glitter and gold — hunting patrol


fate leads the willing and drags the unwilling
Feb 18, 2023
anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
Slipping out of camp and into the vibrant, monochrome hue of the forest he’d become increasingly familiar with, Duskpool set off, deep into the forest’s den in search of land prey to sustain a hefty amount of cats. He said little, observing with the swerve of managed ears, equally while he monitored his sleepy apprentice, undoubtedly wishing he could return to his nest and soak up the last of the den’s warmth from sleeping bodies.

His ears swiveled, picking up the tentative sound of small footfalls, molten hues gliding toward its general area, a mouse, he suspected. His helm shifted, glancing at his apprentice with an apprehensive twitch of his tail. “Do you smell anything?” He rumbled, quiet, patient. When prompted, Duskpool would gesture toward their small group toward the mouse with a wisp of his tail, whiskers quivering against a scarred muzzle.

thought speech
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