glory from mud | flower picking

He did not know the names of all the flowers, what he knew was what he had picked up from Rabbitnose and other cats and the few he vaguely recalled hearing in passing. The common ones were easily recognizable and he could remember them without much thought but it was the more ornate and complex blooms with the fanciful names that elluded him. Sunfreckle prefered daisies. They were simple, easy to say and recognize and their pale petals went well with most colors so he could imagine tucking them into the pelts of various clanmates and enjoying the look of it. Since seeing RiverClan's decorative coats for the gathering he had grown somewhat obsessed with the idea of tucking flowers into his fur because the contrast of colors was pleasing to the eye; but he was not out her purely for aesthetics. While the camp was seemingly back in order the strong stench of smoke clung to everything like burrs in a long pelt and he found his nose wrinkling everytime he stepped into a den or lingered too long in places where the fire had burned the brightest and longest. It wasn't something that some rain would not eventually wash out fully, but he had cobbled together a temporary solution for now. Flowers everywhere. Pine needles freshly plucked from trees lining every nest; the thick scent of the woods forcefully brought into the camp through small limbs cut and still spewing sap. It was going to be a trial getting enough for every den, every nest, but he had confidence in himself for such a task. It was not the same confidence he had with hunting, thankfully, because if that was the case he would get nothing done at all but he was strong enough to carry a lot of things despite his missing limb. Moving around was not so hard if he walked, it was only when he was running that he had to focus to remain upright.

A bit of exploration had found a spot in the territory, ringed with powerful oaks and relatively unscathed from the fire, that was clear of debris and an open expanse of green grass and flowers of many varieties. It was slowly getting colder, he didn't expect the flowers to be lingering much longer but here in this place exposed to the sky they were flourishing despite that. It was all very pretty, his green gaze washed over the multitude of flowers present and he almost felt bad at the idea of taking so many of them but with the wind chilling and sky darkening every moon that passed it was only a matter of time before nature took them back itself; leafbare was on the way.
Turning around with a quick pivot, long plume of a tail raising up to avoid dragging the dirt, he addressed the other cats who had agreed to tag along.
"Right..." The red tabby said, breaking the forest's serene silence with a light laugh like bells, "Let's hop to it then!"

Rabbitnose had joined his mate on his flower quest. He wasn't sure just how well the flowers would mask the scent of smoke, but it would brighten the place up a bit, for sure. He gazed upon the flower field with a smile. He was going to put flowers everywhere.

So, he hopped to it. Literally. "Okay!" He said, and hopped into the flower field. "I bet I can collect the most flowers~"

Lovey-dovey displays had never been too appealing, but Berryheart had to admit that there was some peace in the positive relationship that two mates shared, extending to everyone around them. Vaguely he had wondered what it was that extended past the love of friendship into union. The nuzzling, the closeness, that special sort of teasing... he had never understood the appeal. When he had been younger and gossip had flitted around the marsh about crushes and the like, he had never been able to relate, and such a thing extended even now. Perhaps one day. Though would it really be much of a travesty if it never happened?

His mind soon moved to more interesting things- the flowers dotting the ground. Many times had he let his Clanmates know about his specific preferences, and today would be no different. Though his voice, already quiet, had been dampened by the smoke he managed to call out after them, white toed paws treading carefully to avoid treading on any of the flowers. "Let me know if you see any blue ones." A simple request- enough to set them on a mission, he supposed. Dulled eyes rove the ground for the same blooms- anything, really.

"Careful not to trample them, dear!" His voice calls out after the gray dappled tom as he bounds away, very much like his namesake in the spring of his step and swiftness of his paws; he wondered if his mother knew he would be an endless source of bouncing energy when she called him as much. The declaration of a contest had him shaking his head with a light smile before glancing over to Berryheart, offering a shrug of amusement at his mates enthusiasm. "Pardon him, he gets...excited." Rabbitnose needed an apprentice so there could be a young cat who might be capable of keeping up with his energy because Sunfreckle certainly couldn't. He was not an agile cat, but he made up for it in sheer force of will and size; what he was incapable of as a fighter he could make up for as a wall and an obstacle. It wasn't a lot but it was something. The red tabby dipped his head, gently nudging the blooms near his paws and scenting their fresh floral aroma with a content sigh, it was certainly much nicer than the musk of smoke that clung to everything. As the dappled tom next to him spoke he lifted his head back up curiously and then delight flickered across his expression, "Blue is one of my favorite colors as well! It's strange to say but it feels...unatural? Like they don't belong on the ground. Maybe because they're sky colored!"
He gave a gentle purr of a laugh, "If we find any you're welcome to them! Daisies are my favorite flowers!"

"I won't!" Rabbitnose called back, already having picked a few flowers.

He had never been surrounded by so many flowers before. They were gorgeous. Taking a moment to dwell on them, he found it oddly inspiring how they died and came back each year. It brought him hope that their territory would do the same.

He closed his eyes, having a moment of enlightenment.

No matter what hardships he may face.... He will always rise again.

He opened his eyes and started picking flowers again. Now wasn't the time for symbolic realizations, it was Flower Time. Having heard Berryheart liked blue flowers, he began collecting a few. He would collect the entire rainbow if you let him.

" I'll make sure you get all the blue flowers you could want!" He called to him.

Bubbles barrelled ahead, Nifty murmuring something about how he often got carried away... Berryheart found himself unable to doubt that statement. What a show- generally only kits were interested in the frivolities of flower-picking, many dismissing the true purpose that petals provided. Company for a task many less experienced than he deemed inconsequential was perpetually welcome.

The dappled tom hummed in agreement, in limping lockstep with the fire-pelted tom nearby. He spoke his approval of blue blooms, to which Berryheart offered a definitive nod of his head, a barely recognisable smile snagging snaggle-teeth. "Interesting theory," he hummed, wonky eyes lifting to look after Bubbles, who offered his promise to find some. And a certain promise it was; Berryheart admired the confidence. "Thank you both. I'll look for daisies too, then..." His voice and attention flitted off into dreaminess, finding no need to add anything further. Daisies were common- generally found in dense patches. Thus, his ambling gait soon brought him to some.

A mottled tail waved a signal, should anyone look his way. He was not fond of shouting... they'd find this spot in their own time, if he stood mark.