gluttonous | eating too much


May 3, 2023
I've been trying not to
Those that paid any attention within the shelter would have seen it. The constant begging for food. The need to always have more. His appetite was voracious, unyielding as his stomach gurgled and grumbled with a loud cry he was all too willing to answer. So color him surprised when he turns just in time to spot a massive pile of assorted food just waiting to be eaten. A broken smile twitched its way across his lips, limbs moving upon their own accord as he hurried toward the mound of prey. Bicolored eyes dart back and forth at an alarming rate, unsure of which item to grab first before finally settling on a vole. Claws sink into its flesh to hold his meal steady as he takes a bite and flavor swarms his tongue unlike any hard kibble he's ever tasted. Plagas' eyes nearly doubled in size, staring in awe at the creature he'd bitten into. A low, half choked cackle falls from parting lips. How could food be this good?

With a flash of movement he descends upon his prey, ravenging it until there was nothing but gristle and bone. But that was hardly enough. He needed more, he was still hungry. Licking dark lips, Las Plagas turned and snatched a mouse from the pile and finished it off nearly as quickly as the vole. Nice and juicy still, but a completely different flavor awaited his palate this time. A pile of bones lay scattered in his wake by now as he could be found with a rather round belly sticking out prominently against his long, gangly frame. Needle teeth hook into the tail of a squirrel as he attempts to tug it free, jagged ears flattening in the struggle. A frustrated huff blasts through his nose but he doesn't give up. Instead he begins to simply gnaw on the thigh of the tree dwelling rodent.
Go off the deep end

Hawk didn't think she'd ever get used to the sheer abundance of food here. The smorgasbord laid out in camp was more food than she'd ever seen in one place at one time. Of course, it also offered more variety. More than the skinny rats she was accustomed to, it included mice, and birds, and (her new personal favourite) squirrels. It was more than that that that had stunned her, however. Skyclan was accustomed to sharing. No fighting over every last scrap, no hoarding. So, she guessed it made sense they'd have to keep building on that stockpile. The amount of cats in residence was mirrored in their food storage. Even then, she was still wary of taking her own portions. She didn't want to be taken for a mannerless binge-eater, especially after what they had done for her. Her grip on their respect felt tenuous at best, and still she felt like one misstep could send her plummeting back to rock bottom. That said, a girl's gotta eat, so she'd made her own way into the main part of the camp. She hoped she'd find it empty, so she wouldn't have to feel others' judging eyes upon her as she fed.

She was greeted by the sight of a staggering, patchy little kitten, headed straight for the very same fresh-kill pile she'd been thinking about. Before she could blink, the runt had started gorging himself with wild abandon. Instinctively, she cast her gaze around the clearing. Was no one watching him? He was devouring the prey so fervently, the tortie worried he would choke. Narrowed eyes watched him discard the bones, and move onto his next target. Were kittens even supposed to be out here alone? She couldn't deny the contempt she felt at another cat's gluttony - it was selfish, disgusting. However, this was the most pathetic scrap of fur she'd ever laid eyes on. She couldn't bring herself to be angry at him. He was tiny, barely weaned it looked like. Guess I'll be playing babysitter. No one else is here to do it.

She made her arrival known with a frustrated huff. "Eating like that is gonna make you sick." The kitten paid her no heed, finishing with his rodent meal and moving onto a bigger target. Annoyed, Hawk watched him struggle with the tail of a squirrel - just her luck he'd go for that - before resigning to needling his teeth into one of it's visible extremities. Seriously, any more food and this kid was gonna pop. The shecat padded closer, crouching down next to him. "Look, if I get this free, you gonna share?" Her eyes glittered, fixing him with her piercing gaze. A single white paw was placed on the upper, unchewed body of the squirrel. That'd get his attention.


Though he had desperately missed his home, Twitchbolt was glad he was not in the skin of many of the shelter rescues. Brought from a claustrophobic little cube of hell and then brought to the most open space they could possibly imagine... it must be jarring. Equally, though- he was glad Blazestar had expressed a want to keep them around. To let them know why the abducted Skyclanners had not let themselves lose their grip on even the tiniest shred of hope.

Speaking of shredding...

That kid, Las... Plagas, he had not missed the ravenous way in which he'd been tearing apart half of the freshkill pile, paying the nearby Hawk's comments no heed. For a few moments all the frazzled tom could to was watch with wide eyed interest, and- absolutely tangible concern. Would he- if he kept ripping through it like that, barrelling all over the place, he'd trip on one of the bones he'd left behind, tumbling over. Or, even worse, he could end up eating too fast and choke, either on one of the bones of a too-big lump of meat. What if he- he ate so much he couldn't move anymore, or- or devoured the fresh kill pile in a whirlwind, and ended up dropping dead from some- some affliction of overeating-

A sharp exhale pushed from him, entirely borne of the panicked possibilities in his head. Seeing that Hawk had spoken to the child directly, Twitchbolt decided he would do a different good deed in... removing the bony hazards strewn in a beeline. "I'll, uh- get rid of these..." he mumbled, twitching before beginning to scoop the debris into a neat pile.
penned by pin ✧
Fireflypaw listens to the conversation from not too far away, claws prying at a few mats in @ivy 's fur outside of the elder's den. His eyes blink thoughtfully, tail tapping against the ground. "Kits.." He mumbles around a ball of matted fur, spitting it out onto the ground. He chuckles then, remembering just how chaotic he and his siblings were. They constantly bothered Dawnglare, bugging him with anything and everything under the sun. When his clanmates begin to offer him aid in the form of cleaning up and sharing food, he hums his delight at the idea. But would the kitten allow them? He'd keep an eye out to see..​
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It's been so long since kits have tumbled around their camp -- not since Deersong's, and they're half-grown now. He'd been expecting SkyClan's newest arrivals to be Orangeblossom's, but fate had other curious ideas. Three fleabitten, bedraggled kits instead hopped around their camp, screeching and stealing prey and biting anything that moved. Blazestar looks at the most unsightly one now, a little tomkit who seizes piece of prey after piece of prey, downing it in frantic gulps.

He's glad to see another cat step in -- another shelter cat, youthful but still older than this kit. She has a shrewd voice. "Eating like that is gonna make you sick." Blazestar knows she's right. The kit's belly must be so distended already, and he can't be too far from being weaned! She challenges him to share, and Blazestar, though Hawk will not know, gives a silent nod of approval. This one has promise.

He looks with amusement as Twitchbolt hastily offers to scrape away the bones. "Thank you," he tells the young warrior. He steps forward, blue eyes focused on the kit. "She's right, you know. If you get sick, you'll have to go to Dawnglare..." Unintentionally -- or is it? -- his voice takes on an ominous tone.

With a clearing of his throat, he flicks his gaze about camp. "We need a queen to see to this little one, please!"

// tagging @Dizzymoth @bobbie @orangeblossom @YUKIO whoever gets here first lol

SUNFLOWER, CAN'T LET YOU GO ✿°.✦ ————————————
As she usually is these days, Bobbie is resting just outside the nursery, half-dozing; she likes it here, with the sharp holly-scent to keep her from burrowing too deep into the crevasses of her mind and a nice view of camp— plus, it invites conversation, something she especially appreciates now that she is being largely confined to the camp by boundaries both real and imagined. Spending much of her days here leaves her with little to do; nursery chatter, dozing, spending time in her own head. She thinks about the kits a lot; her kits soon to come, undeniable now that her belly swells slightly with the weight of it, although she has yet to reach the seemingly uncomfortable phase of pregnancy her primary denmate, Orangeblossom, resides in; the ginger-and-white queen is constantly dealing with kitten kicks. Yikes.

She hears Blazestar's voice and her ears instinctively perk up; eternally wary of being removed from the Clan, she does her best to pay attention whenever the flamepoint is around. The tom's blue gaze is swinging about camp and it takes Bobbie a moment to place what he's saying. "We need a queen to see to this little one, please!" Bobbie's head lifts—they need a queen? She could actually be useful to the Clan for the first time since she's gotten here? Admittedly, Bobbie hasn't actually had kits yet, but despite the way she doubts herself her demeanour fits the mantle well. The lilac tabby pulls herself to her feet, legs propelling her slight frame across camp before she can stop and think.

Well. Clearly there was a reason they needed a queen—there was one of the kits from the recent shelter raid of which she only had a vague idea of, ravaging pieces of prey and leaving them desiccated corpses in his wake. Despite the fact that the kit is clearly doing this to himself by choosing to eat that much, Bobbie's heart pangs; the kit will likely feel the uncomfortable effects of his gluttony later, evident from his swollen belly. She pauses, stopping herself—heartless as she feels thinking it, this isn't her kit, and she ought to be wary of getting to close to him. Still, Blazestar made it clear he needs the help, and she doesn't want to be seen as any more lazy than she already probably is, so Bobbie pads up and attempts to gently place one paw between the kit and the fresh-kill pile. The lilac cat mews softly, but as firmly as she can manage,
"Hey, little buddy, why don't we take a break from that?"

It already feels unlikely her words will have any effect on the kit the moment they leave her mouth, but strictness or cruelty feels out of reach for Bobbie; it's worth a shot, anyways.
[penned by dejavu - ]
———————————— ✦.°✿ HOW DID YOU GET SO COLD?
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I've been trying not to
Dark paws anchor themselves as he pulls, head shaking back and forth in an attempt to tear flesh asunder. One more bite. He just needed one more bite. A limb flashes peripherally, weighing down the meaty portion he chewed fervently upon. The dronning words that follow suit are enough to finally break his tunnel vision as he gazes wildly up at Hawk. "Oye!" Thin ribs heave, her interruption allowing his body time to actually take a breather and feel a sudden wave of nausea that makes his features crinkle. The hefty weight of his swollen abdomen swings with a pain he had not noticed before. Swaying on ebony paws he turns to face her, confusion mixing with the discomfort etched across his face. "Why? We never shared in the shiny squares." Las Plagas' tails flick back and forth as he glances longingly back at the pile.

His attention is briefly stolen away by Twitchbolt's efforts to clean up the bones left scattered in his wake. If it were possible, Las Plagas' eyes would have grown wider as he toddled halfway towards him with frantic albeit cumbersome steps. "H-hey amigo! I wanted to," He pauses awkwardly as a sharp cramping sensation coursed through his belly. Water quickly fills his eyes as he crouches low to the ground, back hunched in pain. A behemoth of a cat steps close, wearing a tender smile as he warns against the possibilities of sickness. Is that what he felt right now? "Who is Dawnglare?" There were so many cats he did not know littered throughout this new place it would take some time before he became acquainted with everyone.

Yet another cat approaches, blocking his path to the rest of his squirrel. Pushing himself to his paws again he peers beyond her leg. "A break? I didn't get a chance to taste everything yet." Las Plagas retorts, clearly horrified by the idea. "What if it's all gone when the break is over?!" He protests.
Go off the deep end

The shiny squares. Now she could understand why this kitten was stuffing his face with anything he could. Going from the bland slop they'd been fed there to the more delectable morsels the outside world had to offer was an undeniable shock to the system. He was just so little, it was doubtful he'd ever known any different. If her mind was left to wander, she would have mused further about his experience there, like if he'd ever had a mother to keep his belly full. However, the tortie didn't even have the chance to give him a lesson on 'how not sharing makes you an asshole' before the kit's attention was swept away by other things.

Twitchbolt had made himself useful clearing up the refuse. They were probably covered in messy kitten slobber. Gross. Her eyes flickered over towards him for a spell. Acknowledgement, maybe even gratitude? The movement didn't last long enough to tell. Hawk had already turned back towards Los Plagas. The way he'd curled into himself couldn't be good. She half expected his decadent meal to make a reappearance. Seems some people just learn the hard way. By this time, a new cat had joined them. A mass of golden-flame fur, and enough mane to rival a lion. Blazestar. The reason both this scruffy kitten and herself kept all four paws on SkyClan land. Their leader.

The large tomcat voiced his agreement with her, mentioning a name yet unfamiliar. His tone even sent a chill down her spin. Stars help her if she ever needed healing. The way Blazestar spoke of this cat, she might as well start digging her own grave and skip the extra steps. This still hadn't completely deterred the kit, who continued to complain about sharing. Even with intervention from the nearby gentle queen. "It won't be gone," she deadpanned. Her teeth sunk into the flesh of the half-gnawed squirrel still in the fresh-kill pile and, with a bit of effort, pulled it free. Obviously, they couldn't leave it. No one wanted to touch someone else's unfinished meal when looking for a snack of their own. Plus, she was serious about sharing, and would hate to waste it. If Plagas wanted it still, he could have the part he'd chewed up. It was all...soggy.

She dropped the fluffy lagomorph at her own paws. "If it is, they'll just go get more."

  • Haha
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All these newcomers seemed to come out of nowhere, hadn't they? As if the shelter they'd come from had an unlimited supply of cats ready to fill SkyClan's ranks - Snorlaxmoon can hardly keep track of them all!

But, oh! As Snorlaxmoon slips into camp to retrieve his meal and sees the odd-looking kit tearing through the kill pile's buffet, he knows this one is for sure a newcomer. A newcomer about to learn the same lesson the gray tabby himself once did, it seems.

"At least save some for me - er... everyone else?" Snorlaxmoon chirps, tail wrapping around his paws as a sleepy gaze assesses the mess before him. Bones scattered about, a squirrel half-eaten. Stars, this kid might be hungrier than him! The daylight warrior can hardly believe the child had gotten so far without a word said to him. Snorlaxmoon had barely taken a bite before he was taught his lesson.

What if I don't get to taste everything? A question Snorlax once had, too - a worry now almost answered by different flavors introduced by the forest over time.

"You'll have plenty of time to taste everything," he hums, pale eyes closing - a slow blink. Perhaps it was time for him to take a nap, especially after this excitement. "Besides, it doesn't look like everything is even in the pile today. Unless you ate that too."
"Dawnglare," Orangeblossom grouches with a flick of her tail, "is the crimson one that giggles too much. Go to Fireflypaw if you get sick."

The deputy, rounding out more by the day, trails after Bobbie as Blazestar calls for queens to attend to this scrap of fur. She weaves through the crowd to stand by Blazestar, glancing at him briefly before her ochre eyes fix firmly on the scrap of fur hoarding enough food to feed three fully grown warrior. Orangeblossom's characteristic disapproval seeps into her expression, scarred muzzle twisting into a frown as her attention moves to Snorlaxmoon briefly, but she finds herself dimly surprised that the round-faced warrior hadn't encouraged this ridiculous behaviour. She has more to say, snappish and overwhelmingly negative, but in a rare show of self restraint does not add more to the conversation.

  • orangeblossom.png
    orangeblossom. tags.
    — she/her, skyclan deputy.
    — mentor to eveningpaw.
    — attack in #e08550. uses trees as an integral part of her fighting style.
    — mean enough to note that her thoughts don't reflect my opinions as a writer haha.
    — penned by mercibun; @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots. :]
    — art by merc!<3