glory and gore — skyclan border patrol


broken boys blossom into warriors 09/30/23
Jul 28, 2023
you're like snow , beautiful but cold .
Jaggedstorm stared ahead, expression stiff, letting the idle sound of nature soothe his prickling skin. He never enjoyed straying far from camp, but he was a warrior and the willowy male wasn’t one to half-ass his duties, not when this was his first time leading a border patrol. Of course, he was familiar with the unmarked territory, wondering if Mason continued to roam or did he finally succumbed to Chi’s plans.

He sighed, letting icy optics skim his surroundings, plumed tail swaying elegantly. “Do not let your guard down.” He rumbled, not bothering to look back to those within his group. His ear swerved, padding ahead in search of nothing in particular, and if asked, Jaggedstorm wouldn’t comment. He wasn’t looking for anything, but signs that maybe the rest of their clowder still thrived, but found none but stale scents.

The silvery tom sighed, letting icy optics flutter before he rubbed his scent against their border. He had a duty, after all.

/ @Drizzlepelt @pearlpaw @Coyotecrest
thought speech
Angry at all the things I can't change
The unclaimed border was always a place to remain alert, for anything could happen way out here. Coyotecrest treads close to Pearlpaw, keeping an ear trained on the young rambunctious scrap whilst keeping his eyes peeled for potential danger. So far it seemed as if they were in the clear. Jaggedstorm's word of caution is met with a low hum of understanding. "This is where skyclan's territory ends." The spotted tabby murmurs with a flick of his tail, gesturing toward the rolling hills and scattered trees as he speaks to his apprentice. Turning his head he begins to rub his chin against a ruffled shrub. "There could be all manner of trouble out there in the form of predators and rogues beyond our scent line." He warns, Turning in half a circle to face her again. (apprentice tag @pearlpaw)
When you're lost in the universe don't lose faith
There hasn’t been many times that Drizzlepelt has had to patrol the boarder that has remained unclaimed, though it does bring a sense of nostalgia. Not that it’s what’s on his mind right now, as there’s still anxiety gnawing at his insides. At least here, he doesn’t have to worry about WindClan.

The patrol leader being a cat he knows is at least somewhat close to Duskpool does make it a bit awkward, especially since he’s somehow even more colder, at least at a first glance. He tries to not let it show however, focusing on the task at hand. “Hopefully we don’t have any trouble…about the last thing we need right now.”

Watching Coyotecrest instruct his apprentice has him feeling some kind of way, excited to be able to teach himself. It’ll happen soon enough; for now he should be happy he still has time to himself, as it sure won’t last long. Boarders will definitely be the first thing he teaches whoever he apprentices, he thinks as he continues to scour for anything out of the ordinary.​