as a pivotal skill. The drypaws had no hopes of being the best if they couldn't do what the clan was most well known for. Swim. Hunt fish. Become like those scaly menaces in the water. Lichentail didn't particularly love swimming but the point was she could do it if she had to.

Glancing over at Hazecloud as she loudly declared a faction, the blue point's mood soured pretty swiftly. Quick to advert her gaze as Crappiepaw rose to the challenge and waded into the water, she offered the apprentices a small nod of reassurance. This would be a fine, fun game... No one would walk away hurt. Oddpaw was a bit.... committed to this exercise but Dogteeth was right there and was plenty strong enough to fish the poor kit out of the water if it struggled to find its way back up.

"Play fair, no trying to dunk each other on the way back up. It's a friendly competition, not a battle." Now all that was left was for Dogteeth to say the words and the contest could begin.​