GLUE MYSELF SHUT [✦] caterpillarpaw

The kit Spectermask brought back to camp is an apprentice now, the little shadow now sharing a den with her finder's student. Eeriepaw - not to the fault of Caterpillarpaw - had thought he'd be moved out by the time the splotchy kid had earned her name, but still he sleeps under the smaller, ever-cramped bramble bush.

Soon, he hopes he'll get to depart the apprentice den. He isn't sure he can handle sharing a den with Frostbite's litter, with the star-pelted Halfshade's second. Forestshade's kits - and even Starlingheart's, some days - were too much of a nuisance as is.

But Caterpillarpaw - he feels like has has some sort of duty to watch over his mentor's discovery, the Little Bug, as Spectermask calls her. Though a duty he's admittedly neglected, perhaps this is why he still holds an apprentice name: to keep watch of the blind child. To keep her out of trouble, or something. He wouldn't put it past Spectermask, really.

The spindle tom lays outside of the bramble bush, a moment of rest from his day of hunting. His gaze watches the camp, dark orbs gliding toward the entrance at the emergence of a patrol. The little shadow stands among them, and Eeriepaw lifts his head. Large ears twitch. Siltcloud is her mentor, a cat barely older than himself, but even looking past how young the cinnamon tabby is, Eeriepaw thinks it's an odd pairing. Had he become a warrior on time - the void-furred tom wonders - would he have been put in charge of Catterpillarpaw instead?

"Caterpillar --" Eeriepaw calls for the young apprentice's attention. He might as well check on her, for Spectermask's sake.


she was tired. she couldn't sleep, anxious about everything that's happened within the clan. her mentor doesn't quite seem to be all the way with it, but she can't even blame her. siltcloud has been through a lot... but it doesn't help that caterpillarpaw has become somewhat attached to her mentor. with a yawn, the blind apprentice followed the patrol back into the camp, ears perking upwards at the sound of eeriepaw. spectermask's apprentice. she wonders... did she do something wrong? was spectermask upset with her? was eeriepaw? nervously, she shuffles her paws before she strides forward, using her whiskers for keep her balance about her.

"hi, eeriepaw... i-is everything... o-okay?"

Shaded eyes watch as the younger apprentice strides over at his call, a blink at the exhaustion that emits from her. ShadowClan has been through a lot lately - rats, sickness, hunger, death. Eeriepaw himself has had to pick up extra patrols, but then again, so has anyone else who can manage it. He wonders if he looks as tired as Caterpillar does - if hollow eyes have grown heavy with a need for more than a moment of rest.

However, Eeriepaw is a warrior left under the call of an apprentice's name. He should be more capable of holding himself up under the blows of dark times. Caterpillarpaw is hardly out of kittenhood, left to worry over a crumbling marsh forest in the same capacity as him.

Is everything okay? Eeriepaw isn't certain it is. But he nods anyway, before blinking toward the blank gaze facing him. Right, he'd nearly forgotten. Silence isn't apt for this moment.

"Yes --" he says in a plodding tone, the word drawn out as a thin tail moves to wrap around himself. He is silent for a moment, searching for his words. "You look... tired. How is training going?"